Data report for ASFS_30_slow_07202019_0500.dat (inc. slow/fast/met)

Station ASFS_30

Logger Program Version CPU:ASFS30_504.CR1X

File ASFS_30_slow_07202019_0500.dat successfully read
File ASFS_30_met_07202019_0500.dat successfully read
File ASFS_30_fast_07202019_0500.dat successfully read
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_30_slow_07202019_0500.nc
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_30_fast_07202019_0500.nc
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_30_met_07202019_0500.nc

Black = FYI
Green = Data within limits
Orange = Caution, data approaching limits
Red = Data out of limits


Station begin position 39° 59.48414612' N, -105° -15.80431747' E
Station end position 39° 59.48463058' N, -105° -15.80434418' E
Station begin heading 55.1592°
Station end heading 55.1592°
Station begin altitude 1675.75m
Station end altitude 1675.853m
Modal value for GPS fix = 2 with a minimum of 9.42 satellites.
Maximum (X or Y) value observed of the Metek Inclinometer was 1.7056°.

File Contents:

There are 2970 observations in the slow file: Number records (rows): 30. Expected: 30
Found 4 NaNs (0.13%) in the following Variables: licor_t_Avg licor_t_Std licor_co2_str_out_Avg licor_co2_str_out_Std

There are 4320 observations in the met file: Number records (rows): 360. Expected: 360
No NaNs were found.

There are 396000 observations in the fast file: Number records (rows): 36000. Expected: 36000
Found 11 NaNs (0%) in the following Variables: metek_x_out metek_y_out metek_z_out metek_T_out licor_pr_out


The maximum temperature of the logger panel was 31.23 C
The minimum temperature of the logger panel was 30.84 C
The maximum abs(temperature change) was 0.04 C/min
Maximum EFOY internal temperature: 44.77 C
Minimum EFOY internal temperature: 43.16 C

Voltage supplied to the logger was 12.038 V
EFOY battery voltages are in range: 25.1677 V

EFOY remaining fuel estimate: 85.3167%
There were no EFOY errors.

Data Logging:
There were 0 Skipped Scans
The maximum scan time was 6844 mSec
The mean scan time was 3016.2667 mSec


There are 0 missing records and 30 records out-of-range.


There are 0 missing temperature records and 30 records out-of-range.
Relative Humidity OK
There are 0 missing pressure records and 30 records out-of-range.

SR30 SWD (upward facing):
The SWD fan is on (149.54 Hz).
The SWD heater is on (323.5067 mA).

SR30 SWU (downward facing):
The SWU fan is on (145.48 Hz).
The SWU heater is on (321.7933 mA).
Too dark to calculate albedo.

IR20 LWD (upward facing):
There are 0 missing records and 0 records out-of-range.
The LWD case temperature is out of range. This affects the flux. Check wires and resistor on CR1000X. Could also be caused by ground loop or unexpected voltage source.
The LWD fan is dead (-7.9755 mV).

IR20 LWU (downward facing):
There are 0 missing records and 0 records out-of-range.
The LWD case temperature is out of range. This affects the flux. Check wires and resistor on CR1000X. Could also be caused by ground loop or unexpected voltage source.
The LWD fan is on (2528 mV).

H2O outliers & missing values: 0.019444%.
CO2 outliers & missing values: 0.019444%.
Percent of detector temperatures that were good: 0.0055556%.
Percent of chopper temperatures that were good: 0.0027778%.
Licor Signal Strength: 98.17%.

Metek heater & pathstate disgnostics not yet implemented...
Metek x outliers (based on Grachev despik.m) & missing values: 0.011111%.
Metek y outliers (based on Grachev despik.m) & missing values: 0.011111%.
Metek z outliers (based on Grachev despik.m) & missing values: 0.061111%.
Metek T outliers (based on Grachev despik.m) & missing values: 0.047222%.

Station Warnings:

There are no station warnings to report.

Icing Indicators:

Icing unlikely: Air subsaturated w.r.t. ice.
SR50 not attenuated by ice.
Licor optics are ice-free.


Report completed on 26-Aug-2019 16:36:06. Runtime: 15.9sec. Questions? christopher.j.cox@noaa.gov