12.9.2011 Please use computer time!!! 23:30 entered the CAF station 0:28 CPC shows about particle concentration 4e3/ccm inside CAF Measured before cleaning short DMA: pid controler shows sheath 10.0 lit/min, 7.4 % CPC flow: 1.034 l/min STD!!! sheat flow: 10.17 l/min aerosol flow: 1.00 l/min, +/-10% fluctuating with sheath flow blower regulation, OK-ish long DMA: pid controler shows sheath 10.0 lit/min, 5.6 % CPC flow: 0.967 l/min sheat flow: 10.01 l/min aerosol flow: 1.008 l/min APS: looks broken, after restart started to work normaly Total flow 5.0 l/min 01:05 start cleaning APS 1)Filters needed have not found them!!! 2)Paper for cleaning is missing!! going to use toalet paper. 3)TSI flow meter disapeared APS: Total flow 5.0 l/min Sample flow 0.95 l/min Filters change necesary next visit, bit black. DMPS: both DMAs cleaned, butanol bottles disconected, tomorrow cleaning of CPC. Full maintenance of pump, pump was fl of paper from aethalometer from last winter, cleaned, membranes changed however they are still in good condition. Heating tape on inlet changed, testing through the night. 13.9.2011 00:00 arival of FMI personel (DB, TL) and Vova CPCs dried over night, maintanance of CPCs, butanol and water removal filters changed, flow 1.001 l/min, no other changes made to shortDMA CPC. Short DMA flows: CPC flow: 1.002 l/min Aerosol flow: 1.01 l/min Sheath flow: 10.15 l/min Voltage checked OK Long DMA flows: CPC flow: 0.98 l/min Aerosol flow: 0.96 l/min Sheath flow: 10.02 l/min I have tried to repare broken pump, membranes were changed, it works but makes terible sound, probably bearings are out. This has label broken and can be sed only in emergency situations, and better for outdoor produces quite a lot of dust. 06:54 MOXA-8port installed in PC, now we have 10 serial ports together. 09:00 APS com port changed to MOXA also, there seem to be communication trouble on COM1 port. It produces mess in APS data and terribly high concentrations <.523 microns about 2 000 000 /ccm!!! also some extra lines in logged data 15.9. 2011 1:00 FMI (DB and TL) and NOAA (Rob) personel arrival 1:15 Aethalometer conected to FMI PC data stored to C:\Data together with other instruments. 1:34 Calibration of Aethalometer, should be 4.9 l/min, TSI mass flow controler shows 5.2 l/min STD, after calibration TSI 4.75 l/min STD 2:00 Aethalometer connected back to line. 17-9-2011 Most of the day in and out of building and on top of stack. -RObert ALbee 20-9-2011 Change ThigtVNC to UltraVNC (it can upload/download files). Password: tiksi Install cwRsync to transfer data files to AARI. New system user created to do this task: operator Apply system autologon to user Tiksi because no autologon when 2 or more users persist in system Create scheduled task that runs cwRsync -- Dmitry Apartsev 20-9-2011 Most of the day in and out of building and on top of stack. -Sailer 03-10-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Vova Kondratyev 10-10-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Vova Kondratyev 17-10-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Vova Kondratyev 24-10-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Alexander Sinyakov 29-10-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Vova Kondratyev 11-11-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Alexander Sinyakov 16-11-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Vova Kondratyev 20-11-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. Problems with aerosol measurement. Cleaning Inlet -Vova Kondratyev, Alexander Sinyakov 23-11-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Alexander Sinyakov 28-11-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Vova Kondratyev 09-12-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. measuring flows -Vova Kondratyev 12-12-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Alexander Sinyakov 20-12-2011 00:00-03:00 in and out of building and on top of stack. -Vova Kondratyev 11-01-2012 00:00-03:00 17-01-2012 00:00-03:00 24-01-2012 00:00-03:00 27-01-2012 01:30-04:00 07-02-2012 01:45-02:30 15-02-2012 01:45-02:30 21-02-2012 01:45-02:30 25-03-2012 11:05 Aethalometer script change, data are deposited