January, 1998 C. Russell crussell at etl.noaa.gov This readme text file pertains to the corrected meteorological data files for the ETL/NOAA 10-m weather towers operating during the NFRAQS 97 winter study. This file should be read in conjunction with the first readme text file because the data file format and explanation remain the same. The corrections are a result of the information given in NFRAQS Volume A final report (pp. A.4-1 to A.4-46). These corrections are only suggested and thus both data versions remain available for the user. Corrected versions are identified by a ".05c", or ".60c" extention. Thus, for example, the corrected version of data for the file "BRI9612.05m" is "BRI9612.05c". The hourly averages of these data are indicated by the ".60c" extention. Specific corrections made these data are as follows: Site: BAO 1) A -12.0 DEGREE constant was added to the 100-m level wind direction for the entire data set. 2) The 300-m level wind directions are flagged for the period 12/01/96 to 12/20/96. 3) Temperature and relative humidity were checked for reasonable ranges and flagged if necessary. For all of the following sites, net radiation values were corrected for wind affects, mixing ratio was recalculated, and temperature and relative humidity values were checked for appropriate ranges. Specific correction are as follows: Site: BRI 1) Rh at the 10-m level: +1.53 constant was added for entire data set. Site: FRA 1) Rh at the 2-m level: -1.295 constant was added for the entire data set. 2) Rh at the 10-m level: + 1.39 constant was added for the entire data set. Site: FTM 1) Rh at the 2-m level before January 8, 1997 at 2025 GMT: + 17.8 constant was added. 2) Rh at the 2-m level after January 8, 1997 at 2025 GMT: + 4.5 constant was added for the rest of the data set. Site: GLY 1) Rh at the 2-m level: + 4.57 constant was added for the entire data set. Site: LGM 1) Rh at the 2-m level: - 4.23 constant was added for the entire data set. Site: WBY 1) Surface pressure: -1.06 constant was added for the entire data set. 2) Rh at the 2-m level: -0.51 constant was added for the entire data set.