ALERT REPORT: Week 49 Monday December 1, 2008 - Sunday December 7, 2008 (336j - 342j) Completed: Sunday, December 7, 2008 Operator: Adrienne Glover Co-op Student: Josh Benmergui ***********Highlights of the Week*************** *336j -Generator load test completed. Generator running from 16:15-20:34 UTC. ***********Highlights of the Week*************** THINGS WE NEED: *The items will be left on the list until they are physically received in Alert* Please note: Inventories are current as of the week the report is written unless stated otherwise. -Cold Weather Windshield wiper fluid -Large Ziplock Bags -Paper Towels -Windex -Methanol for cleaning AEROSOL PROGRAM O.K. Aethalometer 1 O.K. PSAP Program O.K. IGLOOLIK Sampler O.K. Nephelometer O.K. Black carbon filter pack O.K. CNC Counter O.K. Alert High Volume Sampler O.K. OLD HI-VOL UNIT Last Blank: 329j, 2008 8 filter(s) in inventory Received: Case # in: Sent out: Case # out: NEW HI-VOL UNIT Last Blank: 10 filter(s) in inventory Received: Case # in: 1 & 2 Sent out: Case # out: Toxics Sampler 12 PUF filters, 4 Blank(s), 16 GFF(s) 6 Toxics case(s) remaining in inventory Last blank: 287j, 2008. PS-1 PUF Sampler O.K. Last blank: 315j, 2008 Last flow calibration: 315j, 2008 3 filters remaining in inventory 3 cartridges remaining in inventory GAPS Network Passive sampling program O.K. MET PROGRAM Ambient Temperature Sensor [Campbell 107F] O.K. Stevenson Screen and Dew Cells O.K. Tall Tower 10m and Lab Platform 10m RM Young Wind Sensors O.K. GAS PROGRAM NDIR *336j -NDIR moisture trap found disconnected @ 14:50 UTC. Cause of plot disruptions in the previous week. -New moisture trap connected @ 14:52 UTC. Pump turned back on. O.K. CAPMoN Ozone TEI 49C #49C-73452-373 O.K. CAPMoN Ozone Teco #347 - Offline CAPMoN Ozone Calibration Unit O.K. PAN GC -Offline Juice Jug Inlet O.K. CH4/CO2/CO GC *340j -CFC Ambient pump turned off @ 14:32-14:37 UTC for line trap switch in. O.K. Complete Gas Tank Inventory ***Please see Inventory 2008.xls checksheet attached to weekly report email MERCURY PROGRAM Ambient air (007): *336j -Lamp check reading 14.76 V turned down to 7.02 V -GEM Zero air inlet filter changed @ 17:52 -Instrument paused 18:55 - 19:29 UTC for back teflon ilet filter change. -leak test reading of zero with GEM inlet capped *338j -Mercury lamp voltage increased from 6.97 V to 9.07 V O.K. Ambient air (012): O.K. RGM Unit, 1130 0016, 2537A (040): *336j -Unit paused @ 17:52-18:28 UTC for the following changes -quartz sample filter. -Lamp check: voltage reading 12.23 V turned down to 9.83 V -Instrument paused 18:55 -20:43 UTC for back teflon inlet filter changed -Sample line in case capped and leak test was performed. Leaks found in multiple locations along line inside building and in fittings in case. Leak test reading originally 0.6 lpm was reduced to final leak test reading of 0.05 lpm. O.K. DENUDER INVENTORY = 3 case(s), 4 tube(s): 11 denuder(s). O.K. RDMQ 2008QC for 012 complete up to 303j, 2008 2008QC for 007 complete up to 324j, 2008 OTHER PROGRAMS Health Canada Precipitation Collector Changed: 336j Inventory: 9 month(s) Health Canada Thermo-Luminescence Detector Changed: 278j Brewers 019: O.K. 029: O.K. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Bi-weekly 14C/12C-CO2 Sample for U. of Heidelberg Last Sample: 329j Inventory: 38 bottle(s), 76 week(s) O.K. Radon Monitor Last filter change: Day 336j, 2008 *336j -Radon logger stopped at ~14:30 UTC for filter change -Radon logger restarted at 20:48 UTC. *338j -Radon Computer error message: 'Cannot connect to monitor' @ 14:24 UTC -Computer restarted @ 14:24 UTC -Software reopened @ 14:26 UTC with same error message -Computer restarted @ 14:36 UTC -Radon instrument shut off briefly @ 14:38 UTC -Still error message: 'Cannot connect to monitor' -Radon instrument and computer turned off and back on @ 14:45 UTC to reset -Detector now showing results -Logger tuned on @ 14:54 UTC O.K. DOAS System ***PANEL TEMPERATURE SENSOR PROBLEM YET TO BE RESOLVED NOAA SEARCH O.K. NOAA ETL O.K. ***************FLASKING REPORT************** Sampling Conditions: -25.2 C, 0.6 m/s, R.H. 47.7%, 986.4 mbar. Flasks sampled: 03/12/2008 Scripps 5L glass greased stopcock, evacuated: M5011, M5012 Inventory 8 box(es), 8 week(s) MSC Ocean Chemistry (Victoria), I.O.S.: NA Inventory 27 flask(s), 27 week(s) Japanese Halocarbon, steel 5L: 7211, 7778 Inventory 6 box(es), 6 week(s) NOAA 2.5L 007 pressurized: 1909-99, 1910-99, 4007-99, 4008-99 Inventory 9 box(es), 9 week(s) MSC 2L glass double valve pressurized: P2-103, P2-104 Inventory 5 box(es), 5 week(s) NOAA stainless steel 850mL/2.5L pressurized: 5140L, 5139R Inventory 6 box(es), 6 week(s) CSIRO/MSC 2L glass, pressurized: P2-, P2- Inventory 8 box(es), 32 week(s) SCRIPPS 3 X 5L Oxygen: NA Inventory 2 box(es), 4 week(s) PRL VOC, pressurized: AL023 Inventory 8 flask(s), 8 week(s) U of Heidelberg 1L glass pressurized: 22-Q2, 22-Q10 Inventory 28 flask(s), 14 week(s) Max Planck Institute - BGC: 0, 0, 0 Inventory 6 case(s), 6 week(s) French Program: 2208-25, 2337-25 Inventory 12 Flask(s), 6 week(s) ***************FLASKING REPORT************** COMPUTERS O.K. TRANSPORTATION Fuel Consumption, for December: 0L GMC (EC Rider) O.K. New Ford (Red Rover) O.K. BUILDINGS TX O.K. Lab O.K SHIPPING: Shipping Received: 08/12/03 -XAD Passive Sampling Kit -New Hi-Vol Cases 1 & 2 -Toxics cases x 6 (15 GFFs) -Toxics PUF's x 15 (2526-2540) Shipping Sent: MAIL Mail Received: Mail Sent: Alert Weekly News: -Alert Tropical Night December 5, 2008 was a great success -Show tour to come to Alert December 7 to December 9