Data report for ASFS_40_slow_10072019_0000.dat (inc. slow/fast/met)

Station ASFS_40

Logger Program Version CPU:ASFS40_506.CR1X

File ASFS_40_slow_10072019_0000.dat successfully read
File ASFS_40_met_10072019_0000.dat successfully read
File ASFS_40_fast_10072019_0000.dat successfully read
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_40_slow_10072019_0000.nc
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_40_fast_10072019_0000.nc
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_40_met_10072019_0000.nc

Black = FYI
Green = Data within limits
Orange = Caution, data approaching limits
Red = Data out of limits


Station begin position 85° 0.73213297' N, 132° 45.07876587' E
Station end position 85° 1.70164871' N, 132° 46.68405151' E
Station begin heading 3.5384°
Station end heading 3.5384°
Station begin altitude -0.00016225m
Station end altitude -0.0025689m
Modal value for GPS fix = 1 with a minimum of 8 satellites.
Maximum (X or Y) value observed of the Metek Inclinometer was 0.62845°.

File Contents:

There are 127462 observations in the slow file: Number records (rows): 1262. Expected: 30
Found 246 NaNs (0.19%) in the following Variables: gps_lat_deg_Avg gps_lat_min_Avg gps_lon_deg_Avg gps_lon_min_Avg gps_alt_Avg gps_hdop_Avg sr50_dist_Avg sr50_dist_Std licor_co2_Avg licor_co2_Std licor_h2o_Avg licor_h2o_Std licor_t_Avg licor_t_Std licor_co2_str_out_Avg licor_co2_str_out_Std

There are 130886 observations in the met file: Number records (rows): 9349. Expected: 360
Found 18 NaNs (0.01%) in the following Variables: gps_lat_deg gps_lat_min gps_lon_deg gps_lon_min gps_alt gps_hdop

There are 154008 observations in the fast file: Number records (rows): 12834. Expected: 36000
Found 114 NaNs (0.07%) in the following Variables: licor_co2_out licor_h2o_out licor_pr_out


The maximum temperature of the logger panel was 36.85 C
The minimum temperature of the logger panel was -2.72 C
The maximum abs(temperature change) was 2.57 C/min
Maximum EFOY internal temperature: 67.34 C
Minimum EFOY internal temperature: 0 C

Voltage supplied to the logger was 11.9972 V
EFOY battery voltages are in range: 27.6399 V

EFOY remaining fuel estimate: 193.7338%
There were no EFOY errors.

Data Logging:
There were -14760 Skipped Scans
The maximum scan time was 51985 mSec
The mean scan time was 4122.5222 mSec



There are 44 missing records and there are 1 records out-of-range and the data quality is 174.5713.

Temperature OK
Relative Humidity OK
Pressure OK
SR30 SWD (upward facing):
The SWD fan is on (167.5071 Hz).
The SWD heater is on (312.8291 mA).

SR30 SWU (downward facing):
The SWU fan is on (167.3899 Hz).
The SWU heater is on (321.7284 mA).
Mean Albedo: 0.

IR20 LWD (upward facing):
The LWD case temperature is in range.
The LWD fan is on (2501.9437 mV).

IR20 LWU (downward facing):
The LWD case temperature is in range.
The LWD fan is on (2498.6965 mV).

H2O outliers & missing values: 0.30388%.
CO2 outliers & missing values: 13.924%.
Percent of detector temperatures that were good: 99.7039%.
Percent of chopper temperatures that were good: 99.7039%.
Licor Signal Strength: 53.2325%.

Metek heater & pathstate disgnostics not yet implemented...