Collection time: 13:30-14:15Z. Weather: T:-37.0C, RH: 72%, wind: 9.2kts at 255. Sky conditions: FEW000, SCT030, SCT090. Altostratus, cirrus. IC, VCFZFG. Where collected: First sample on front porch of MSF, second on back porch railing. See below. Description: Trigonal ice! Hexagonal plates, solid columns, hollow columns, bullet rossettes, simple prisms, and radiating plates. Other comments: Very distinct parhelia, parhelic circle, and solar column on opposite side of horizon from sun. Slides 0006-0048 were collected on MSF front porch. 0057-0200 are from the MSF back porch. Second set of slides washed out due to bright headlamp used to light slides- regular flashlight died due to cold temperatures. HJ