pro plot_model_inputs, date, datadir, imagedir ; Code to read in and plot model forcing data from the DW ascii inpu ; files as opposed to the model output as in ; ; This version works with KC model input varstrin1='sst' varstrin2='flx' varstr_qh='qh' varstr_qe='qe' varstr_lw='lw' varstr_swh='swh' varstr_per='per' ; Specify directory flxfile=datadir+'/'+date+'_'+varstrin2+'.dat' sstfile=datadir+'/'+date+'_'+varstrin1+'.dat' plotdir=imagedir+'/' string = 'wc -l ' + sstfile + ' | awk ''{printf "%s",$1}''' spawn, string, lines ngrid=long(lines[0]) print,ngrid openr,unit,flxfile,/get_lun openr,unit2,sstfile,/get_lun ; Specify simulation/data file characteristics tempres = 1 ; Number of output lines per hour nhours = 48 ; Number of hours in simulation ninputs = 9 ; Number of input flux files minlat=-60.0 minlon=0.0 maxlat=60.0 maxlon=360.0 res = 0.5 nxgrid = (maxlon-minlon)/res nygrid = (maxlat-minlat)/res + 1 gridarr=fltarr(6) timearr=fltarr(13,ninputs) ; for 15 min res w/o first point qh=fltarr(nxgrid,nygrid,4) qh(*,*,*) = -999.99 qe=fltarr(nxgrid,nygrid,4) qe(*,*,*) = -999.99 lw=fltarr(nxgrid,nygrid,4) lw(*,*,*) = -999.99 swh=fltarr(nxgrid,nygrid,4) swh(*,*,*) = -999.99 per=fltarr(nxgrid,nygrid,4) per(*,*,*) = -999.99 ; Loop through cells in the grid for igrid = 0L, ngrid-1L do begin ; Read in grid cell info readf,unit2,gridarr xindex = fix(gridarr[4]) - 1 yindex = fix(gridarr[5]) - 1 ; Read in temporal information for grid cell readf,unit,timearr ; Start loop through hours to be plotted for hr=0,3 do begin ; Specify hour to be plotted outhr = 0 + hr*6 ;indexout = fix(outhr*tempres) - 1 ; -1 is for idl index start at 0 indexout = hr+4 ; -1 is for idl index start at 0 lw(xindex,yindex,hr) = timearr(4,indexout) qe(xindex,yindex,hr) = timearr(5,indexout) qh(xindex,yindex,hr) = timearr(6,indexout) swh(xindex,yindex,hr) = timearr(7,indexout) per(xindex,yindex,hr) = timearr(8,indexout) endfor endfor ; end loop through grid ; Loop through hours again for plotting for hr=0,3 do begin outhr = 0 + hr*6 ; Specify hour to be plotted outfile_qe=string(plotdir,varstr_qe,outhr,format='(a,a,"_",i2.2,".png")') outfile_qh=string(plotdir,varstr_qh,outhr,format='(a,a,"_",i2.2,".png")') outfile_lw=string(plotdir,varstr_lw,outhr,format='(a,a,"_",i2.2,".png")') outfile_swh=string(plotdir,varstr_swh,outhr,format='(a,a,"_",i2.2,".png")') outfile_per=string(plotdir,varstr_per,outhr,format='(a,a,"_",i2.2,".png")') ; Now plot outstr=string(date,outhr,format='("Latent flux, ",a," ",i2.2, "Z")') pimage, qe(*,*,hr), $ /order, $ minlat=minlat,maxlat=maxlat,minlon=minlon,maxlon=maxlon, $ nxtick=6,nytick=4, /label, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=1,coast=2,/vertical, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1,/vertical, $ mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1, $ vmin=-100,vmax=500.0, nctick=6, $ ;/pngout, pngfile=outfile_q,xws=800,yws=350, $ ; with vertical /pngout, pngfile=outfile_qe,xws=700,yws=400, $ ;/eps_port, ps_file=outfile, $ title=outstr, $ units='Latent Flux (W/m2)' outstr=string(date,outhr,format='("Sensible flux, ",a," ",i2.2, "Z")') pimage, qh(*,*,hr), $ /order, $ minlat=minlat,maxlat=maxlat,minlon=minlon,maxlon=maxlon, $ nxtick=6,nytick=4, /label, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=1,coast=2,/vertical, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1,/vertical, $ mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1, $ vmin=-20,vmax=100.0, nctick=6, $ ;/pngout, pngfile=outfile_q,xws=800,yws=350, $ ; with vertical /pngout, pngfile=outfile_qh,xws=700,yws=400, $ ;/eps_port, ps_file=outfile, $ title=outstr, $ units='Sensible Flux (W/m2)' outstr=string(date,outhr,format='("LW Flux, ",a," ",i2.2, "Z")') pimage, lw(*,*,hr), $ /order, $ minlat=minlat,maxlat=maxlat,minlon=minlon,maxlon=maxlon, $ nxtick=6,nytick=4, /label, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=1,coast=2,/vertical, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1,/vertical, $ mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1, $ vmin=0,vmax=200.0, nctick=5, $ ;/pngout, pngfile=outfile_u,xws=800,yws=350, $ /pngout, pngfile=outfile_lw,xws=700,yws=400, $ ;/eps_port, ps_file=outfile2, $ title=outstr, $ units='LW Flux (m/s)' outstr=string(date,outhr,format='("SWH, ",a," ",i2.2, "Z")') pimage, swh(*,*,hr), $ /order, $ minlat=minlat,maxlat=maxlat,minlon=minlon,maxlon=maxlon, $ nxtick=6,nytick=4, /label, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=1,coast=2,/vertical, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1,/vertical, $ mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1, $ vmin=0,vmax=10.0, nctick=5, $ ;/pngout, pngfile=outfile_u,xws=800,yws=350, $ /pngout, pngfile=outfile_swh,xws=700,yws=400, $ ;/eps_port, ps_file=outfile2, $ title=outstr, $ units='SWH (m)' outstr=string(date,outhr,format='("Wave Period, ",a," ",i2.2, "Z")') pimage, per(*,*,hr), $ /order, $ minlat=minlat,maxlat=maxlat,minlon=minlon,maxlon=maxlon, $ nxtick=6,nytick=4, /label, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=1,coast=2,/vertical, $ ;mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1,/vertical, $ mis_val=-999.99,mis_col=3,coast=2,ccolor=1, $ vmin=0,vmax=30.0, nctick=6, $ ;/pngout, pngfile=outfile_u,xws=800,yws=350, $ /pngout, pngfile=outfile_per,xws=700,yws=400, $ ;/eps_port, ps_file=outfile2, $ title=outstr, $ units='Period (s)' endfor end