Start merge.bash Tue Jul 17 08:20:02 MDT 2007 processing 2007197 copy files to Working unzip ReformatMmcrModes Processing file Processing file Processing file Processing file Processing file Processing file Processing file Processing file Processing file Processing file ncrcat mmerge -s 20070716.000000 -e 20070716.000000 eur C1 qcdata 0 0 0 Processing => 2007. TO 2007. viphome = /search/eureka/mmcr/Mom vipbin = /data/software/davemerge vipdest = /search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working config file = /data/software/davemerge/arscl1.instrument.configuration Configuration Start Time: 2006 11 20 00 00 00 Configuration End Time: 2034 12 31 24 00 00 pathdata = $VIP_HOME pathdest = $VIP_DEST screen = 0 site = eur facility = C1 mergetimeres = 10.000000 mergetimeoff = 0.000000 mergerangeres = 45.000000 mergerangeoff = 0.000000 nclearcloud = 0 ncloudmask = 0 systemcall: ls -1 /search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/* > files_name_mom filetime:::20070716.000000 file_mom = /search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ ftime_str = readinput::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: file_mom=/search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ ftime_str=20070716.000000_000000 User time: 0.00 0.00 time_size_full=10 base_time=1184596345 tb[0]=2007 tb[1]=7 tb[2]=16 tb[3]=14 tb[4]=32 tb[5]=25 te[0]=2007 te[1]=7 te[2]=16,te[3]=23 te[4]=59 te[5]=59 nhours=9.459517 fstart=14.540277 fend=23.999722 hstart = 14.540277 hend = 23.999722 dbm.c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fcal_name=/search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ dbm.c:: ntimes=16467 nheights=221 pmode=1 time_size=8235 height_size=221 pmode=2 time_size=4118 height_size=221 pmode=3 time_size=2059 height_size=221 pmode=4 time_size=2055 height_size=221 vel.c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fmom_name=/search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ vel.c:: ntimes=16467 nheights=221 pmode=1 time_size=8235 height_size=221 pmode=2 time_size=4118 height_size=221 pmode=3 time_size=2059 height_size=221 pmode=4 time_size=2055 height_size=221 main:::pnumber_dbm = 4 pnumber_vel = 4 dbm_msk::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mode=1 Kenthreshold=-15.103000 mode=2 Kenthreshold=-14.167566 mode=3 Kenthreshold=-12.092700 mode=4 Kenthreshold=-13.597850 merge:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Most sensible mode = 3 ntimes=3405 In Seconds:: time_beg=10 time_end=34050 nheights = 316 In Meters:: gatefirst=95 gatespace=45 In Kilometers:: height_max=14.315000 msk_corrected::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: merge:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Most sensible mode = 3 ntimes=3405 In Seconds:: time_beg=10 time_end=34050 nheights = 316 In Meters:: gatefirst=95 gatespace=45 In Kilometers:: height_max=14.315000 second_netcdf::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: output_filename = NetCDF file:: /search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ chmod 664 /search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ % Compiled module: CLOUD_FRACTION. /search/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ % Compiled module: PLOT_CLOUD_FRACTION. % Unsupported X Windows visual (class: TrueColor, depth: 16). Substituting default (class: TrueColor, Depth: 24). writing /search/eureka/mmcr/Merge/cloud_fraction.png % Compiled module: CLOUD_FRACTION_BY_HEIGHT. Mom/Working/ % Unsupported X Windows visual (class: TrueColor, depth: 16). Substituting default (class: TrueColor, Depth: 24). cd .. remove Working Stop merge.bash Tue Jul 17 14:20:21 GMT 2007