// Configuration template file for the LAP-XM editor // TARS 449MHz one wind // 22Jul05 DGOTTAS [GLOBAL] { } [DWELLMODES] { MODENAME = WA{} } [DWELLLIST] { WA_02345 = {'WA/0', 'WA/2', 'WA/3', 'WA/4', 'WA/5'}; } [DWELLSEQUENCE] { REPEAT { Acquire(WA_02345); } FOREVER; } [PROCESSES] { [TsWA,SpecWA,MomWA] = PlayBack(NULL) { iProcessSpeedSec = 0; sFile = 'D05*a.spc'; sDateRange = {'05188','05190'}; sPath = 'C:\Data\Data\Radar449\Realtime\SpecMom\fth\Wave4Reconstruct'; sDwellControlModule = 'DwellControl_Speed'; sOLEID = 'LAPXM.PlayBack.1'; }; [SpecWA_IR] = InterferenceReduction(NULL,{SpecWA}) { iUseRiddleGCRemoval = {1}; fClutterHeightKm = {1.0}; sOLEID = 'Lapxm.Spectra_InterferenceReduction.1'; }; [MomMPPWA] = MomentsMPP_WA(NULL, SpecWA_IR) { iProfileBuildMethod = 1; fClutterHeightKm = 1.0; // Huachuca specific tuning fMaxVertSpeedUp = -10.0; // Limits very wide for fMaxVertSpeedDw = 20.0; // strong thunderstorm signal. iUseSnrMagnitude = 1; // Use SNR magnitude check instead of SNR continuity. fAMV = 0.78; // Weighting factors (fAMV=Doppler, fAVV=width, fAVV = 0.02; // fASNR=SNR) have been tuned to give 80% weight for fASNR = 0.2; // Doppler&width continuity and 20% for SNR strength. // RFI removal iRemoveRFI = 1; fMaxMeanWidthRFI = {0.3, 0.5, 1.0}; fMaxDevVelRFI = {0.2, 0.2, 0.3}; iMinHeightsRFI = {10, 10, 10}; fMinHeightKmRFI = {1.5, 3.5, 3.5}; fMinMeanVelRFI = {0.0, 0.0, 8.0}; // Aerostat echo removal iRemovePointTarget = 1; fPT_DopplerDistance = 0.2; fPT_MinSnr = 15.0; fPT_SnrDropOff = 10.0; fPT_NoiseIncrease = 8.0; // required increase from 2.0 for problems in uneven noise floor. fPT_ZeroDopplerLimit = 0.3; fPT_NeighborDistance = 0.8; iPT_Interpolate = 1; sOLEID = 'Lapxm.Moments_MPP_ETH.1'; }; ConsoleDisplay(NULL, {TsWA}, {SpecWA}, {MomMPPWA}) { sOLEID = 'Lapxm.ConsoleDisplay.1'; }; Updated = PopArchive(NULL, {TsWA}, {SpecWA}, {MomMPPWA}) { iAppend = 1; iWriteMoments = 1; iWriteSpectral = 1; iWriteTimeSeries = 0; iPopCompliant = 1; sPath = 'C:\Data\Data\Radar449\Processed\SpecMom\fth\wave4'; sOLEID = 'LAPXM.PopArchiver.1'; }; [CnsWA] = Consensus_WindTemp_WA(NULL,{MomMPPWA},{TsWA}) { iUseRunningConsensus = 1; iConsenseOnStop = 1; iConsenseOnMinute = {0}; iCnsIntervalCycles = 2; iCnsLengthCycles = 6; fDeltaT = 0.0; fDeltaTc = 0.0; fDeltaUV = 5.0; fDeltaW = 5.0; fPctDataT = 0.0; fPctDataTc = 0.0; fPctDataUV = 70.0; fPctDataW = 70.0; iVerticalCorrect = 1; iUseObliqueBeamsForVertical = 1; iUseVerticalObliqueRangeCorrection = 1; iCheckConsensusSpan = 1; sMethod = "mean"; sTimeStamp = "begin"; sOLEID = 'Lapxm.Consensus_WindTemp.1'; }; Archive_Cns_Text(NULL,{CnsWA}) { iWrite = 1; iPopCompliant = 1; iWrite_Radials = 1; iWrite_SNR = 1; iWrite_CCounts = 1; iWrite_UVW = 0; iWrite_QC = 0; sPath = 'C:\Data\Data\Radar449\Processed\WindTemp\fth\SlidingAvg5m'; sOLEID = 'Lapxm.Archive_Cns_Text.1'; }; DwellControl_Speed({NULL},{Updated}) { sOLEID = 'Lapxm.DwellControl_Speed.1'; }; }