Loading modules for task "run_post" ... Currently Loaded Modules: 1) contrib/0.1 14) esmf/8.3.0b09 27) nemsiogfs/2.5.3 2) noaatools/2.0 15) fms/2022.01 28) sfcio/1.4.1 3) cmake/3.22.1 16) g2/3.4.3 29) sigio/2.3.2 4) python/3.9.2 17) g2tmpl/1.10.0 30) bacio/2.4.1 5) hpc/1.1.0 18) ip/3.3.3 31) w3nco/2.4.1 6) intel/2018.4 19) sp/2.3.3 32) nemsio/2.5.2 7) mkl/2020.2 20) crtm/2.4.0 33) w3emc/2.7.3 8) hpc-intel/2018.4 21) upp/10.0.10 34) hdf5/1.10.6 9) impi/2018.4 22) gftl-shared/v1.3.3 35) netcdf/4.7.4 10) hpc-impi/2018.4 23) yafyaml/v0.5.1 36) wgrib2/2.0.8 11) jasper/2.0.25 24) mapl/2.11.0-esmf-8.3.0b09 37) srw_common 12) zlib/1.2.11 25) gfsio/1.4.1 38) build_orion_intel 13) pio/2.5.2 26) landsfcutil/2.4.1 Launching J-job (jjob_fp) for task "run_post" ... jjob_fp = "/work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/ufs-srweather-app_p8/regional_workflow/jobs/JREGIONAL_RUN_POST" ======================================================================== Entering script: "JREGIONAL_RUN_POST" In directory: "/work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/ufs-srweather-app_p8/regional_workflow/jobs" This is the J-job script for the task that runs the post-processor (UPP) on the output files corresponding to a specified forecast hour. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Entering script: "exregional_run_post.sh" In directory: "/work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/ufs-srweather-app_p8/regional_workflow/scripts" This is the ex-script for the task that runs the post-processor (UPP) on the output files corresponding to a specified forecast hour. ======================================================================== core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 767194 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited max memory size (kbytes, -m) 113246208 open files (-n) 131072 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) unlimited cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 4096 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited All executables will be submitted with command \'srun\'. ==================================================================== Copying the default post flat file specified by post_config_fp to the temporary work directory (tmp_dir): post_config_fp = "/work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/ufs-srweather-app_p8/src/UPP/parm/postxconfig-NT-fv3lam.txt" tmp_dir = "/work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2022011500/postprd/000" ==================================================================== Starting post-processing for fhr = 000 hr... mype= 7 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 24 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 10 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 15 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 20 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 23 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 0 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 1 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 33 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 3 icolor= 0 mype= 2 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 47 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 4 icolor= 0 mype= 25 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 28 icolor= 0 mype= 3 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 26 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 27 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 8 icolor= 0 mype= 4 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 30 icolor= 0 mype= 5 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 31 icolor= 0 mype= 28 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 10 icolor= 0 mype= 6 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 11 icolor= 0 mype= 29 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 33 icolor= 0 mype= 8 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 30 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 13 icolor= 0 mype= 9 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 31 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 32 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 11 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 12 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 34 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 35 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 20 icolor= 0 mype= 13 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 21 icolor= 0 mype= 36 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 14 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 45 icolor= 0 mype= 37 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 23 icolor= 0 mype= 16 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 we will try to run with 1 server groups *** you specified 0 I/O servers CHKOUT will write a file mype= 0 icolor= 0 mype= 38 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 1 icolor= 0 mype= 17 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 47 icolor= 0 mype= 39 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 2 icolor= 0 mype= 18 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 24 icolor= 0 mype= 40 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 5 icolor= 0 mype= 19 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 25 icolor= 0 mype= 25 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 25 npes_new= 48 mype= 41 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 6 icolor= 0 mype= 42 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 26 icolor= 0 mype= 26 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 43 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 7 icolor= 0 mype= 21 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 27 icolor= 0 mype= 27 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 44 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 9 icolor= 0 mype= 22 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 28 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 28 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 28 48 0 mype= 45 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 12 icolor= 0 mype= 46 ierr= 0 npes= 48 ierr= 0 mype= 29 icolor= 0 mype= 14 icolor= 0 mype= 32 icolor= 0 mype= 32 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 32 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 