ALERT REPORT 46: Week 46. Sunday November 7, 2004 - Saturday November 13, 2004 Prepared: November 13, 2004 NOTE: Power off at lab on 313j from 1515z - 1516z and at 1550z for ~5 seconds for APU check at Tx site. THINGS WE NEED: *The items will be left on the list until they are physically received in Alert.* Spare UPS units (Arctic Coordinator) Spare moisture trap for NDIR and GCs- as soon as possible please (Michele/Doug/Bob) Please note: Inventories are current as of the date the report is written. AEROSOL PROGRAM Aethalometer 1 Last blank on day 306j, 2004. O.K. Aethalometer 2 Currently not in use. PSAP Program O.K. Nephalometer Nephalometer offline on 317j from 1435z - 1640z for re-plumbing by Armand. O.K. CNC Counter Changing diaphragm for CNC on 317j from 1650z - 1730z. Flow was steadily decreasing over the past month. Flow before change was ~1.2 L/m and pressure was 8 psi. After diaphragm change: flow was 2.2 L/m and pressure was 18 psi. O.K. High Volume Samplers HiVol would not restart after filter change on 313j. Running on 315j at 1900z. Armand performing calibrations on 316j from 1600z - 1800z. O.K. Last Blank: 299j, 2004 8 filter(s) in inventory Toxics Sampler O.K. 15 PUF tin(s) + 5 Blank(s) remaining in inventory 8 Toxics case(s) remaining in inventory Last blank: 306j, 2004. MET PROGRAM Ambient Temperature Sensor [Campbell 107F] O.K. Stevenson Screen and Dew Cells O.K. Tall Tower 10m and Lab Platform 10m RM Young Wind Sensors O.K. GAS PROGRAM NDIR O.K. NDIR Moisture Trap Sample Last trap change: day 299j, 2004. CAPMoN Ozone Teco #49C-73452-373 O.K. CAPMoN Ozone Calibration Unit O.K. Old PAN GC Changed PAN integrator roll on 316j at 1506z. O.K. New PAN GC He tank change on 313j from 1509z - 1514z: Old tank off at 1509z (QMPAN005; 300 psi) New tank on at 1514z (QMPAN003; 1900 psi) PAN laptop restarted on 313j at 1710z for virus softward update. Stoyka performing maintenance operations on PAN system from 316j - 322j. Replaced PAN zero air pump and Teco NOx pump on 316j. O.K. CH4/CO2/N2O/SF6 GC P5 tank change on 313j from 1457z - 1459z: Old tank off at 1457z (GGML005; 300 psi) New tank on at 1459z (CC84774; 2000 psi) Pure Air line for GCs on ultra-zero air tank from 1530z - 1636z. Power was off at lab due to APU check and when pure air generator shuts off, pump cannot restart due to built-up pressure and therefore the pump heats up. Cooled pump and then re-started with generator after letting pressure stablize in pure air generator. O.K. CO GC O.K. CFC 11, 12, 13 GC O.K. Support Gas Tank Inventory - current as of 313j, 2004 Nitrogen: 2 tank(s) Argon: 9 tank(s) (6 large steel tanks; 3 small aluminum tanks) P-5: 2 tank(s) Zero Air: 7 tank(s) Ultra Zero Air: 1 tank(s) Hydrogen: 9 tank(s) He: 5 tank(s) (6 small aluminum tank) CO2 tanks: 0 NDIR tanks MERCURY PROGRAM Ambient air (007):] 007 offline on 313j from 1442z - 1504z for Ar tank change: Old tank off at 1446z (AES706; 100 psi) New tank on at 1452z (AES704; 2200 psi) O.K. Ambient air (012): O.K. RGM Unit, 1130 0016, 2537A 040: 040 offline on 313j from 1427z - 1628z for Ar tank change and lamp change: Old tank off at 1446z (AES706; 100 psi) New tank on at 1452z (AES704; 2200 psi) Adjusted offset control after lamp change on 040 at 1908z on 313j so baseline reading is closer to 0.100 V. 040 offline on 313j from 1952z - 2008z for sample quartz filter change and all glassware change: Denuder, pyrolyzer, particulate heating and desorb manually on at 2008z Denuder, pyrolyzer, particulate heating off and denuder and system cooling on at 2030z System back to Auto at 2043z. Placed SAU for 040 back on run mode on 315j at 1800z (after lamp change on 313j, system wasn't running RPF/PM cycles) O.K. RDMQ 2004 QC for 007 and 012 complete up to 315j Mercury Snow Sampling Experiment Last samples collected on 181j. Last blank on 176j. Particulate Mercury Samplers Shut down for season. OTHER PROGRAMS Health Canada Precipitation Collector Changed: 306j. Inventory: 22 month(s) Health Canada Thermo-Luminescence Detector Changed: 273j. Brewers 019: O.K. 029: O.K. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Weekly 14 CO2 Sample for U. of Heidelberg Last Sample: 306j O.K. Inventory: 16 bottle(s), 32 week(s) Radon Monitor Radon offline on 313j from 1511z - 1533z. Radon off of UPS and power needed to be shut down at the lab briefly for APU check at Tx site. Placed radon back on UPS after APU check. Found radon computer offline upon arrival to lab on 317j at 1400z. Re-connected power supply cord to powerbar and sending UPS south for repair (piece of circuit board was melted). New UPS required. O.K. Last filter change: Day 306j. DOAS System Cleaned and reconnected power cable to DOAS instrument at ~1800z on 301j. Hoffman device now being found. Replaced DOAS cables and laptop on 293j at 2000z. Power cable needs soldering and new plug. Power currently off as of 308j. O.K. IGLOOLIK Sampler HiVol would not restart on 306j. HiVol back up running on 308j at 1520z after fuse change. HiVol 2 not currently able to run. SEARCH O.K. FLASK PROGRAM Sampling Conditions: -30 C, 1.2 m/s, R.H. 40%, 986 mbar. Flasks sampled: 12/11/2004 (317j) Scripps 5L glass greased stopcock, evacuated: M5029, M5030 Inventory 3 box(es), 3 week(s) MSC Ocean Chemistry (Victoria), I.O.S.: 5319, 5320 Inventory 35 flask(s), 35 week(s) Japanese Halocarbon, steel 5L: NA Inventory box(es), 0 week(s) NOAA 2.5L 007 pressurized: 3101-99, 3102-99, 1859-99, 1860-99 Inventory 11 box(es), 11 week(s) MSC 2L glass double valve pressurized: P2-77, P2-78 Inventory 5 box(es), 10 week(s) NOAA stainless steel 850mL/2.5L pressurized: 5052L, 5051R Inventory 7 box(es), 7 week(s) York University VOC steel, pressurized: AES046 Inventory 7 flask(s), 7 week(s) CSIRO/MSC 2L glass, pressurized: P2-, P2- Inventory 6 box(es), 12 week(s) SCRIPPS 3 X 5L Oxygen: NA Inventory 4 box(es), 8 week(s) PRL VOC, pressurized: AL024 Inventory 12 flask(s), 12 week(s) U of Heidelberg1L glass pressurized: 0, 0 Inventory 41 flask(s), 20.5 week(s) MSC 2L glass double valve pressurized NEW INLET: P2-79, P2-80 Inventory Sharing with MSC Orange 2L COMPUTERS TRANSPORTATION Fuel Consumption: 344L in October. Ford (Nuuk) Vehicle parts arrived on 287j. Mechanics installed new rear tracks and two batteries. Mechanics advised that both the Ford and GMC be used regularly. Some more work is needed to be done by mechanics. O.K. Last Oil and Filter change: May 13, 2003. Standard Military inspection on Jul 30, 2002. GMC (EC Rider) Heater fan not working on 317j. Mechanics inspected truck on 318j. O.K. Franken-Truck Both trucks written-off to military in August 2004. BUILDINGS O.K. SHIPPING Shipping Received: NONE Shipping Sent: NONE MAIL Mail Received: 10/11/04 1 box NOAA Airkit 3 boxes NOAA SS 1 box York 2 cases MSC Orange 6 cases Toxics Mail Sent: 10/11/04 1 box Scripps 3x5L 1 box NOAA 007 2 boxes NOAA SS 1 box Health Canada precipitation sample 1 box Hydrogen generator (Bob) 1 box York 1 case CSIRO 1 case MSC Orange 1 case CSIRO and MSC Orange (new inlet) 1 box (for Sandy and Hayley) 2 boxes Scripps 5L Weekley Envelope: - 1 envelope (Tim Christie) - 2 PSAP - 2 Aethelometers - 2 PAN Rolls - Hg Filters - Radon Filter Alert Weekly News Hello everyone, Finally- HUT 53 finally threw a party! Well, if they were going to do it, I suppose this weekend was going to be the time. The CO is on SLTA and the acting CO (SLOGO) and the SWO head home this week. It was a good time- not as wild as some of the other parties I must admit- but they served food and you always know when you serve food late at night that people will show up. Armand and Stoyka are here visiting this week and are busy working. Over the weekend it was announced that the plane is delayed until Thursday. I believe it's time to be taking bets whether they'll make it home this week or not! On Thursday, the station held a Remembrance Day ceremony and handed out the limited-edition quarters during TGIF. Well, I guess that's my news for now. My website is almost complete (I know, I know, it's only been 5 months since I have arrived) and I just need to do some final editing. If I can gather enough motivation and work on it tonight, it may even be up tomorrow and I can let everyone know the address. I have to admit that it is "the best website ever made by an Alert Operator" - hey, do I sound like anyone? Take care, Maria Maria Vavro Alert Baseline Operator Hi, Armand and Stoyka have paid us a visit this week to do some work on the PAN gc, the aethelometer and the Hi-Vols. Even though we've been working with them, it has been a quiet week and it looks as though it's going to carry over to the next several days. I've continued playing ball hockey, badminton, euchre and working out to pass some spare time during the evenings and weekends, it's almost to the point where things are becoming rituals/routine...not that it is a bad thing though.! Lucky for Armand and Stoyka the plane has been delayed one day (as of yet), meaning they have more time to finish their work. I guess for Armand it is a lot better this time up, because his last time in Alert consisted of simply one day. That's not much time to do all the work he is supposed to do. That's it for now. Cheers Chad Guertin, Assistant Baseline Operator