Radar Wind Profiler Support for Santa Barbara County Ozone Studies: 1998-1999. This README file gives information about the surface met data for the Goleta, CA. Site. 1) File Nomenclature: The filename consists of twelve characters. The first three represent the site acronym (GLA), characters four and five represent the year, characters six through eight represent the month, and the extension represents the averaging period which is either 2-minute and hourly data. The format is therefore: sssyymmm.aaa where sss is site name, yy is year, mmm is month, and aaa is averaging period. The Goleta site has 2-min averaged and hourly averaged data for each month: October '98 through March '99 for this data set. 2) Data Parameters: The surface meteorological data collected/derived during this project are listed, along with their unit of measure, as the following: a) pressure (mb) b) temperature (C) c) relative humidity (%) d) wind speed (m/s) e) wind direction (DEG) f) solar radiation (W/m**2) g) net radiation (W/m**2) h) mixing ratio (g/kg) h) precipitation (mm) i) peak gust (m/s) 3) Data File Formats a) 02-min data files: Each file has four lines of header which can be read as a character string. The rest of the file contains data in the following format: yr,month,day,Julian Day,monthly index,hour (UTC),min,pr,t,rh,ws,wd,sol,net,mr, precip,peak gust. format(3(i2,1x),i3,1x,i5,1x,i2,i2,1x,f7.2,1x,2(f5.1,1x),f4.1,1x,i3,1x,2(f6.1,1x),f6.2,1x,f7.3,1x,f4.1) **Note: The 2-min data has the time stamp at the end of the 2-min averaging period. Thus a data line at the time: 2302 UTC represents the averaging period: 2300 to 2302. b) hourly-averaged data files: Each file has four lines of header which can be read as a character string. The rest of the file contains data in the following format: yr,month,day,Julian Day,monthly index,start hr (UTC),start min,end hr (UTC), end min,pr,t,rh,ws,wd,sol,net,mr,precip,peak gust format(3(i2.2,1x),i3.3,1x,i5.5,1x,2(i2.2),1x,2(i2.2),1x,f7.2,1x,2(f5.1,1x), f4.1,1x,i3.3,1x,2(f6.1,1x),f6.2,1x,f6.2,1x,f4.1) 4) Parameter Flags: a) pressure -99.99 b) temperature -99.9 c) relative humidity -99.9 d) wind speed -9.9 e) wind direction -99 f) solar radiation -999.9 g) net radiation -999.9 h) mixing ratio -99.99 i) precipitation -99.99 j) peak gust -9.9 Only extreme outliers and missing data are flagged in this processing. The Goleta site data are clean with no periods of instrument failure or missing data. 5) Contact: If there are any questions/comments or if you discover any problems with these data sets please contact: Catherine Russell (303) 497-6905 phone (303) 497-6101 FAX email: crussell at etl.noaa.gov