32 48 0 mype= 15 icolor= 0 mype= 34 icolor= 0 mype= 16 icolor= 0 mype= 35 icolor= 0 mype= 35 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 35 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 35 48 0 mype= 17 icolor= 0 mype= 36 icolor= 0 mype= 36 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 36 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 36 48 0 mype= 18 icolor= 0 mype= 37 icolor= 0 mype= 37 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 37 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 37 48 0 mype= 19 icolor= 0 mype= 38 icolor= 0 mype= 38 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 38 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 38 48 0 mype= 22 icolor= 0 mype= 39 icolor= 0 mype= 39 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 39 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 39 48 0 mype= 3 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 40 icolor= 0 mype= 40 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 40 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 40 48 0 mype= 9 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 9 npes_new= 48 mype= 41 icolor= 0 mype= 41 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 41 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 41 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 11 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 11 npes_new= 48 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 42 icolor= 0 mype= 42 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 42 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 42 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 13 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 13 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 13 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 43 icolor= 0 mype= 43 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 43 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 43 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 20 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 20 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 20 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 44 icolor= 0 mype= 44 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 44 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 44 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 1 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 1 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 1 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 46 icolor= 0 mype= 46 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 46 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 46 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 2 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 2 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 2 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 24 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 24 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 24 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 3 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 3 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 25 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 4 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 4 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 4 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 26 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 26 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 5 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 5 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 5 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 27 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 27 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 6 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 6 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 6 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 29 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 29 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 29 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 7 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 7 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 7 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 30 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 30 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 30 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 8 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 8 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 8 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 31 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 31 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 31 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 9 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 33 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 33 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 33 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 10 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 10 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 10 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 34 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 34 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 34 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 11 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 45 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 45 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 45 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 12 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 12 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 12 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 47 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 47 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 47 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 14 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 14 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 14 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 15 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 15 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 15 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 16 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 16 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 