; ; Convert limb coefficients from ASCII format to binary format ; ; Data obtained from NESDIS web site (http://poes.nesdis.noaa.gov/index.html) ; These come were derived from the forecast products development team that ; includes Tony Reale ; pro cnv_limb nsat='' read,nsat,prompt='Input satellite ID: (N15,N16,etc.)' ; ; AMSU-B land coefficients ; coef=fltarr(6,90,5) openr,1,nsat+'_limb_amblnd.txt' readf,1,coef close,1 openw,2,nsat+'_limb_amblnd.coef' writeu,2,coef close,2 ; ; AMSU-B sea coefficients ; openr,1,nsat+'_limb_ambsea.txt' readf,1,coef close,1 openw,2,nsat+'_limb_ambsea.coef' writeu,2,coef close,2 ; ; AMSU-A sea coefficients ; coef=fltarr(16,30,15) openr,1,nsat+'_limb_amasea.txt' readf,1,coef close,1 openw,2,nsat+'_limb_amasea.coef' writeu,2,coef close,2 ; ; AMSU-A land coefficients ; openr,1,nsat+'_limb_amalnd.txt' readf,1,coef close,1 openw,2,nsat+'_limb_amalnd.coef' writeu,2,coef close,2 if(nsat eq 'N16') then begin nspots=57 endif else begin nspots=56 endelse ; ; HIRS coefficients channels 1-9 ; coef=fltarr(20,nspots,19) openr,1,nsat+'_limb_hirs_chn1-9.txt' readf,1,coef close,1 openw,2,nsat+'_limb_hirs_chn1-9.coef' writeu,2,coef close,2 ; ; HIRS coefficients channels 10-12 ; openr,1,nsat+'_limb_hirs_chn10-12.txt' readf,1,coef close,1 openw,2,nsat+'_limb_hirs_chn10-12.coef' writeu,2,coef close,2 ; ; HIRS coefficients channels 13-19 ; openr,1,nsat+'_limb_hirs_chn13-19.txt' readf,1,coef close,1 openw,2,nsat+'_limb_hirs_chn13-19.coef' writeu,2,coef close,2 end