c c* File contains many parameters used for HIRS 1B processing c c* HIRS instrument-specific parameters c c nchn.........total number of HIRS channels c nchn2........total number of IR HIRS channels c nchn3........number of non-near IR channels c nscan........number of FOVs in one scan line c nspot........number of FOVs in one data record (4=itpp, 56=aapp) c step.........scan time in seconds between scan spots c integer nchn,nscan,nchn2,nchn3,nspot real step parameter (nscan=56,nchn=20,nchn2=19,nchn3=12,nspot=4) parameter (step=0.1) c c* ITPP specific parameters c c trec.........ITPP data file record length in bytes c nlen.........Number of bytes for ITPP data for one FOV c real trec integer nlen parameter (trec=120) parameter (nlen=trec/nspot) c c* AAPP specific parameters c c arec.........AAPP data file record length in bytes c alen.........Number of bytes for one FOV in AAPP data file c real arec integer alen parameter (arec=1664,alen=arec/nspot) c c* Grid spacing parameters c integer as,cs,bs integer nlon,nlat,ntim,itmax real gres,tinc parameter (gres=0.5,nlon=360./gres,nlat=180./gres) parameter (tinc=6.,ntim=24./tinc,itmax=ntim+1) parameter (as=3,cs=2,bs=as+cs) c c* Limb correction parameters c integer nang,ncoef parameter (nang=6,ncoef=15) c c* Missing data parameters c integer*2 imiss real missing parameter (missing=9999.99,imiss=-99) c c* scale factor and offset parameters c real offset,sfactor parameter (offset=-100.,sfactor=100.) c c* QC parameters c integer nmon,nsat,nyr parameter (nsat=8,nyr=19,nmon=12) c c* other parameters c integer np,max_allsky_obs parameter (np=1384,max_allsky_obs=65000)