16 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 17 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 17 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 17 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 18 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 18 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 18 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 19 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 19 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 19 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 21 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 21 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 21 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 22 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 22 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 22 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 23 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 23 npes_new= 48 ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 23 48 0 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE mype= 0 npes= 48 after comm split mype= 0 npes_new= 48 The Posting is using 48 MPI task There are 0 I/O servers ME,NUM_PROCS,NUM_SERVERS= 0 48 0 * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . MODELNAME: FV3RNONE PROGRAM nems HAS BEGUN. COMPILED 0.00 ORG: np23 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE STARTING DATE-TIME JUN 14,2023 15:28:43.836 165 WEN 2460110 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE fileName= /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc IOFORM= netcdf OUTFORM= grib2 DateStr= 2022-01-15_00:00:00 MODELNAME= FV3R MODELNAME: FV3RNONE SUBMODELNAME= NONE MODELNAME="FV3R" SUBMODELNAME="NONE" in WRFPOST iyear,imn,iday,ihrst,imin 2022 1 15 0 0 MODELNAME= FV3Rgrib=grib2 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE first two file names in GFS or FV3= /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/phyf000.nc MODELNAME: FV3RNONE gdsdegr= 1000000.00000000 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE komax,iret for nampgb= 70 0 komax,kpo,kth,th,kpv,pv,fileNameAER,popascal= 70 47 MODELNAME: FV3RNONE 6 310.0000 320.0000 350.0000 450.0000 550.0000 650.0000 8 0.5000000 -0.5000000 1.000000 -1.000000 1.500000 -1.500000 2.000000 -2.000000 F using pressure levels from POSTGPVARS LSM, SPL = 47 100.0000 200.0000 300.0000 500.0000 700.0000 1000.000 2000.000 3000.000 5000.000 7000.000 10000.00 12500.00 15000.00 17500.00 20000.00 22500.00 25000.00 27500.00 30000.00 32500.00 35000.00 37500.00 40000.00 42500.00 45000.00 47500.00 50000.00 52500.00 55000.00 57500.00 60000.00 62500.00 65000.00 67500.00 70000.00 72500.00 75000.00 77500.00 80000.00 82500.00 85000.00 87500.00 90000.00 92500.00 95000.00 97500.00 100000.0 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 34 750 775 jvend_2u= 775 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 752 773 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 36 794 819 jvend_2u= 819 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 796 817 796 817 794 819 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 45 992 1017 jvend_2u= 1017 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 994 1015 994 1015 992 1017 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 27 596 621 jvend_2u= 621 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 598 619 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 29 640 665 jvend_2u= 665 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 642 663 642 663 640 665 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 31 684 709 jvend_2u= 709 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 686 707 686 707 684 709 9.9900001E+20 752 773 750 775 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 39 860 885 jvend_2u= 885 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 862 883 862 883 860 885 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 42 926 951 jvend_2u= 951 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 928 949 928 949 926 951 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 43 948 973 jvend_2u= 973 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 950 971 950 971 948 973 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 44 970 995 jvend_2u= 995 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 972 993 972 993 970 995 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 24 530 555 jvend_2u= 555 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 532 553 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 25 552 577 jvend_2u= 577 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 554 575 554 575 552 577 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 26 574 599 jvend_2u= 599 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 576 597 576 597 574 599 9.9900001E+20 598 619 596 621 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 28 618 643 jvend_2u= 643 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 620 641 620 641 618 643 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 30 662 687 jvend_2u= 687 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 664 685 664 685 662 687 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 32 706 731 jvend_2u= 731 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 708 729 708 729 706 731 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 33 728 753 jvend_2u= 753 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 730 751 730 751 728 753 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 35 772 797 jvend_2u= 797 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 774 795 774 795 772 797 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 38 838 863 jvend_2u= 863 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 840 861 840 861 838 863 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 40 882 907 jvend_2u= 907 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 884 905 884 905 882 907 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 41 904 929 jvend_2u= 929 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 906 927 906 927 904 929 9.9900001E+20 532 553 530 555 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 37 816 841 jvend_2u= 841 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 818 839 818 839 816 841 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 46 1014 1039 jvend_2u= 1039 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 