ALERT REPORT 36: Week 36. Sunday August 29, 2004 - Saturday September 4, 2004 Prepared: September 4, 2004 THINGS WE NEED: *The items will be left on the list until they are physically received in Alert.* - acetone (JAN/STOYKA) Please note: Inventories are current as of the date the report is written. AEROSOL PROGRAM Aethalometer 1 Last blank on day 215j, 2004. O.K. Aethalometer 2 Currently not in use. PSAP Program O.K. Nephalometer O.K. CNC Counter O.K. High Volume Samplers O.K. Last Blank: 243j, 2004 3 filter(s) in inventory Toxics Sampler O.K. 13 PUF tin(s) + 4 Blank(s) remaining in inventory 7 Toxics case(s) remaining in inventory Last blank: 243j, 2004. MET PROGRAM Ambient Temperature Sensor [Campbell 107F] O.K. Stevenson Screen and Dew Cells O.K. Tall Tower 10m and Lab Platform 10m RM Young Wind Sensors O.K. GAS PROGRAM NDIR O.K. NDIR Moisture Trap Sample Last trap change: day 247j, 2004. CAPMoN Ozone Teco #49C-73452-373 O.K. CAPMoN Ozone Calibration Unit O.K. Old PAN GC Reset PAN integrator on 243j at 1520z. O.K. New PAN GC UHP He purifier power off on 243j from 1458z - 1707z. Purifier not fully cool after first hour, so power left off for an additional hour. O.K. CH4/CO2/N2O/SF6 GC P5 tank changed on 243j from 1423z - 1427z: Old tank off at 1423z (200 psi; CC77198) New tank on at 1427z (1800 psi; CC30651). Power on/off detected on 247j. Restarted sequence at 1210z. O.K. CO GC Power off on 247j at 1440z to ship GC south with Celine on 252j for service. CFC 11, 12, 13 GC O.K. Support Gas Tank Inventory - current as of 243j, 2004 Nitrogen: 2 tank(s) Argon: 14 tank(s) (6 large steel tanks; 8 small aluminum tanks) P-5: 5 tank(s) Zero Air: 7 tank(s) Ultra Zero Air: 1 tank(s) Hydrogen: 9 tank(s) He: 4 tank(s) (4 small aluminum tank) CO2 tanks: 0 NDIR tanks MERCURY PROGRAM Ambient air (007): 007 offline on 247j from 1448z - 1458z for Ar tank change: Old tank off at 1451z (400 psi; AES707) New tank on at 1454z (1850 psi; AES703) O.K. Ambient air (012): O12 offline on 243j from 1637z - 1639z to check gold cartridge A fittings for leaks due to bimodal readings. Sample line exposed to room air on 245j from 1353z - 1354z. Sample inlet line plugged to check for leaks on channel A of gold cartridges. Sample flow did not drop below 1.37 l/m. 012 offline on 245j from 1354z- 1355z. 012 offline on 245j from 1405z - 1458z to check channel A fittings for leaks. 012 sample line exposed to room air on 245j from 1711z - 1712z. Sample inlet line plugged to check for leaks on channel A after fittings tightened and gold cartridge examined. Sample line flow dropped to 0.18 l/m. Sample line exposed to room air on 247j from 1043z - 1044z. Sample inlet line plugged to check for leaks on channel B. Sample line flow dropped to 0.05 l/m. 012 offline on 247j from 1448z - 1458z for Ar tank change: Old tank off at 1451z (400 psi; AES707) New tank on at 1454z (1850 psi; AES703) O.K. RGM Unit, 1130 0016, 2537A 040: Quartz sample filter changed on 243j at ~1845z. Zero air was already on from end of desorb cycle. 040 offline on 247j from 1448z - 1458z for Ar tank change: Old tank off at 1451z (400 psi; AES707) New tank on at 1454z (1850 psi; AES703) O.K. RDMQ 2004 QC for 007 and 012 complete up to 245j Mercury Snow Sampling Experiment Last samples collected on 181j. Last blank on 176j. Particulate Mercury Samplers Shut down for season. OTHER PROGRAMS Health Canada Precipitation Collector Changed: 215j. Inventory: 25 month(s) Health Canada Thermo-Luminescence Detector Changed: 198j. Brewers 019: O.K. 029: O.K. