%BAOPLT010_loop_test % Plot data from BAO data loggers % Systems turned back on April 2007 % Not calibrated old sensors % 10m %ID,YR,YearDay,hhmm,T,RH,WS,WSvec,DIR,Dsig,VDC,P,Precip,Corrected Dir %10,2007,099,1413,7.35,87.654,.305,.305,292.84,2.03,13.981,826.61,0,111.234 function retval = BAOPLT10_loop_test( byd, eyd, yr ) retval = 0; ;clear pltflg = 1; %flag to plot the data: 1=yes, 0=no pngflg = 1; %flag to make a png of the plot: 1=yes, 0=no inpath = 'z:\bao\Tower\Processed\daily\'; outpath = 'z:\bao\Tower\Processed_Images\daily\'; cd(inpath); if( nargin == 0 ) bds = input('Input the beginning day to process (165) ','s'); eds = input('Input end day to process (168) ','s'); ym = input('Input year to process (2007) ','s'); year = str2double( ym ); bd = str2double(bds); ed = str2double(eds); else ym = yr; bd = byd; ed = eyd; end lm = ed - bd + 1; totprecip = zeros(lm,2); ii = 0; for i = bd:ed ii = ii + 1; fprintf(1,'*** Processing %d %3d ***\n', ym, i); name10 = sprintf('BAO_010_%4d%03d.dat', ym, i ); %m=dir('BAO_010_200802*'); %lm = length(m); %fprintf(1,'number of files to process %d\n', lm); % 8/28/2007 59 = 234 65 days % 8/28/2007 74 = 249 74 days Sep 6th clear data10 yday disp(['Reading ',name10]); data10 = load(name10); %load 1 day of PSD mean logger data hhmm = data10(:,4); hh = fix(hhmm/100); mm = hhmm - (hh*100); data10(:,3) = data10(:,3) + (((mm/60.) + hh)/24); %decimle year day yday = fix(data10(1,3)); clear hhmm hh mm %Total precip tp = cumsum(data10(:,13)); tpin = tp/25.4; stp = size(tpin); ttpin = tpin(stp(1,1)); %save total daily precip in an array totprecip(ii,1) = data10(1,3); totprecip(ii,2) = ttpin; ttpins = num2str(ttpin(1,1)); if pltflg % do plots if pltflg=1 figure(1) clf subplot(2,1,1),plot(data10(:,3),data10(:,5)) %hold %subplot(2,1,1),plot(data50(:,3),data50(:,5),'r') %xlabel('Year Day (UTC)') ylabel('T (C)') stitle=sprintf('BAO %d 10m', data10(1,2)); title(stitle) %axis([110,116,-10,30]) xlim([yday,yday+1]) %legend('10m') %legend('10m','50m') subplot(2,1,2),plot(data10(:,3),data10(:,6)) %hold %subplot(2,1,2),plot(data50(:,3),data50(:,6),'r') xlabel('Year Day (UTC)') ylabel('Rh (%)') %axis([110,116,0,100]) %legend('10m') %legend('10m','50m') ylim([0,109]) xlim([yday,yday+1]) if pngflg print_buffer = [outpath, m(ii).name(1:15),'_TRH.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end figure(2) clf subplot(2,1,1),plot(data10(:,3),data10(:,7)) %hold %subplot(2,1,1),plot(data50(:,3),data50(:,7),'r') xlabel('Year Day (UTC)') ylabel('Spd (m/s)') title(stitle) %axis([110,116,0,30]) %legend('10m') xlim([yday,yday+1]) %legend('10m','50m') subplot(2,1,2),plot(data10(:,3),data10(:,14)) %hold %subplot(2,1,2),plot(data50(:,3),data50(:,8),'r') xlabel('Year Day (UTC)') ylabel('Dir (true)') %axis([110,116,0,360]) %legend('10m') xlim([yday,yday+1]) %legend('10m','50m') if pngflg print_buffer = [outpath, m(ii).name(1:15),'_WS.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end figure(3) clf subplot(2,1,1),plot(data10(:,3),data10(:,12)) %xlabel('Year Day (UTC)') ylabel('Pressure (mb)') title(stitle) xlim([yday,yday+1]) ylim([800 880]) %axis([110,116,820,850]) subplot(2,1,2),plot(data10(:,3),tpin,'r.') xlabel('Year Day (UTC)') ylabel('Precip (in)') xlim([yday,yday+1]) ylim([0 .5]) text(yday+.1,2,'Total (in) = ') text(yday+.3,2,ttpins) %axis([110,116,0,.5]) if pngflg print_buffer = [outpath, m(ii).name(1:15),'_PP.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end end % if doing plots end % loop through all files if 0 % This plot is done when reading the *all file figure(4) clf plot(totprecip(:,1),totprecip(:,2),'k*') %hold %plot(totprecip(:,1),totprecip(:,2),'k') title('BAO daily total precipitation (in)') xlabel('Year Day (UTC)') ylabel('Precip (in)') stot = size(totprecip); xlim([min(totprecip(:,1)),max(totprecip(stot(1,1),1))]) if pltflg print_buffer = [outpath, fn(24:38),'TP.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end save totprecip.dat totprecip -ascii end