1016 1037 1016 1037 1014 1039 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 47 1036 1059 jvend_2u= 1060 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 1038 1059 1038 1058 1036 1059 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 17 376 401 jvend_2u= 401 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 378 399 378 399 376 401 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 6 134 159 jvend_2u= 159 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 136 157 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 22 486 511 jvend_2u= 511 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 488 509 488 509 486 511 9.9900001E+20 136 157 134 159 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 4 90 115 jvend_2u= im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 18 398 423 jvend_2u= 423 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 21 464 489 jvend_2u= 489 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 466 487 466 487 464 489 9.9900001E+20 115 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 92 113 92 113 90 115 9.9900001E+20 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 400 421 400 421 398 423 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 19 420 445 jvend_2u= 445 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 422 443 422 443 420 445 9.9900001E+20 SF_SURFACE_PHYSICS= 2 NSOIL= 4 MP_PHYSICS= 8 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 2 45 71 jvend_2u= 71 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 47 69 47 69 45 71 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 23 508 533 jvend_2u= 533 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 510 531 510 531 508 533 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 0 41377 0 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 1 41377 41377 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 2 41377 82754 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 3 39578 124131 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 4 39578 163709 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 5 39578 203287 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 6 39578 242865 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 7 39578 282443 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 8 39578 322021 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 9 39578 361599 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 10 39578 401177 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 11 39578 440755 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 12 39578 480333 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 13 39578 519911 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 14 39578 559489 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 15 39578 599067 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 16 39578 638645 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 17 39578 678223 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 18 39578 717801 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 19 39578 757379 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 20 39578 796957 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 8 178 203 jvend_2u= 203 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 180 201 180 201 178 203 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 16 354 379 jvend_2u= 379 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 356 377 356 377 354 379 9.9900001E+20 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 21 39578 836535 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 22 39578 876113 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 23 39578 915691 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 24 39578 955269 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 25 39578 994847 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 26 39578 1034425 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 27 39578 1074003 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 28 39578 1113581 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 29 39578 1153159 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 30 39578 1192737 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 31 39578 1232315 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 32 39578 1271893 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 33 39578 1311471 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 34 39578 1351049 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 35 39578 1390627 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 36 39578 1430205 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 37 39578 1469783 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 38 39578 1509361 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 39 39578 1548939 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 40 39578 1588517 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 41 39578 1628095 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 42 39578 1667673 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 43 39578 1707251 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 44 39578 1746829 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 45 39578 1786407 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 46 39578 1825985 i, icnt(i),idsp(i) = 47 39578 1865563 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 0 1 25 jvend_2u= 25 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 1 23 2 23 1 25 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 12 266 291 jvend_2u= 291 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 268 289 268 289 266 291 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 14 310 335 jvend_2u= 335 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 312 333 312 333 310 335 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 20 442 467 jvend_2u= 467 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 444 465 444 465 442 467 9.9900001E+20 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 7 156 181 jvend_2u= 181 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 158 179 158 179 156 181 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 9 200 225 jvend_2u= 225 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 202 223 202 223 200 225 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 15 332 357 jvend_2u= 357 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 