ALERT REPORT 19: Week 19. Sunday May 8, 2005 - Saturday May 14, 2005 Prepared: May 15, 2005 **NOTE: Brief power outage on 130j at 1405z** THINGS WE NEED: *The items will be left on the list until they are physically received in Alert.* - NaOH solution and filters Please note: Inventories are current as of the date the report is written. AEROSOL PROGRAM Aethalometer 1 DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. Last blank on day 122j, 2005. O.K. Aethalometer 2 Currently not in use. PSAP Program DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. Nephalometer DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. CNC Counter DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. High Volume Sampler DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. Last Blank: 108j, 2005 10 filter(s) in inventory Toxics Sampler DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. 22 PUF tin(s) + 5 Blank(s) remaining in inventory 10 Toxics case(s) remaining in inventory Last blank: 122j, 2005. MET PROGRAM Ambient Temperature Sensor [Campbell 107F] O.K. Stevenson Screen and Dew Cells O.K. Tall Tower 10m and Lab Platform 10m RM Young Wind Sensors O.K. GAS PROGRAM NDIR DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. NDIR Moisture Trap Sample Last trap change: day 088j, 2005. CAPMoN Ozone Teco #49C-73452-373 DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. CAPMoN Ozone Calibration Unit O.K. Old PAN GC Found PAN integrator off schedule upon arrival to lab on 133j. Running at 1301z. PAN integrator out of paper upon arrival to lab on 130j. Replaced roll and running at 1800z. DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. New PAN GC DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. Found NOx Teco offline on 130j at 1730z after power outage at 1740z. Power on/off UPS and Teco running at 1740z. PAN inlet #2 (snow) disconnected from CVU on 129j from 1830z - 1906z to clean inlet line and to install a temporary inlet line until the snow in the permanent line melts and dries. O.K. CH4/CO2/N2O/SF6/CO GC DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. Found high pressure on sample pump at 1730z on 130j after power outage at 1405z. Moisture trap changed and pump running. O.K. CFC 11, 12, 13 GC DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. Support Gas Tank Inventory - current as of 129j, 2005 Nitrogen: 2 tank(s) Argon: 8 tank(s) (4 large steel tanks; 4 small aluminum tanks) P-5: 1 tank(s) Zero Air: 7 tank(s) Ultra Zero Air: 1 tank(s) Hydrogen: 9 tank(s) He: 7 tank(s) (7 small aluminum tank) CO2 tanks: 0 NDIR tanks, 1 spare for Nephalometer MERCURY PROGRAM Ambient air (007): DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. Ambient air (012): 012 offline on 102j at 1407z to keep as spare. O.K. RGM Unit, 1130 0016, 2537A 040: DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. 040 offline on 129j from 1456z - 1510z for sample quartz filter and glassware change: Denuder, pyrolyzer, particulate heating and desorb manually on at 1510z Denuder, pyrolyzer, particulate heating off and denuder and system cooling on at 1541z System back to Auto at 1620z. O.K. RDMQ 2005 QC for 007 and 012 complete up to 132j OTHER PROGRAMS Health Canada Precipitation Collector Changed: 122j. Inventory: 21 month(s) Health Canada Thermo-Luminescence Detector Changed: 097j. Brewers 019: O.K. 029: Micrometer jammed. O.K. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Weekly 14 CO2 Sample for U. of Heidelberg Last Sample: 122j O.K. Inventory: 3 bottle(s), 6 week(s) Radon Monitor DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. Last filter change: Day 122j. DOAS System O.K. IGLOOLIK Sampler DND burn (wood, carboard, fuel) on 130j from 1700z - 1200z on 131j. O.K. SEARCH O.K. FLASK PROGRAM Sampling Conditions: -11.9 C, 0.3 m/s, R.H. 60.6%, 986.9 mbar. Flasks sampled: 11/05/2005 (131j) Scripps 5L glass greased stopcock, evacuated: M5037, M5038 Inventory 7 box(es), 7 week(s) MSC Ocean Chemistry (Victoria), I.O.S.: 5109, 5110 Inventory 6 flask(s), 6 week(s) Japanese Halocarbon, steel 5L: NA Inventory 3 box(es), 6 week(s) NOAA 2.5L 007 pressurized: 3035-99, 3036-99, 6383-99, 6384-99 Inventory 14 box(es), 14 week(s) MSC 2L glass double valve pressurized: P2-107, P2-108 Inventory 7 box(es), 14 week(s) NOAA stainless steel 850mL/2.5L pressurized: 5074L, 5073R Inventory 8 box(es), 8 week(s) York University VOC steel, pressurized: AES Inventory flask(s), week(s) CSIRO/MSC 2L glass, pressurized: P2-426, P2-427 Inventory 7 box(es), 14 week(s) SCRIPPS 3 X 5L Oxygen: NA Inventory 3 box(es), 6 week(s) PRL VOC, pressurized: AL008 Inventory 4 flask(s), 4 week(s) U of Heidelberg 1L glass pressurized: 22-Q6, 22-Q8 Inventory 0 flask(s), 0 week(s) Max Planck Institute - BGC: J0850, J0851,J0852 Inventory 1 case(s), 1 week(s) COMPUTERS Communication between lab and office down after power outage on 130j at 1405z. Link established on 131j at 1555z. O.K. TRANSPORTATION Fuel Consumption: 671L in April. Ford (Nuuk) Awaiting parts. O.K. GMC (EC Rider) Awaiting left side steering assist cylinder. O.K. BUILDINGS O.K. SHIPPING Shipping Received: NONE Shipping Sent: 11/05/05 2 cases - Empty (Stoyka) 1 tank Ar 5 tanks CO Cal (Bob) MAIL Mail Received: 11/05/05 1 case CSIRO 1 box NOAA SS Mail Sent: 11/05/05 1 box NOAA SS 1 box NOAA 007 1 box regulators (Bob) 1 box Japanese 1 box Scripps 5L 1 box Scripps 3x5L 1 case MPI-BGC Alert Weekly News Hello everyone, It's been a beautiful weekend and a few of us went out to enjoy the sun yesterday at the Love Shack. It was the EME (mechanics's) anniversary so the mechanics, Frank and I went out to Quiet Lake to celebrate for the afternoon. Besides for the stronger winds, the weather was beautiful and as always, it was nice just to get off station for a while. Frank and I have been taking advantage of the spring weather by doing some more outside work like snow sampling down at the lakes. Apparently, the polar bear that visited the station a week or two ago was tracked and it's now about 6 miles south of the station, which at least makes me feel a little safer when I go for walks! I'm told there a some pictures on the station computers, so my plan is to collect them and add them to the ol'website. The crowd on camp is much quieter than earlier on my tour, so I've been occupying my down time at the gym and I'm starting to head back to the archery club and try shooting the bow and arrow. I found out that I'm just as bad as before- well, I can hit the target, just not where I want to! After my break, I brought up a bunch of new novels, so I went on a bit of a reading rampage and I'm just finishing my last one. Other than that, it's the same old thing in Alert... Hope all is well in Downsview, Maria Maria Vavro GAW Lab Operator