Start Search.bash Thu Oct 13 00:15:01 UTC 2005 Start GetData.bash Thu Oct 13 00:15:01 UTC 2005 getting data for radiometer getting data for cloud radar Getting data for ahsrl Stop GetData.bash Thu Oct 13 00:28:58 UTC 2005 Start SearchDQ.bash Thu Oct 13 00:28:58 UTC 2005 24 archives were successfully processed. Copied summary to outgoing. Copied quicklook to outgoing. Sent outgoing to Boulder. Stop SearchDQ.bash Thu Oct 13 00:30:33 UTC 2005 Start LinkData.bash Thu Oct 13 00:30:33 UTC 2005 link data to /home/dataman/search/ToBoulder/data linking data to /home/dataman/search/ToBoulder/data link data to /home/dataman/search/ToBoulder/data linking data to /home/dataman/search/ToBoulder/data Stop LinkData.bash Thu Oct 13 00:30:33 UTC 2005 Start GenerateCksum.bash Thu Oct 13 00:30:33 UTC 2005 Generate check sum for files in /home/dataman/search/work Generate check sum for files in hsrl Generate check sum for files in mmcr Generate check sum for files in mom Generate check sum for files in spc Generate check sum for files in mwrad cksum: *: No such file or directory Generate check sum for files in qc Generate check sum for files in quicklooks Generate check sum for files in summary Stop GenerateCksum.bash Thu Oct 13 00:33:11 UTC 2005 Start ArchiveData.bash Thu Oct 13 00:33:11 UTC 2005 copying data to /media/usbdisk/search/hsrl copying data to /media/usbdisk/search/mmcr/mom copying data to /media/usbdisk/search/mmcr/mom copying data to /media/usbdisk/search/mmcr/spc copying data to /media/usbdisk/search/qc/quicklooks copying data to /media/usbdisk/search/qc/summary archive data to /data/search/hsrl archiving data to /data/search/hsrl archive data to /data/search/mwrad archive data to /data/search/mmcr/mom archiving data to /data/search/mmcr/mom archive data to /data/search/mmcr/mom archiving data to /data/search/mmcr/mom archive data to /data/search/mmcr/spc archiving data to /data/search/mmcr/spc archive data to /data/search/qc/quicklooks archiving data to /data/search/qc/quicklooks archive data to /data/search/qc/summary archiving data to /data/search/qc/summary Stop ArchiveData.bash Thu Oct 13 00:39:48 UTC 2005 Start CheckUsbDiskUsage.bash Thu Oct 13 00:39:48 UTC 2005 146837784 <= 180000000 Stop CheckUsbDiskUsage.bash Thu Oct 13 00:39:48 UTC 2005 Start CheckRaidDiskUsage.bash Thu Oct 13 00:39:48 GMT 2005 pcent 0.8000 total 2242278072320.0000 avail 1841499475968.0000 used 400778596352.0000 maxbytes 1793822457856.0000 diffbytes -1393043861504 Stop CheckRaidDiskUsage.bash Thu Oct 13 00:39:49 GMT 2005 Stop Search.bash Thu Oct 13 00:39:49 UTC 2005