334 355 334 355 332 357 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 5 112 137 jvend_2u= 137 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 114 135 114 135 112 137 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 11 244 269 jvend_2u= 269 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 246 267 246 267 244 269 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 3 68 93 jvend_2u= 93 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 70 91 70 91 68 93 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 10 222 247 jvend_2u= 247 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 224 245 224 245 222 247 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 13 288 313 jvend_2u= 313 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 290 311 290 311 288 313 9.9900001E+20 im jm lm nsoil from fv3 output = 1799 1059 65 4 me, jsta_2l, jend_2u = 1 22 48 jvend_2u= 48 im= 1799 jm= 1059 lm= 65 lp1= 66 jsta,jend,jsta_m,jend_m,jsta_2l,jend_2u,spval= 24 46 24 46 22 48 9.9900001E+20 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 29 jsta_2l= 640 jend_2u= 665 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 31 jsta_2l= 684 jend_2u= 709 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 27 jsta_2l= 596 jend_2u= 621 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 33 jsta_2l= 728 jend_2u= 753 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 25 jsta_2l= 552 jend_2u= 577 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 5 jsta_2l= 112 jend_2u= 137 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 7 jsta_2l= 156 jend_2u= 181 im= 1799 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 13 jsta_2l= 288 jend_2u= 313 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 11 jsta_2l= 244 jend_2u= 269 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 3 jsta_2l= 68 jend_2u= 93 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 9 jsta_2l= 200 jend_2u= 225 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 1 jsta_2l= 22 jend_2u= 48 im= 1799 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 -934593250 33 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 614624542 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 -1921897186 25 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 31 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 1310981406 27 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 -2084520674 29 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 1176718622 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 1137184030 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -716002018 13 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 7 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 11 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 810867998 9 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 1183235358 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 1008266526 3 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 5 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32764 1358056734 1 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 d3d_on= F CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 47 jsta_2l= 1036 jend_2u= 1059 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 28 jsta_2l= 618 jend_2u= 643 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 30 jsta_2l= 662 jend_2u= 687 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 gocart_on= F aqfcmaq_on= F CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF aqfcmaq_on= F INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 0 jsta_2l= 1 jend_2u= 25 im= 1799 ak5= 212.6370 452.6130 723.2850 1028.378 1372.014 1758.738 2193.544 2681.893 3229.725 3843.468 4530.025 5296.374 6132.608 7004.872 7877.419 8714.452 9480.727 10155.56 10734.38 11213.79 11591.01 11863.99 12031.62 12093.93 12052.24 11909.32 11669.50 11338.72 10924.50 10435.84 9883.087 9277.633 8631.631 7957.623 7268.150 6575.364 5890.665 5224.384 4585.535 3981.638 3418.626 2900.827 2431.016 2010.516 1639.350 1316.413 1039.659 806.2890 612.9320 455.8090 330.8830 233.9800 160.9010 107.5000 69.75400 43.80500 26.13000 14.45000 7.211000 3.103000 1.058000 0.2340000 1.7000001E-02 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt MAPTYPE= 1 1 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas= 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 36 jsta_2l= 794 jend_2u= 819 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 32 jsta_2l= 706 jend_2u= 731 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 42 jsta_2l= 926 jend_2u= 951 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 23 jsta_2l= 508 jend_2u= 533 im= 1799 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 17 jsta_2l= 376 jend_2u= 401 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 12 jsta_2l= 266 jend_2u= 291 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 37 jsta_2l= 816 jend_2u= 841 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 16 jsta_2l= 354 jend_2u= 379 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 41 jsta_2l= 904 jend_2u= 929 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 40 jsta_2l= 882 jend_2u= 907 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 6 jsta_2l= 134 jend_2u= 159 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 22 jsta_2l= 486 jend_2u= 511 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 4 jsta_2l= 90 jend_2u= 115 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 18 jsta_2l= 398 jend_2u= 423 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 45 jsta_2l= 992 jend_2u= 1017 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 8 jsta_2l= 178 jend_2u= 203 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 46 jsta_2l= 1014 jend_2u= 1039 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 35 jsta_2l= 772 jend_2u= 797 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 43 jsta_2l= 948 jend_2u= 973 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 44 jsta_2l= 970 jend_2u= 995 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 24 jsta_2l= 530 jend_2u= 555 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 21 jsta_2l= 464 jend_2u= 489 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 19 jsta_2l= 420 jend_2u= 445 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 39 jsta_2l= 860 jend_2u= 885 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 26 jsta_2l= 574 jend_2u= 599 im= 1799 