Start merge.bash Tue May 27 08:20:02 MDT 2008 processing 2008147 copy files to Working unzip ReformatMmcrModes Processing file ncrcat mmerge -s 20080526.000000 -e 20080526.000000 eur C1 qcdata 0 0 0 Processing => 2008. TO 2008. viphome = /eureka/mmcr/Mom vipbin = /home/dwelsh/src/merge2005 vipdest = /eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working config file = /home/dwelsh/src/merge2005/arscl1.instrument.configuration Configuration Start Time: 2007 09 14 00 00 00 Configuration End Time: 2034 12 31 24 00 00 pathdata = $VIP_HOME pathdest = $VIP_DEST screen = 0 site = eur facility = C1 mergetimeres = 10.000000 mergetimeoff = 0.000000 mergerangeres = 45.000000 mergerangeoff = 0.000000 nclearcloud = 0 ncloudmask = 0 systemcall: ls -1 /eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/* > files_name_mom filetime:::20080526.000000 file_mom = /eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ ftime_str = readinput::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: file_mom=/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ ftime_str=20080526.000000_000000 User time: 0.00 0.00 time_size_full=10 base_time=1211760005 tb[0]=2008 tb[1]=5 tb[2]=26 tb[3]=0 tb[4]=0 tb[5]=5 te[0]=2008 te[1]=5 te[2]=26,te[3]=0 te[4]=59 te[5]=58 nhours=0.998242 fstart=0.001389 fend=0.999444 hstart = 0.001389 hend = 0.999444 dbm.c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fcal_name=/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ dbm.c:: ntimes=2442 nheights=228 pmode=1 time_size=1221 height_size=228 pmode=2 time_size=611 height_size=228 pmode=3 time_size=305 height_size=228 pmode=4 time_size=305 height_size=228 vel.c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fmom_name=/eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ vel.c:: ntimes=2442 nheights=228 pmode=1 time_size=1221 height_size=228 pmode=2 time_size=611 height_size=228 pmode=3 time_size=305 height_size=228 pmode=4 time_size=305 height_size=228 main:::pnumber_dbm = 4 pnumber_vel = 4 dbm_msk::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mode=1 Kenthreshold=-15.103000 mode=2 Kenthreshold=-14.167566 mode=3 Kenthreshold=-12.092700 mode=4 Kenthreshold=-13.597850 merge:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Most sensible mode = 3 ntimes=359 In Seconds:: time_beg=10 time_end=3590 nheights = 333 In Meters:: gatefirst=54 gatespace=43 In Kilometers:: height_max=14.398000 msk_corrected::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: merge:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Most sensible mode = 3 ntimes=359 In Seconds:: time_beg=10 time_end=3590 nheights = 333 In Meters:: gatefirst=54 gatespace=43 In Kilometers:: height_max=14.398000 second_netcdf::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: output_filename = NetCDF file:: /eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ chmod 664 /eureka/mmcr/Mom/Working/ % Error opening file. File: % Error opening file. File: % Error opening file. File: mv merge cd .. remove Working Stop merge.bash Tue May 27 14:20:12 GMT 2008