This directory contains monthly averages of select fields from GODAS analyses. The internal time stamp indicates the last day of the averaging period. Please check the horizontal grid and vertical levels used for each field. The horizontal grid for the u- and v- velocity components is offset from the grid for the other fields. Additionally, the vertical grid for the vertical velocity is offset from the other subsurface fields. Information on grib data from NCEP is available in Office Note 388: As of February 6, 2006 the subdirectories, "monthly" and "pentad", contain corrected GODAS analyses. The correction involves analyses only through the end of 1989. Nevertheless, the new analyses were extended through 2004 and the post-1990 analyses will show small differences with the earlier version due to small changes to the assimilation data set. The original erroneous analyses are in "monthly_old" and "pentad_old". Beginning with 2006 fields, computation of the depth of the bottom of the isothermal layer and depth of the bottom of the mixed layer was modifed to mask out ambiguous regions. These are essentially at high latitudes where there may be inversions or ice cover. The modification was implemented on 09 March 2006. Any preexisting 2006 fields were overwritten. Questions? Contact or