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 20 jsta_2l= 442 jend_2u= 467 im= 1799 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 34 jsta_2l= 750 jend_2u= 775 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 38 jsta_2l= 838 jend_2u= 863 im= 1799 lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 15 jsta_2l= 332 jend_2u= 357 im= 1799 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 10 jsta_2l= 222 jend_2u= 247 im= 1799 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 98299166 time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 47 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 0 -114588950 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 28 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 28 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 2 jsta_2l= 45 jend_2u= 71 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 -1950429922 30 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 30 after call EXCH,me= 29 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32764 888270110 36 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 maptype and gridtype is 1 A idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 0 21 0 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -395150050 32 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 31 after call EXCH,me= 32 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 1927613726 42 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 -1600455394 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32764 -154579682 37 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 41 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -113980130 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 -444093154 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 1792326942 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 358104350 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -1638793954 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 374856990 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 951782686 35 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 45 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 36 34 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 2084883742 46 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 34 after call EXCH,me= 35 39 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 33 43 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 44 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 46 after call EXCH,me= 47 after call EXCH,me= 42 after call EXCH,me= 43 after call EXCH,me= 44 after call EXCH,me= 45 40 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32764 16280862 after call EXCH,me= 40 after call EXCH,me= 41 38 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 37 after call EXCH,me= 38 after call EXCH,me= 39 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -341861090 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 1473232158 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32764 -753992418 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 0 151155434 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -1792340706 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 687807774 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 16 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 17 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc 23 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 -1323987682 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 12 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 4 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 after call EXCH,me= 12 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 641465630 after call EXCH,me= 4 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 687308062 22 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 24 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 23 26 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 6 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 26 after call EXCH,me= 6 after call EXCH,me= 27 after call EXCH,me= 5 after call EXCH,me= 25 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 after call EXCH,me= 24 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -828793570 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 21 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 22 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 -1676411618 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 -1168970466 8 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 7 after call EXCH,me= 8 20 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32764 -1865405154 after call EXCH,me= 21 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 1745415454 15 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 16 19 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 20 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32764 -1413124834 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 10 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 9 after call EXCH,me= 10 after call EXCH,me= 11 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32765 -1533719266 18 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 17 after call EXCH,me= 18 after call EXCH,me= 19 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 tstart= 0.0000000E+00 CALLING INITPOST_NETCDF INITPOST: ENTER INITPOST_NETCDF me= 14 jsta_2l= 310 jend_2u= 335 im= 1799 idrt not in netcdf file,reading grid lonstart,latstart,cenlon,cenlat,truelat1,truelat2, stadlon,dyval,dxval 237280472 21138122 262500000 38500000 38500000 38500000 262500000 3000000 3000000 nhcas not in netcdf file, set default to nonhydro time unit read from netcdf file= hours since 2022-01-15 00:00:00 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32767 2036346142 2 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 2 after call EXCH,me= 3 after call EXCH,me= 1 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 lonstart,lonlast 237280472 299083191 laststart,latlast = 21138123 47842228 idate = 2022 1 15 0 0 32766 251186462 14 max(gdlat)= 9.9900001E+20 max(gdlon)= 9.9900001E+20 after call EXCH,me= 14 after call EXCH,me= 15 after call EXCH,me= 13 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 start yr mo day hr min = 2022 1 15 0 0 processing yr mo day hr min= 2022 1 15 0 0 idate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 jdate= 2022 