function varargout = wind_rose(D,F,varargin) %WIND ROSE Wind rose of direction and intensity % % Syntax: % HANDLES = WIND_ROSE(D,I,VARARGIN) % % Inputs: % D Directions % I Intensities % VARARGIN: % -dtype, type of input directions D, standard or meteo, % if meteo, the conversion dnew=mod(-90-D,360) is done; % if not meteo, standard is used (default) % -n, number of D subdivisons % -di, intensities subdivisons, default is automatic % -ci, percentage circles to draw, default is automatic % -labtitle, main title % -lablegend, legend title % -cmap, colormap [jet] % -colors, to use instead of colormap, for each di % -quad, Quadrant to show percentages [1] % -ri, empty internal radius, relative to size of higher % percentage [1/30] % -legtype, legend type: 1, continuous, 2, separated boxes [2] % -bcolor, full rectangle border color ['none'] % -lcolor, line colors for axes and circles ['k'] % -percbg, percentage labels bg ['w'] % -ax, to place wind rose on pervious axes, the input for ax % must be [theax x y width], where theax is the previous % axes, x and y are the location and width is the wind % rose width relative to theax width (default=1/5) % -iflip, flip the intensities as they go outward radially, ie, % highest values are placed nearest the origin [{0} 1] % % Output: % HANDLES Handles of all lines, fills, texts % % Examle: % d=0:10:350; % D=[]; % V=[]; % for i=1:length(d) % n=d(i)/10; % D=[D ones(1,n)*d(i)]; % V=[V 1:n]; % end % % figure % wind_rose(D,V) % % figure % wind_rose(D,V,'iflip',1) % % figure % wind_rose(D,V,'ci',[1 2 7],'dtype','meteo') % % % place it on a previous axes: % ax=axes; % plot(lon,lat) % wind_rose(D,V,'ax',[ax x y 1/3]) % % MMA 26-11-2007, % IEO, Instituto Español de Oceanografía % La Coruña, España % 10-12-2007 - Added varargin ci and n (nAngles removed as input) % 17-12-2007 - Added varargin ax, colors % 22-02-2008 - Added varargin dtype % 08-05-2008 - Bug fix (bar at dir=0 could be incorrect in some cases) % 14-05-2008 - Added varargin iflip %figure; handles=[]; % varargin options: dtype='standard'; nAngles=36; ri=1/30; quad=1; legType=2; percBg='w'; titStr=''; legStr=''; cmap=jet; colors=[]; Ag=[]; % intensity subdivs. ci=[]; % percentage circles lineColors='k'; borderColor='none'; onAxes=false; iflip=0; vin=varargin; for i=1:length(vin) if isequal(vin{i},'dtype') dtype=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'n') nAngles=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'ri') ri=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'quad') quad=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'legtype') legType=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'percbg') percBg=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'labtitle') titStr=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'lablegend') legStr=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'cmap') cmap=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'colors') colors=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'di') Ag=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'ci') ci=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'lcolor') lineColors=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'bcolor') borderColor=vin{i+1}; elseif isequal(vin{i},'ax') ax=vin{i+1}; try onAxes=ax(1); onAxesX=ax(2); onAxesY=ax(3); onAxesR=ax(4); catch disp(':: cannot place