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Weekly 14 CO2 Sample for U. of Heidelberg Last Sample: 236j O.K. Inventory: 20 bottle(s), 40 week(s) Radon Monitor Found Radon on stopped mode on 243j. Restarted program at 1430z. Found Radon on stopped mode on 248j. Restarted data collection at 1737z. O.K. Last filter change: Day 215j. DOAS System O.K. IGLOOLIK Sampler Sampling will begin on 250j. SEARCH 243j - Cleaned domes and inspected levels from 1400-1420z: wspd: 11.1 m/s wdir: 220' Temp: -0.68'C RH: 77.86% Sky cover <1%, sunny, visibility <20 km, cirrus clouds. Pressure: 975 mb O.K. Comparison between NOAA and MSC data done on 243j at 1729z: NOAA Main MSC at 10m Platform wsp 13 15 15 wdir 223 213 210 temp 0.31 0.28 RH 78.18 Dew pt: 1st: -4.4, 2nd: -3.7 Press. 975 975 245j - Domes were cleaned. Conditions: Blowing snow crystals, fog. Sky cover: 100% wsp: 3.7 wdir: 352 temp: -2.5 RH: 96.4 Ps: 988 O.K. 247j - domes were cleaned. Conditions: Blowing snow crystals, clear sky, some altocumulus in lower layer. wsp: 9.2 wdir: 205 temp: -2.1 RH: 83.7 Ps: 983 O.K. FLASK PROGRAM Sampling Conditions: -2.4 C, 5.3 m/s, R.H. 87.6%, 989 mbar. Flasks sampled: 01/09/2004 (245j) Scripps 5L glass greased stopcock, evacuated: M5003, M5004 Inventory 3 box(es), 3 week(s) MSC Ocean Chemistry (Victoria), I.O.S.: 5299, 5300 Inventory 11 flask(s), 11 week(s) Japanese Halocarbon, steel 5L: NA Inventory 1 box(es), 2 week(s) NOAA 2.5L 007 pressurized: 987-99, 988-99, 2797-99, 2798-99 Inventory 10 box(es), 10 week(s) MSC 2L glass double valve pressurized: P2-57, P2-58 Inventory 4 box(es), 8 week(s) NOAA stainless steel 850mL/2.5L pressurized: 4018L, 4088R Inventory 5 box(es), 5 week(s) York University VOC steel, pressurized: AES342 Inventory 5 flask(s), 5 week(s) CSIRO/MSC 2L glass, pressurized: P2-438, P2-439 Inventory 1 box(es), 2 week(s) SCRIPPS 3 X 5L Oxygen: NA Inventory 2 box(es), 4 week(s) PRL VOC, pressurized: AL006 Inventory 16 flask(s), 16 week(s) COMPUTERS TRANSPORTATION Fuel Consumption: 70L in July. Ford (Nuuk) O.K. Last Oil and Filter change: May 13, 2003. Standard Military inspection on Jul 30, 2002. GMC (EC Rider) General check by mechanics before winter months on 244j. Tracks were removed, tires replaced on 169j. O.K. Franken-Truck Both trucks sitting beside the hydrogen shed. Rad Flushed: Aug 25th, 2002 Oil Changed: Aug 25th, 2002 Fluids checked: Jan 15th, 2003 Greased: Aug 25th, 2002 BUILDINGS O.K. SHIPPING Shipping Received: NONE Shipping Sent: 01/09/04 1 case Victoria MAIL Mail Received: 02/09/04 1 case HiVol filters 2 boxes Scripps 3x5L 3 boxes NOAA SS 3 cases German flasks 1 box pump and silicone 3 boxes passive samplers (Hayley) Mail Sent: 01/09/04 2 boxes NOAA 007 1 box Japanese 1 box Arctic Gear (Wendy) 1 case PRL 2 boxes Scripps 5L 1 case MSC Orange 1 case CSIRO Blue 2 boxes NOAA SS 1 box Scripps 3x5L Alert Weekly News Hello everyone, It's been a busy week with the arrival of the new co-op student, Chad, on Thursday. We're getting along well and he's fairly easy-going so I think he'll get along well with everyone on station. Celine and I introduced him quickly to the social life of Alert, bringing him down to Tang Thursday's at the zoo and introducing him at TGIF. A small group of us celebrated the first sunset on Sunday night by taking a trip to the love shack and setting up a bonfire. It had been foggy all day, but fortunately it cleared up enough to see the sun set behind the cliffs. Although it was beautiful, it's hard to know that soon we'll be in total darkness. Celine is heading back south this week and while she enjoyed her time in Alert, I think she's looking forward to being home. But the plane is actually delayed 24 hours, so fortunately for us, she has one more day in Alert! Take care, Maria Maria Vavro Alert Baseline Operator