ALERT REPORT: Week 35. Sunday August 27, 2006 - Saturday September 2, 2006 Prepared: September 4, 2006 *****************Truck at Lab Report************ - 241j Truck on road to lab at 1345z. Truck at lab at 1358z. Toxics, PS1 off and Mercury 040 on placed on zero air. *****************Truck at Lab Report************ ***********Power outage and APU Generator Report*************** - 244j Fuel leak at APU floded the floor. B-vehicle and another truck were at the sight from 2100z to 2300z. Generator was started at 2224z which led to a 40 sec. power outage. Generator was left running until 0500z (approx. 7 hours). NDIR pump did not restart properly and working on it at 2230z to 2235z. A power flicker at 0500z (when generator was stopped) may have caused the NDIR power bar to turn off. Power bar was reseted that same day (245j) at 2040z. ***********Power outage and APU Generator Report*************** THINGS WE NEED: *The items will be left on the list until they are physically received in Alert.* - Log books!!!! - "AAA" Batteries (Not until Fall) - New Face Shield for NaOH Change - Mop Bucket - Packing Tape - Scotch Tape - P-5 gas - Spare O-rings for flask connectors and PSAP filter holder - Aethalometer filter case o-ring - Medium gloves - Medium and large ziploc bags - Large Kimwipes Please note: Inventories are current as of the date the report is written unless stated otherwise. AEROSOL PROGRAM Aethalometer 1 - 244j insector found on filter while changing it. O-ring is old and starting to crack. 4 Unopened filter cases in Invertory Last blank on day 219j, 2006. O.K. PSAP Program - 240j Transmittance found at 5.8 at 1930z. Reseted - 244j Flow adjusted to 2.0 3 Unopened filter cases in Invertory O.K. Nephelometer - 240j 1 micrometer Impactor cleaning from 1831z to 1846z - 243j Span attempted at 0110z, incorrect. - 244j Found air sample flow on bypass at 1750z (left on bypass approximately 1.5 days). - 244j Span done for a second time this week at 1810z. O.K CNC Counter O.K. Alert High Volume Sampler O.K. Last Blank: 170j, 2006 3 filter(s) in inventory Toxics Sampler - 241j off from 1355z to 1450z because of trucl at lab hours off/on: 62313.9 pressure off: 21psi pressure on: 20.5 psi O.K. 9 PUF tin(s) + 3 Blank(s) remaining in inventory 5 Toxics case(s) remaining in inventory Last blank: 233j, 2006. PS-1 PUF Sampler - 241j Off from 1356z to 1455z because of truck at lab hours off/on: 5665.15 pressure off: 32psi pressure on: 35 psi - 244j PCB sampling program restarted at TX approx around 2100z - 246j PCB sampling program at TX finished around 2100z O.K. 9 filters remaining in inventory MET PROGRAM Ambient Temperature Sensor [Campbell 107F] O.K. Stevenson Screen and Dew Cells O.K. Tall Tower 10m and Lab Platform 10m RM Young Wind Sensors O.K. GAS PROGRAM NDIR - 244j pump did not restart after a power outage. Worked on it from 2230z to 2235z. - 245j Power bar found off at 2040z and reseted. Approximately 15 hours of lost data. O.K. NDIR Moisture Trap Sample Last trap change: day 233j, 2006. CAPMoN Ozone Teco #49C-73452-373 O.K. CAPMoN Ozone Teco #347 O.K. CAPMoN Ozone Calibration Unit O.K. PAN GC - 241j baking started at 1505z - 242j baking terminated at 1405 O.K. CH4/CO2/N2O/SF6/CO GC O.K. CFC 11, 12, 13 GC O.K. Support Gas Tank Inventory - current as of 237j, 2006 Nitrogen: 2 tank(s) Argon: 13 tank(s) ( Aluminum) P-5: 0 tank(s) Zero Air: 5 tank(s) Ultra Zero Air: 1 tank(s) Hydrogen: 8 tank(s) He: 4 tank(s) CO2 tanks: 2 NDIR tanks, 1 spare for Nephelometer