to folder c:\AE_data instead of c:\data -David Brus 26-03-2012 some time :) Data synchronization script change for AE data sync. -Dmitry Apartsev 26-03-2012 20:50-21:35 New folders for archive data: C:\data_archive\AE_data\2011 C:\data_archive\FMI_data\2011 Old data files stored in this folders - Dmitry apartsev 03-04-2012 -Alexander Sinyakov 09-04-2012 23:15 - 10-04-2012 01:00 - -Vova Kondratyev 17-04-2012 01:30-02:00 26-04-2012 01:00-02:00 pump's membrane is broken 04-05-2012 01:30-02:00 14-05-2012 09:53 shut down APS program 10:03 restarted with a new cable 15-05-2012 00:11 coming to station, maintenance flows in the beginning: DMPS+extra = 11.08 lpm std extra 9.54 lpm std DMPS long 0.965 DMPS short 0.955 CPC long 0.97 CPC short 0.955 aethalometer 4.9 lpm std voltages ok Cleaning the DMAs, CPCs (wicks changed), inlet lines Changing the sheath to 6 lpm in both DMAs short dmps 7-115 nm long dmps 15-800 nm zero ok pump keeps bad noise; replaced with thomas pump aps - the main problem was laser hitting the nozzle in the detector chamber. there was to big pressure to inlet which pushed the nozzle to the path of laser that made terrible overcount due to reflection, inlet pushed up aps showes okish numbers. 9:48-> everything connected and restarted, testing overnight 16-05-2012 01;40 quitting the programs - room air for testings 02:30 aethalometer flow calibration, aethalometer 4.9 lpm/mass flowmeter 4.9 lpm 03:00 APS tested from station air, gives somehow resonable number, needs calibration. 05:05 everything is running, PC restarted 16-05-2012 23:55 arriving at the station, shutting down programs 17-05-2012 05:00 PC restart everything is running 25-09-2012 00:00-> improving the inlet isolation and heating, cleaning inlet 03:26 shutting the programs pump membranes changed flows: CPC short 0.99 CPC long 1.00 DMPS short 0.97 DMPS long 0.97 sheath short 6.3 sheath long 6.0 aethalometer 4.97 lpm (4.9 on screen) -> cal -> 4.9 (4.9) ok extra 8.4 lpm cleaned all orifices with alcohol programs restrarted 5:53, measuring with filter 6:37 connected with inlet 28-09-2012 PC restarted 22:05 2.7.2013 23:43 shut down pydmashort - testing program with UCPC 3.7.2013 04:03 DMPS short measuring with CPC3776, 3772 as total in the same inlet 09:05 all instruments paths changed to separate folders 3.7.23:35 arriving testing the spare computer installing a new inlet for NEPH, AETH, MAAP reorganizing the racks 4.7. 23:30 arriving at the station all measurements were running from outside last night - looks fine flows and zeros: AETH 4.9 LPM on display, 4.9 lpm (std) with TSI 4100 - ok, 23:40-23:56 measurement with HEPA ok NEPH 6.55 lpm (std) 23:57-00:17 measurement with HEPA - ok MAAP flow -> 300 L/min = 5.83 LPM (calibrated with TSI 4100) HEPA 00:18-00:29 - ok SO2 flow 0.36 lpm CPC 3772 0.98 std - zero ok filter in inlet - all show zero -ok Inlet flow 15.8 lpm (extra = 8.6 lpm, cleaning the orifice, flow does not change) DMAshort CPC 1.41 lpm DMAshortinlet 1.4 lpm DMAlonginlet 0.97 lpm DMAlongCPC 0.97 lpm Twin inlet 2.4 lpm APS aerosol 1.00 lpm, total 4.8 lpm APS: cleaning the inlet nozzle cleaning the dP sensors of DMPS flows DMPS pump membranes changed neph serial changed from 13->com4 NEPH cal old K2: B 2.656e-3, G 2.764e-3, R 1.941e-3 K4: B 5.32e-1, G 5.22e-1, R 5.16e-1 NEPH lamp changed, new calibration started new values: K2: B 2.67845e-3, G 2.8228e-3, R 1.9836e-3 K4: B 5.316e-1, G 5.34764e-1, R 5.21412e-1 Cleaning all the filters 03:13 all instruments connected, restating the computer 03:47-> outdoor measurements started 6.7.2013 checking the data - looks good changing the neph settings 7.6.2013 installing the inlet heating DMAshort HVzero 0.4->1.1 8.6.2013 NEPH cal old K2: B 2.678e-3, G 2.823e-3, R 1.984e-3 K4: B 5.32e-1, G 5.35e-1, R 5.21e-1 new calibration started new values: K2: B 2.68026e-3, G 2.83061e-3, R 2.01658e-3 9.6.2013 Inlet isolated and installed Changed neph ini config settings to: MODE 1 (NORMAL), AVETIME 60s, BLANK 30s, ZERO 180s, ZPERIOD 3600s, BACKSCAT ENABLED 10.6.2013 03:00 changing the maap filter roll (the old roll back because it was not empty yet) 09:20 changing the neph program to initialize to wanted values