Jan 9, 2018 There are three different types of files archived in RASM-ESRL/ModelOutput. 1) Figures from forecasts: All plots created for the daily forecasts are archived in tar balls named CASENAME_plots.YEAR-MONTH-DAY.tar.gz. To access the figures untar the file with the command tar -xvfz. 2) Fields from CICE model: A subset of fields from the CICE model history tapes are archived in the netcdf files ending with ".nc". The fields are 6-hourly averages. Fields can be viewed with ncdump or ncview commands. Fields in each file are time,TLON,TLAT,ULON,ULAT,ANGLE,ANGLET hi_h = grid cell mean ice thickness (meters) hs_h = grid cell mean snow thickness (meters) Tsfc_h = snow/ice/surface temperature (Celcius) aice_h = ice area (aggregate) uvel_h = ice velocity (x) (m/s) vvel_h = ice velocity (y) (m/s) uatm_h = atmosphere velocity (x) (m/s) vatm_h = atmosphere velocity (y) (m/s) Tair_h = air temperature (Celcius) 3) Fields formatted for the National Ice Center: Fields in tar balls named RASM-ESRL_4NIC_YEAR_MONTH_DAY.tar.gz are netcdf time slices formatted for the National Ice Center. Are fields in the netcdf files are in short format. The fields are 6-hourly averages. Archived fields are TLON,TLAT,ULON,ULAT: time = valid time (hour since 2000-01-01 00_00_00) (double format) tau = hours since analysis (double format) hi = grid cell mean ice thickness (meters) hs = grid cell mean snow thickness (meters) Tsfc = snow/ice/surface temperature (Celcius) aice = ice area (aggregate) uvel = eastward ice velocity (m/s) vvel = northward ice velocity (m/s) snow = lwe snowfall rate (cm/day) rain = rainfall rate (cm/day) sst = sea water temperature (Celcius) sss = sea water salimity (psu) uocn = eastward sea water veloctiy (m/s) vocn = northward sea water velocity (m/s) Tair = air temperature (Kelvin) meltt = top ice melt (cm/day) meltb = basil ice melt (cm/day) meltl = lateral ice melt (cm/day) strength = compressive strength of sea ice (N/m) divu = divergence of sea ice velocity (%/day)