MERCURY PROGRAM Ambient air (007): - 240j clock reset at 1703z O.K. Ambient air (012): Offline: Being kept as spare RGM Unit, 1130 0016, 2537A 040: - 240j offline for soda lime trap at 1722z. Some soda lime was lost. - 240j offline for quartz filter change from 1748z to 1756z. - 241j Placed on zero air because of truck at the lab, from 1353z to 1450z. DENUDER INVENTORY = 2 cases, 4 denuders. O.K. RDMQ 2006 QC for 007 and 012 complete up to 237j OTHER PROGRAMS Health Canada Precipitation Collector Changed: 244j. Inventory: 13 month(s) Health Canada Thermo-Luminescence Detector Changed: 187j. Brewers 019: - 240j Replaced dessicant at 1554z O.K. 029: - 240j Replaced dessicant at 1554z Offline, waiting for repair. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Bi-weekly 14C/12C-CO2 Sample for U. of Heidelberg Last Sample: 233j O.K. Inventory: 13 bottle(s), 26 week(s) Radon Monitor - 240j Offlinefrom 1330j to 1332j to make backup file O.K. Last filter change: Day 214j. DOAS System - Offline IGLOOLIK Sampler - Offline NOAA SEARCH O.K. NOAA ETL O.K. Flask Sampling Summary Sampling Conditions: -5.3 C, 3.9 m/s, R.H. 67.7%, 997.6 mbar. Flasks sampled: 30/08/2006 (242j) Scripps 5L glass greased stopcock, evacuated: M5013, M5014 Inventory 4 box(es), 4 week(s) MSC Ocean Chemistry (Victoria), I.O.S.: 5209, 5210 Inventory 8 flask(s), 8 week(s) Japanese Halocarbon, steel 5L: NA Inventory 2 box(es), 4 week(s) NOAA 2.5L 007 pressurized: 1099-99, 1100-99, 2532-99, 2531-99 Inventory 8 box(es), 8 week(s) MSC 2L glass double valve pressurized: P2-79, P2-80 Inventory 3 box(es), 6 week(s) NOAA stainless steel 850mL/2.5L pressurized: 4042L, 4022R Inventory 8 box(es), 8 week(s) CSIRO/MSC 2L glass, pressurized: P2-83, P2-84 Inventory 0 box(es), 0 week(s) SCRIPPS 3 X 5L Oxygen: NA Inventory 1 box(es), 2 week(s) PRL VOC, pressurized: AL006 Inventory 12 flask(s), 12 week(s) U of Heidelberg 1L glass pressurized: 22-Q63, 22-Q64 Inventory 10 flask(s), 5 week(s) Max Planck Institute - BGC: JTT0223, JTT0224,JTT0225 Inventory 9 case(s), 9 week(s) COMPUTERS OK. TRANSPORTATION Fuel Consumption: August 252L Ford (Nuuk) O.K. GMC (EC Rider) O.K. BUILDINGS New lab still leaking water around main stack O.K. SHIPPING Shipping Received: 01/09/06 - 1 case CSIRO blue - 1 case MSC orange - 1 box with sound insulation Shipping Sent: - 1 box NOAA SS - 1 box Scripps 3x5L - 1 box NOAA 007 - 1 box NaOH containers - 1 box with Andrews things - 1 case MSC orange - 1 case CSIRO (used MSC case and flasks) MAIL Mail Received: 30/08/06 - 2 metric rulers for snow measurements - 2 500mL. wash bottles - 1 PS-1 pump head - 2 deneuder cases - 1 box with serial port cables - 2 boxes of Japanese flasks Mail Sent: Alert Weekly News The beginning of the week was somewhat interesting: Andrew and I decided to wake up early on the sunday morning and cook a mexican breakfast for Vimy house members. The menu consisted of delicious Huevos Rancheros, refried beans on home made corn tortillas with melted cheese, and bacon which nobody touched. Although it took us a while to master the art of making tortillas (specially for not having the proper equipment)I can safely say that the event was a complete success. On Monday Andrew started Vimy's moral dinner with some tasty Margaritas (and it didn't take him long to feel tipsy). Other than the sad departure of Andrew, Julie and Lisa on wednesday 29, and the fact that I'm trying to keep the lab together by myself, it has been a pretty straight forward end of week.