This readme file exists exclusively for the 1996-97 Denver Brown Cloud Study. Some clarification points concerning the processing of the met data are as follows: ***** This data set exhibits a number 1 level of processing. 1) data files: bri = Brighton gly = Greeley lgm = Longmont ftm = Fort Morgan fra = Front Range Airport wby = Welby bao = Erie Tower bao tower data: L010 = 10 m data L050 = 50 m data L100 = 100 m data L200 = 200 m data L300 = 300 m data Files are monthly, 5-min. and hour-averaged. Nomenclature: ex. bri9612.05m, bri9612.60m, bao9612L010.05m, etc. 2) Data parameters: a. pressure (mb) b. temperature 10 m (C) c. temperature 2 m (C) d. relative humidity 10 m (C) e. relative humidity 2 m (C) f. wind speed (m/s) g. wind direction h. solar radiation (Watts/m**2) i. net radiation (Watts/m**2) j. Mixing Ratio (g/kg) 3) Data indexes: a. MI: monthly index b. DSI: data set index There are two indexes in the data files: 1) MI = monthly index, and secondly DSI = data set index. MI is a running counter for each month, startinga one for each new month. DSI is a running counter for the entire 3 month experiment. 4) Data set start and end time: Dec 1 st Julian Day 336, 1996 at 0000 UTC through Feb 7 th Julian Day 38, 1997 at 2355 UTC. The first week of February is included in the January files for all sites. 5) 5-minute data: The hour/minute time stamp for the 5-min data represents the end of the 5-min averaging period. Ex. the time stamp 1205 GMT represents the 5-min average 1200 to 1205 GMT. Notice each monthly file will start at 0000 GMT which means the last 5-min period of the preceding month is included in the new month. 6) hourly data: The hour time stamp for the 60-min data represents the beginning of the hour-averaged period. Ex. the time stamp 1200 GMT represents the averaging period 1200 - 1255 GMT. The hourly data will average any non-flagged data to represent the hour. For example, if there is one 5-min average with good data in the hour, and all other 5-min data lines are flagged for the rest of the hour, that 5-min data average will represent the hourly average. A flagged hour in the hourly file represents an hour with no data, or only flagged data. 7) BAO tower data: a) December will change from 15-min averages to 5-min averages on Julian Day 361. Two data files are provided: The first data file includes each 15-min data line with the MI incrementing by 3 so that the monthly index is con- sistent with the other sites. The second data file includes the 15-min data line which is repeated three times so that the data can be easily merged with other 5-min data files. The first set has the usual nomenclature, ex. bao9612L010.05m or bao9612L200.05m. The second set has an extention "p" at the end: ex. bao9612L010.05p or bao9612L200.05p 8) Questionable data that are not currently flagged: a) The relative humidity at the 200-meter level of the BAO tower. b) Temperature at the 300-meter level of the BAO tower may exhibit occasional "heatup" effects because the power supply to the aspirated shield went out. These events occur only during peak sun hours on a warm day, which were rare during the experiment. c) The Fort Morgan 2 m relative humidity seemed to read low during periods of high humidity, and was changed on 1-8-97 at 2025 UTC. 9) Data can be accessed on gemini or merlin: /dms7up/surfmet/editmet/sss 10) Listing of data files: bri9612.05m bri9612.60m bri9701.05m bri9701.60m fra9612.05m fra9612.60m fra9701.05m fra9701.60m ftm9612.05m ftm9612.60m ftm9701.05m ftm9701.60m gly9612.05m gly9612.60m gly9701.05m gly9701.60m lgm9612.05m lgm9612.60m lgm9701.05m lgm9701.60m wby9612.05m wby9612.60m wby9701.05m wby9701.60m bao9612L010.05m bao9612L010.60m bao9701L010.05m bao9701L010.60m bao9612L010.05p bao9612L050.05m bao9612L050.60m bao9701L050.05m bao9701L050.60m bao9612L050.05p bao9612L100.05m bao9612L100.60m bao9701L100.05m bao9601L100.60m bao9612L100.05m bao9612L200.05m bao9612L200.60m bao9701L200.05m bao9701L200.60m bao9612L200.05p bao9612L300.05m bao9612L300.60m bao9701L300.05m bao9701L300.60m bao9612L300.05p contact Cat Russell x6905; crussell(at) for information.