(PAERI Map of Metrabyte Channels   -  990913)

(Note: Comment lines must have a left parenthesis, "(", in the first column, )
(      and blank lines are ignored.                                          )
( Negative channels represent digitals, of which there are 32 available:     )
(  -1 : first byte, first bit                                                )
(  -9 : second byte, first bit ... etc.                                      )

( History: )
( 961212 : RKG adapted from channel.map and hkchan.txt                       )
( 970707 : fixed up hatchOpenDetect, hatchClosedDetect )
( 970722 : added opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity )
( 990902 : removed sunsensor intensity)
( 001231 : removed airNearInterferometerTemp; bad sensor)

(Ch.     Short Name in single quotes)

00     'ABBtopTemp'
01     'ABBapexTemp'
02     'ABBbottomTemp'
03     'HBBtopTemp'
04     'HBBapexTemp'
05     'HBBbottomTemp'
06     'fixed2500ohmResistor'
07     'fixed97KohmResistor'
08     'outsideAirTemp'
09     'airNearInterferometerTemp'
10     'interferometerSecondPortTemp'
11     'BBsupportStructureTemp'
12     'airNearBBsTemp'
13     'mirrorMotorTemp'
(14     'sceneMirrorTemp')
15     'fixed12KohmResistor'
16     'BBcontroller1temp'
17     'BBcontroller2temp'
18     'coolerCompressorTemp'
19     'coolerExpanderTemp'
20     'coolerPowerSupplyTemp'
21     'rackAmbientTemp'
22     'computerTemp'
23     'motorDriverTemp'
24     'SCEtemp'
25     'coolerCurrent'
26     'detectorTemp'
27     'rainSensorIntensity'
28     'interferometerWindowTemp'
(29     'frontEndFanAirUnheatedTemp')
(30     'frontEndFanAirHeatedTemp')
(31     'spareTemp')
32     'atmosphericRelativeHumidity'
33     'interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity'
34     'atmosphericPressure'
(35   'sunSensorIntensity')
1024  'Pitch'
1025  'Roll'
(1026  'opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity')

-2 'hatchOpenDetect'
-3 'hatchClosedDetect'