# STARTAPS.LST for PAERI (990917) # REMOVE LAST LINE FOR NON-MAERI Style Systems (removed on 990917) # Chars following "#" are ignored to the end of line, blank lines ate ignored # This is a list of Application programs that are started by STARTALL.CMD # sseccmd/C fspd # This is the FSP Daemon - session minimized sseccmd/C aeri_sta # The AERI Ingest command and status monitor stsigmov # SIGMOVE - moves files from NFS to working dir strwaspc # RWASPC - assemble CXS files from SPC files sseccmd/C del_spcs # Delete *.SPC files after CXS file records are created stnlapp # NLAPP - 2 copies for Channel 1 - non liniarity correction staericv # AERICALV - 4 copies fwd, back for Channels 1 & 2 stscndir # SCNDIRAV - 2 copies average fwd & back for each channel stffovc # FFOVCMR - 2 copies - FOV correction for each channel stzfli # ZFLI - 2 copies - WN normalization for each channel staesum # AERISUM - summary output sseccmd/C staeriqc # AERIQC - Logs any summary data out of "green" specs