ALERT REPORT 5: Week 5. Sunday January 25, 2004 - Saturday January 31, 2004 Prepared: February 1, 2004 THINGS WE NEED: *The items will be left on the list until they are physically received in Alert.* - truck parts (ANDREW) - tire pressure gauge (ANDREW) - student computer (ANDREW) - electric timer (ANDREW) Please note: Inventories are current as of the date the report is written. AEROSOL PROGRAM Aethalometer 1 Last blank on day 005j, 2004. O.K. Aethalometer 2 Currently not in use. PSAP Program O.K. Black Carbon Filter Pack Program O.K. Last filter pack change: 019j, 2004. Last blank: 019j, 2004. Inventory: 5 sample(s) High Volume Samplers O.K. Last Blank: 019j, 2004 12 filter(s) in inventory Toxics Sampler O.K. 4 PUF tin(s) + 3 Blank(s) remaining in inventory 2 Toxics case(s) remaining in inventory Last blank: 363j, 2003. MET PROGRAM Ambient Temperature Sensor [Campbell 107F] O.K. Stevenson Screen and Dew Cells O.K. Tall Tower 10m and Lab Platform 10m RM Young Wind Sensors Currently there is only one functioning anemometer at the GAW lab (the one on the 10m tilting tower). O.K. GAS PROGRAM NDIR Opened door on NDIR analyzer at 1940z on 029j (analyzer temperature was 33). O.K. NDIR Moisture Trap Sample Last trap change: day 356j, 2003. CAPMoN Ozone Teco #49C-73452-373 Teco analyzer was calibrated by John Kivisto on 030j. O.K. CAPMoN Ozone Calibration Unit Old PAN GC Changed paper in integrator on 028j; reset and reprogrammed integrator at ~1830z. O.K. New PAN GC New hub installed on 192 network in old lab on 026j at 1606z. 026j; restarted Peak Simple program at 1547z; error "Peak Simple encountered an error..." cause program to freeze. Happened again at 1900hrs, and on 029j at 1947z. 030j Changed power saving settings on Pan laptop to stop the monitor from going in sleep mode. O.K. CH4/CO2/N2O/SF6 GC 030j opened chemstation Inst1 online and started AERT.S sequence at 1845 (Inst 1 online did not start automatically after daily restart.) O.K. CO GC O.K. CFC 11, 12, 13 GC Started Alert.S on GC3 at 1845 - green ready light was on, but GC did not start automatically after daily restart. O.K. Support Gas Tank Inventory - current as of 029j, 2004 Nitrogen: 4 tank(s) Argon: 9 tank(s) (6 large steel tanks; 3 small aluminum tanks) P-5: 9 tank(s) Zero Air: 7 tank(s) Ultra Zero Air: 2 tank(s) Hydrogen: 9 tank(s) He: 3 tank(s) (2 large blue steel tanks; 1 small aluminum tank) MERCURY PROGRAM Ambient air (007): 026j; 007 on idle from 2106z - 2115z for Hg zero line inlet filter and 1130 quartz sample filter change. O.K. Ambient air (012): 026j; 012 on idle from 2106z - 2115z for Hg zero line inlet filter and 1130 quartz sample filter change. 027j; 012 offline from 1600 - 1756 to switch Au cartridges (A to B, B to A) and to replace the pump brush, to match the other pump brush that was changed 08/01/04. 012 lamp voltage adjusted to 9.46V (it was at 16.34V) O.K. RGM Unit, 1130 0016, 2537A 040: 026j; on idle from 2106 - 2115 for Hg zero line inlet filter and 1130 quartz sample filter change. 040 on idle from 1610 - 1626 for RPF glassware change. There was a restriction somewhere causing the pump to struggle to achieve 9.00 lpm flow; RPF was changed to see if this was the source of the restriction (it was). heaters, zero air, desorb manually on at 1626z heaters off, cooling on at 1651z system back on auto at 1701z O.K. RDMQ 2002 QC completed on 007 and 012. 2003 QC for 007 and 012 complete up to 008j. Mercury Snow Sampling Experiment Shut down for season, tables in TX covered with dropsheets. Particulate Mercury Samplers Shut down for season. OTHER PROGRAMS Health Canada Precipitation Collector Changed: 005j. Inventory: 11 month(s) Health Canada Thermo-Luminescence Detector Changed: 012j. Brewers Accidentally reset 131 hub at 1606z (at time of installing new hub on 192 network in old lab). 019: O.K. 029: O.K. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS University of Heidelberg CH4 Sample: This program has now ended. Weekly 14 CO2 Sample for U. of Heidelberg Last Sample: 019j O.K. Inventory: 36 bottle(s), 72 week(s) Radon Monitor Restarted computer on 026j at 1718 (screen went black after trying to exit radlog browse) New hub installed on 192 network in old lab on 026j at 1606z. O.K. Last filter change: Day 363j. DOAS System O.K. FLASK PROGRAM Sampling Conditions: -30.4 C, 3.2 m/s, R.H. 34.4%, 997.5 mbar. Flasks sampled: 29/01/2004 (29j) Scripps 5L glass greased stopcock, evacuated: M5017, M5018 Inventory 4 box(es), 4 week(s) MSC Ocean Chemistry (Victoria), I.O.S.: NA Inventory 38 flask(s), 38 week(s) Japanese Halocarbon, steel 5L: 1269, 1284 Inventory 1 box(es), 2 week(s) NOAA 2.5L 007 pressurized: 1747-91, 1748-91, 4207-91, 4208-91 Inventory 13 box(es), 13 week(s) MSC 2L glass double valve pressurized: P2-200, P2-201 Inventory 3 box(es), 6 week(s) NOAA stainless steel 850mL/2.5L pressurized: 4020L, 4067R Inventory 2 box(es), 2 week(s) York University VOC steel, pressurized: AES328 Inventory 4 flask(s), 4 week(s) CSIRO/MSC 2L glass, pressurized: P2-, P2- Inventory 2 box(es), 4 week(s) SCRIPPS 3 X 5L Oxygen: 302, 364, 496 Inventory 2 box(es), 4 week(s) PRL VOC, pressurized: AL006 Inventory 11 flask(s), 11 week(s) COMPUTERS I'd like to get a working student computer sent up. Server computer reset itself after we tripped a circuit breaker for the kitchen on 029j at 1830z. TRANSPORTATION Fuel Consumption: 264 L in December. Ford (Nuuk) Truck requires a new latch for the hood - it is very difficult to open the hood right now, and it does not close properly. O.K. Need: Complete new set of Mattrack black linkage pieces. Last Oil and Filter change: May 13, 2003. Standard Military inspection on Jul 30, 2002. GMC (EC Rider) Power steering problem seems to be fixed now. O.K. Franken-Truck Both trucks sitting beside the hydrogen shed. Rad Flushed: Aug 25th, 2002 Oil Changed: Aug 25th, 2002 Fluids checked: Jan 15th, 2003 Greased: Aug 25th, 2002 BUILDINGS O.K. SHIPPING Shipping Received: NONE Shipping Sent: NONE MAIL Mail Received: week 4, 29/01/04 6 boxes Scripps SL 1 box NOAA SS 1 Case MSC orange 1 box mini regulators Mail Sent: 2 boxes NOAA SS 1 box Scripps 3x5 litre 1 Box York flasks 1 Case MSC Orange 1 Case CSIRO Blue 2 Boxes NOAA 007 2 Boxes Scripps 5 litre 1 Case Hi-Vol filters 1 case PRL VOC Flasks 1 Box Japanese flasks Alert Weekly News Well, this is my last weekly report for a little while. I'm sure you'll all find that Celine will do a fine job in taking over for the next month (although I'm sure her weekly commentary won't be quite as intriguing as mine :-). Another Souper Des Nobles passed by this weekend, bringing my count up to seven - five as a guest, two as a server, and all as a bagpiper! I was surprised at how many people said, "Oh what are we going to do next month without the pipes?" I suggested that they could make a little recording of me playing, along with a life-sized cardboard cut-out of me, and then the CO could just carry a portable stereo down the linkway at next month's dinner and it would be almost like still having the real thing. Of course, this suggestion just made people realize how easy it will be to get along without bagpipes for a month! That's all I have for now. Talk to you next month! Lates, --K Kevin Anderson Alert Baseline Operator From the Desk of Pete: I'm 2 books into the year now, and I've finally gotten around to reading the dictionary. Turns out the zebra did it. As far as Alert is concerned, I had my Garçon debut this saturday at the souper des nobles. A fine meal and atmosphere all for the price of seeing Kevin in a skirt. I now intend on spending the next few months coming up with some dynamite material for my farewell speech. You know, a few well-timed jokes, perhaps a witty citation or two, and Roberts your father's brother. Cheers! -Pete Celine's two cents worth... Hey.. this is my first report.. Hope it's all okay. Let me know if I missed anything! Having fun in Alert, come visit soon!