Set up a Metek and a Licor ************************************************** Setup Metek ******************************************************* 1) Connect cables, power device 2) Connect to your computer COM port. You need an RS232-485 converter. Green -> R- Brown -> T- Black Shield -> GND or on logger. Might not be critical. White -> T+ Yellow -> R+ Jumper L4 to L5, R1 to R2, R4 to R5 RS485/422 "Metek" | | | | | G B W Y SHIELD/BLACK to Logger G | | | | R- T- GND T+ R+ L1 * | R1 L2 * | R3 L3 * * R3 L4 | | R4 L5 | | R5 DB9 RS232 Computer 3) Connect an ethernet cable to the Metek and to the network switch. 4) Open Hyperterminal/Foxterm, whatev Start new connection as follows: Baud = 57600 Data bits = 8 Parity = None Stop bits = 1 Flow control = Xon / Xoff 5) If you power on the metek now you should see a welcome message. If already powered you may or may not see ouput. Type "?" (no quotes) followed by Enter and metek should print configuration. Now you need to configure. 6) Type thn Enter: KEY=29015 This gives you service level access enabling all parameters to be changed. A lower level is KEY=1 (some access). 7) You need to set the following: Command (followed by Enter) Note DM2 = , Set the delimeter for the network channel to a comma FR1 = 0 Framing for instantaneous output. Currently 0, but Dan G. might change this. FR2 = 1 Framing on for network output ( ) GWY = Gateway IP. Set to whatever your computer is. IPA = Metek IP. Set to whatever the metek is being assigned for an IP DHC = 0 Turn off DHCP so we can have a static IP HTM = 3 Heating mode is automatic and dependent on both temperature and data quality SFR = 20000 Sets output for 20Hz SBR = 57600 Baud rate, should already be 57600 OI2 = 97 Ditto for network channel OI1 = 97 Instantaneous serial ouput set to 97, which is the string parameter for our desired output You should now see streaming 20Hz messages over the serial line. This is what the PC is reading at the tower. 8) Close connection and start a new connection as follows: TCP/IP Winsock Host address = (or whatever is the Metek's IP) Port = 5001 You should now see streaming 20Hz messages over the network line. This is what the logger is reading on ASFS. ************************************************** Setup Licor ******************************************************* 1) Connect cables, power device, including SmartFlux 2) Install/open LI-7x00 A RS DS 8.8.19 software. 3) Software automatically detects SmartFlux. Should be firmware 8.8.15. Highlight the device and Connect. 4) Set IP: Settings -> Network tab IP: (or whatever the Licor is beig assigned) Subnet: Gateway: (or whatever is your computer) 5) Press Apply then Reboot then OK buttons. When it is finished, reconnect. 6) Connect to LI-7500DS. You should see numbers appear on the right. 7) Site Setup -> Sonic Anemometer tab -> check "No Anemometer Connected", Apply, OK 8) LI-7500DS -> Outputs Setup tab: Set ouput bandwidth to 10 Ethernet tab: a) Set Update Rate to 20Hz b) uncheck "Use labels in data records" c) Under Data Output click "Select None". All boxes will uncheck. Now check the following: Time CO2 (mg/m3) CO2 Absorptance H2O (mg/m3) H2O Absorptance Temperature (degC) Pressure (kPa) Diagnostic Value CO2 Signal Strength AnemDiag Click Apply then OK then OK again to exit dialog box. The click Disconnect. Exit. 9) Open Hypterminal and start a new connection as follows TCP/IP Winsock Host address = (or whatever is the Licor's IP) Port = 7200 Messages should be streaming at 20 Hz. You are done with the setup stage.