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 rinc= 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 ifhr= 0 in INITPOST ifhr ifmin fileName= 0 0 /work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/expt_dirs/testP8_3km_warm_65L_cyc_20220115_nc/2 022011500/dynf000.nc tstart= 0.0000000E+00 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default IVEGSRC= 1 novegtype= 20 fhzero= 1 dtp= 36.00000 tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 IVEGSRC not found-Assigned 1 for IGBP as default tprec = 1.000000 qke not found -Assigned missing values nifa not found -Assigned missing values nwfa not found -Assigned missing values cnvprcp not found -Assigned missing values pratemax not found -Assigned missing values refdmax not found -Assigned missing values refdmax263k not found -Assigned missing values u10max not found -Assigned missing values v10max not found -Assigned missing values spd10max not found -Assigned missing values lfrac not found -Assigned missing values rdaod= F uflx not found -Assigned missing values vflx not found -Assigned missing values wa_acc not found -Assigned missing values ecan_acc not found -Assigned missing values etran_acc not found -Assigned missing values edir_acc not found -Assigned missing values t02max not found -Assigned missing values t02min not found -Assigned missing values rh02max not found -Assigned missing values rh02min not found -Assigned missing values pah_ave not found -Assigned missing values pahi not found -Assigned missing values SPL (POSTED PRESSURE LEVELS) BELOW: 100.0 200.0 300.0 500.0 700.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 5000.0 7000.0 10000.0 12500.0 15000.0 17500.0 20000.0 22500.0 25000.0 27500.0 30000.0 32500.0 35000.0 37500.0 40000.0 42500.0 45000.0 47500.0 50000.0 52500.0 55000.0 57500.0 60000.0 62500.0 65000.0 67500.0 70000.0 72500.0 75000.0 77500.0 80000.0 82500.0 85000.0 87500.0 90000.0 92500.0 95000.0 97500.0 100000.0 writing out igds igd(1)= 3 WRFPOST: INITIALIZED POST COMMON BLOCKS in readxml,bf readxml,size(post_avblflds%param)= 0 xml_perl_data read Post flat file allocate paramset to : 2 allocate param to : 219 sum num_post_afld : 219 allocate param to : 258 sum num_post_afld : 477 gen_proc_type= fcst finish reading comprs_type type_ens_fcst= gen_proc_type= fcst finish reading comprs_type type_ens_fcst= in readxml, aft read flat file.xml,num_post_afld= 258 in readxml, aft read flat file.xml,num_pset= 2 in WRFPOST OUTFORM= grib2 GRIB1 IS NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE in WRFPOST npset= 1 num_pset= 2 in SET_OUTFLDS, num_pset= 2 datset=PRSLEVnpset= 1 Size of pset is: 258 datset is: PRSLEV MXFLD is: 1200 size of lvlsxml: 238500 size of post_avblflds param 258 end of read_postcntrl_xml in readxml. nfld= 258 nrecout= 1078 in WRFPOST size datapd 0 PGBOUT= in get postfilename, ritehd= T ifhr= 0 modelname=FV3RENVAR(1:4)= RESTHR(1:4)= ifmin= 0 DATSET(1:KDAT)=PRSLEV FNAME=PRSLEV.GrbF00 FNAME= PRSLEV.GrbF00 end of get post filename post_fname=PRSLEV.GrbF00 get_postfilename,post_fname=PRSLEV.GrbF00npset= 1 num_pset= 2 iSF_SURFACE_PHYSICS= 2 BETAV, extcof55 = 1.0000000E-10 0.0000000E+00 zen_fac,vis_night, vis = 1.000000 86.58709 90.00000 visrh, vis = 18.74776 90.00000 CALLING MEMSLP for A or B grid aft CALLING MEMSLP for A or B grid,pslp= 101729.7 100240.4 101051.6 end of MDL2THandpv nTLFLD= 1075 WRFPOST: PREPARE TO PROCESS NEXT GRID increased MXBIT for APCP 22 increased MXBIT for APCP 22 increased MXBIT for NCPCP 22 increased MXBIT for NCPCP 22 in WRFPOST npset= 2 num_pset= 2 in SET_OUTFLDS, num_pset= 2 datset=NATLEVnpset= 2 Size of pset is: 219 datset is: NATLEV MXFLD is: 1200 size of lvlsxml: 238500 size of post_avblflds param 219 end of read_postcntrl_xml in readxml. nfld= 219 nrecout= 1569 in WRFPOST size datapd 48742106 PGBOUT= in get postfilename, ritehd= T ifhr= 0 modelname=FV3RENVAR(1:4)= RESTHR(1:4)= ifmin= 0 DATSET(1:KDAT)=NATLEV FNAME=NATLEV.GrbF00 FNAME= NATLEV.GrbF00 end of get post filename post_fname=NATLEV.GrbF00 get_postfilename,post_fname=NATLEV.GrbF00npset= 2 num_pset= 2 iSF_SURFACE_PHYSICS= 2 BETAV, extcof55 = 1.0000000E-10 0.0000000E+00 zen_fac,vis_night, vis = 1.000000 86.58709 90.00000 visrh, vis = 18.74776 90.00000 CALLING MEMSLP for A or B grid aft CALLING MEMSLP for A or B grid,pslp= 101729.7 100240.4 101051.6 end of MDL2THandpv nTLFLD= 1554 WRFPOST: PREPARE TO PROCESS NEXT GRID increased MXBIT for APCP 22 increased MXBIT for APCP 22 increased MXBIT for NCPCP 22 increased MXBIT for NCPCP 22 ALL GRIDS PROCESSED. INITPOST_tim = 3.63425898551941 MDLFLD_tim = 0.755451917648315 MDL2P_tim = 4.07362818717957 MDL2SIGMA_tim = 1.096725463867188E-005 MDL2AGL_tim = 1.415801048278809E-002 SURFCE_tim = 1.41947317123413 CLDRAD_tim = 2.19417691230774 MISCLN_tim = 16.0285410881042 MDL2STD_tim = 5.006790161132812E-006 FIXED_tim = 2.977132797241211E-003 MDL2THANDPV_tim = 6.294250488281250E-005 CALRAD_WCLOUD_tim = 5.469322204589844E-004 Total time = 37.1636211872101 Time for OUTPUT = 0.000000000000000E+000 Time for READxml = 6.824016571044922E-003 ENDING DATE-TIME JUN 14,2023 15:29:22.973 165 WEN 2460110 PROGRAM UNIFIED_POST HAS ENDED. * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . *****************RESOURCE STATISTICS******************************* The total amount of wall time = 39.136422 The total amount of time in user mode = 31.455146 The total amount of time in sys mode = 3.655786 The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1799272 Number of page faults without I/O activity = 1070127 Number of page faults with I/O activity = 0 Number of times filesystem performed INPUT = 576616 Number of times filesystem performed OUTPUT = 89360 Number of Voluntary Context Switches = 19389 Number of InVoluntary Context Switches = 65 *****************END OF RESOURCE STATISTICS************************* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ======================================================================== Post-processing for forecast hour 000 completed successfully. Exiting script: "exregional_run_post.sh" In directory: "/work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/ufs-srweather-app_p8/regional_workflow/scripts" ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Exiting script: "JREGIONAL_RUN_POST" In directory: "/work2/noaa/gmtb/manzhang/_BAMS/ufs-srweather-app_p8/regional_workflow/jobs" ========================================================================