Warm temperatures occurred at Summit Station on 2023-06-26. Temperatures were hovering around freezing and rose above freezing a few times on 2023-06-23 from 1300-1700Z with the highest temp seen at 0.404C. All data was from the met tower. Photos included for this event were a possible halo or upper tangent arc at 1257Z/1259Z. The optic was seen above the sun and not just lens flare for a short period of time (~15 minutes) before clouds overtook the whole sky. It was hard to distinguish exactly what the optic was since most of the rest of the sky was cloudy. The other photos for the day just show how the overcast, flat light, and BLSN carried throughout the majority of the day during this possible melt event. These might not be super helpful but tried to document something during the warm event. Additional weather obs that science techs took during this warm period will be added to regular weather obs spreadsheet.