Epic 2001 cruise on R/V Ronald H. Brown C. Fairall 3/29/00 chris.fairall@.noaa.gov The ETL radar group operated a microwave radiometer (MWR) manufactured by Hughes for this cruise; it is part of the MMCR package. Contact Duane Hazen (ETL) for details on the instrument. Duane used sondes and tipcals to 'calibrate' the system. I wrote a matlab program that read his .sci datafiles, stripped out the stuff I wanted, and wrote new files with the raw 60- sec time resolution (micro_sec_90.txt) and hourly time resolution (micro_h.txt). The data on the files is as follows: micro_sec_90.txt size= (16707,18) 1 decimal julian date 2 Date, time MMDDHHSS 3 elevation elevation angle of antenna 4 azimuth azimuth angle of antenna 5 vapor Vapor (cm) 6 liquid Liquid (mm) 7 cbt Cloud base temperature (C) 8 tb[0] Brightness Temperature (K) for 20 GHz 9 tb[1] Brightness Temperature (K) for 31 GHz 10 temperature surface temperature (C) 11 rel_humidity surface Relative Humidity (0-100 %) 12 pressure Barometric Pressure (mb) 13 moisture_detect moisture at the surface yes = 1 no = 0 14 tb[2] Brightness Temperature (K) for 90 GHz 15 -999 Unused 16 -999 Unused 17 longitude longitude in degrees 18 latitude latitude in degrees micro_hr_90.txt size= (480,7) :,1 decimal julian date :,2 number of 60-s values in hourly median :,3 IWC, integrated atmospheric water vapor (column precipitable water), cm :,4 IWL, integrated cloud liquid content, cm :,5 Tbrightness 21 GHz :,6 Tbrightness 31 GHz :,7 Tbrightness 90 GHz To get this data, go to my ftp site: ftp://ftp.etl.noaa.gov/et7/anonymous/cfairall/EPIC/epic2001/microwave_data/ Included on the ftp site are the original hourly files from Duane Hazen (YYMMDDHH.new), his descriptions (datainfo.txt, pacs.txt), and the matlab file I did the processing with (micro_red.txt).