Data report for ASFS_30_slow_07152019_1804.dat (inc. slow/fast/met)

Station ASFS_30

Logger Program Version CPU:ASFS30_501.CR1X

File ASFS_30_slow_07152019_1804.dat successfully read
File ASFS_30_met_07152019_1804.dat successfully read
File ASFS_30_fast_07152019_1804.dat successfully read
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_30_slow_07152019_1804.nc
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_30_fast_07152019_1804.nc
netCDF successfully created: ASFS_30_met_07152019_1804.nc

Black = FYI
Green = Data within limits
Orange = Caution, data approaching limits
Red = Data out of limits


Station begin position 39° 59.48434067' N, -105° -15.80410862' E
Station end position 39° 59.48448181' N, -105° -15.80405045' E
Station begin heading 56.04°
Station end heading 56.04°
Station begin altitude 1675.062m
Station end altitude 1675.671m
Modal value for GPS fix = 2 with a minimum of 7.2 satellites.
Maximum (X or Y) value observed of the Metek Inclinometer was 1.7412°.

File Contents:

There are 1414 observations in the slow file: Number records (rows): 14. Expected: 30
Found 7 NaNs (0.5%) in the following Variables: gps_lat_deg_Avg gps_lat_min_Avg gps_lon_deg_Avg gps_lon_min_Avg gps_alt_Avg licor_co2_str_out_Avg licor_co2_str_out_Std

There are 2275 observations in the met file: Number records (rows): 175. Expected: 360
Found 5 NaNs (0.22%) in the following Variables: gps_lat_deg gps_lat_min gps_lon_deg gps_lon_min gps_hdop

There are 193600 observations in the fast file: Number records (rows): 17600. Expected: 36000
Found 151 NaNs (0.08%) in the following Variables: metek_x_out metek_y_out metek_z_out licor_co2_out licor_h2o_out


The maximum temperature of the logger panel was 43.46 C
The minimum temperature of the logger panel was 41.92 C
The maximum abs(temperature change) was 0.21 C/min
Maximum EFOY internal temperature: 36.44 C
Minimum EFOY internal temperature: 21.56 C

Voltage supplied to the logger was 12.0329 V
EFOY battery voltages are in range: 25.0093 V

EFOY remaining fuel estimate: 100%

Data Logging:
There were 194 Skipped Scans