VPM7 VOCALS workshop, Guayaquil Confirmed attendees Chris Bretherton, U Washington,USA breth@atmos.washington.edu Pilar Cornejo, ESPOL, Ecuador pcornejo@espol.edu.ec Chris Fairall, NOAA/ETL Chris.Fairall@noaa.gov Rene Garreaud, U. Chile rgarreau@dgf.uchile.cl Roberto Mechoso, UCLA mechoso@atmos.ucla.edu Oscar Pizarro, U Concepcion, Chile orpa@profc.udec.cl Jose Ruttland, U. Chile jrutllan@dgf.uchile.cl Rafael Terra rterra@fing.edu.uy Bob Weller, WHOI rweller@whoi.edu Agenda for Tu 23 April breakout session Morning talks (20 min each, plus five minutes for discussion) (Chris Bretherton, session chair) Roberto Mechoso and I. Richter Update on stratocumulus simulations by the UCLA AGCM Bob Weller Results from 3 years of mooring work at 20S 85W Chris Fairall, Pavlos Kollias, and Paquita Zuidema Early .sresults from the Stratus03 cruise Chris Bretherton, Rob Wood, Kim Comstock and Sandy Yuter Feedbacks between drizzle and open cell cloud structure in the SE Pacific Jose Ruttland Synoptic-scale stratocumulus variability at San Felix Island: May 2003 Rene Garreaud Surface winds and MBL off central Chile: mean conditions and synoptic variability Pilar Cornejo Current SE Pacific research proposals at ESPOL Afternoon - possible agenda items (Bob Weller, discussion leader) 1. Discussion of VOCALS observational enhancements, scientific coordination and funding needs for the next two years 2. Discussion of VOCALS oceanographic science objectives and strategy 3. VOCALS radiator experiment - need for major equipment and research contributions from multiple S American countries for viability. 4. Updating VOCALS science and implementation documentation