Data collection summary for day 191116; Year Day 320 Date/time plot/log program run: 10-Dec-2019 04:35:35 UTC CR1000X files in which data was found for this day D:\tower\CR1000X\daily_files\cr1000x_tower_11162019_0000.dat D:\tower\CR1000X\daily_files\cr1000x_tower_11172019_0000.dat D:\tower\CR1000X\daily_files\cr1000x_tower_11192019_1110.dat Meta data from these files TOA5,CR1000X_Tower,CR1000X,3767,CR1000X.Std.03.02,CPU:mosaic_tower_303_spare_met.CR1X,44222,tower_cr1000x Comments for this day: 0215 UTC - strong winds, 2 cracks crossing road; Met City looks OK licor very light rime-cleaned;Finnish pyrgeometers light/mod rime-cleaned;ARM A-frame & radiometrs OK did correction of Imager program-ran with liveView window and stepping through slices Imager program then waiting to do next run Comments by OP Device Range units Height Pct Missing Range Lo Range Hi Pct Good m % % GPS_Pos deg N 2.00 0.00 70.00 90.00 100.00 GPS_Hdg deg true 2.00 0.00 0.00 360.00 100.00 VaisT2m C 1.65 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 VaisT6m C 5.44 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 VaisT10m C 9.34 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 VaisTMast C 30.76 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 VaisRH2m Pct 1.45 0.00 5.00 130.00 100.00 VaisRH6m Pct 5.24 0.00 5.00 130.00 100.00 VaisRH10m Pct 9.14 0.00 5.00 130.00 100.00 VaisRHMast Pct 30.76 0.00 5.00 130.00 100.00 VaisP2m hPa 1.65 0.00 850.00 1100.00 100.00 VaisPMast hPa 30.76 0.00 850.00 1100.00 100.00 Apogee_TargT C 0.00 0.00 -80.00 5.00 100.00 SR50 m 2.00 0.00 1.00 2.50 99.79 FlxA W/m2 -0.03 0.00 -120.00 120.00 100.00 FlxB W/m2 -0.03 0.00 -120.00 120.00 100.00 Metek2m_WS m/s 2.66 0.00 0.00 40.00 99.65 Metek2m_T C 2.66 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 Metek6m_WS m/s 5.68 0.00 0.00 40.00 100.00 Metek6m_T C 5.68 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 Metek10m_WS m/s 10.54 0.00 0.00 40.00 100.00 Metek10m_T C 10.54 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 MetekMast_WS m/s 31.72 0.00 0.00 40.00 100.00 MetekMast_T C 31.72 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00 Licor_H2O Chopper 2.35 0.00 92.00 100.00 72.22 Licor_CO2 CO2 sig 2.35 0.00 95.00 100.00 79.03 Licor_T C 2.35 0.00 -70.00 20.00 100.00