wind rose on axes, bad argument for ax') return end elseif isequal(vin{i},'iflip') iflip=vin{i+1}; end end % other options: % size of the full rectangle: rs=1.2; rl=1.7; % directions conversion: if isequal(dtype,'meteo') D=mod(-270-D,360); %D=mod(-90-D,360); end % angles subdivisons: D=mod(D,360); Ay=linspace(0,360,nAngles+1)-0.5*360/nAngles; % calc instensity subdivisions: if isempty(Ag) % gen Ag: f=figure('visible','off'); plot(F); axis tight; yl=get(gca,'ytick'); close(f) dyl=diff(yl); dyl=dyl(1); if min(F)>yl(1), yl=[yl(1)-dyl yl]; end if max(F)>yl(end), yl=[yl yl(end)+dyl]; end Ag=yl; end IncHiLow=1; % include values higher and lower that the limits of Ag. for i=1:length(Ay)-1 if i==1 I=find( (D>=Ay(i) & D=Ay(end)); else I=find(D>=Ay(i) & D=Ag(j) & b=Ag(end-1))); end end b=sum(E,2)/length(D)*100; % check if has values higher or lower than the Ag limits hasH=length(find(F>=Ag(end))); hasL=length(find(F0, handles(end+1)=fill(x,y,cor{jcor}); end r1=r2; end end end axis equal axis off uistack(labs,'top') % N S E W labels: bg='none'; args={'BackgroundColor',bg,'FontSize',8}; h(1)=text(-g-ri, 0,'WEST', 'VerticalAlignment','top', 'HorizontalAlignment','left', args{:}); h(2)=text( g+ri, 0,'EAST', 'VerticalAlignment','top', 'HorizontalAlignment','right',args{:}); h(3)=text( 0,-g-ri,'SOUTH','VerticalAlignment','bottom','HorizontalAlignment','left', args{:}); h(4)=text( 0, g+ri,'NORTH','VerticalAlignment','top', 'HorizontalAlignment','left', args{:}); handles=[handles h]; % scale legend: L=(g*rl-g-ri)/7; h=(g+ri)/10; dy=h/3; x0=g+ri+(g*rl-g-ri)/7; x1=x0+L; y0=-g-ri; if legType==1 % contimuous. for j=1:length(Ag)-1 lab=num2str(Ag(j)); if j==1 & hasL & ~IncHiLow lab=''; end y1=y0+h; handles(end+1)=fill([x0 x1 x1 x0],[y0 y0 y1 y1],cor{j}); handles(end+1)=text(x1+L/4,y0,lab,'VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',8); y0=y1; end if ~ (hasH & ~IncHiLow) handles(end+1)=text(x1+L/4,y0,num2str(Ag(end)),'VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',8); end elseif legType==2 % separated boxes. for j=1:length(Ag)-1 lab=[num2str(Ag(j)) ' - ' num2str(Ag(j+1))]; if j==1 & hasL & ~IncHiLow lab=['<',num2str(Ag(2))]; end if j==length(Ag)-1 & hasH & ~IncHiLow lab=['>=',num2str(Ag(j))]; end y1=y0+h; handles(end+1)=fill([x0 x1 x1 x0],[y0+dy y0+dy y1 y1],cor{j}); handles(end+1)=text(x1+L/4,(y0+dy+y1)/2,lab,'VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',8); y0=y1; end end % title and legend label: x=mean([-g*rs,g*rl]); y=mean([g+ri,g*rs]); handles(end+1)=text(x,y,titStr,'HorizontalAlignment','center'); x=x0; y=y1+dy; handles(end+1)=text(x,y,legStr,'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','bottom'); if onAxes place_wr(onAxes,wrAx,onAxesX,onAxesY,onAxesR); end if nargout==1 varargout{1}=handles; end function place_wr(ax,ax2,x,y,width) if nargin < 5 width=1/5; end uax=get(ax,'units'); pax=get(ax,'position'); set(ax,'units',uax) axXlim=get(ax,'xlim'); axYlim=get(ax,'ylim'); x_ax2=pax(1)+pax(3)*(x-axXlim(1))/diff(axXlim); y_ax2=pax(2)+pax(4)*(y-axYlim(1))/diff(axYlim); pax2=get(ax2,'position'); width=pax(3)*width; height=pax2(4)*width/pax2(3); pax2=[x_ax2 y_ax2 width height]; if 1 % place at centre of the wr, not the bottom left corner: ax2Xlim=get(ax2,'xlim'); ax2Ylim=get(ax2,'ylim'); dx=(0-ax2Xlim(1))/diff(ax2Xlim)*pax2(3); dy=(0-ax2Ylim(1))/diff(ax2Ylim)*pax2(4); x_ax2=x_ax2-dx; y_ax2=y_ax2-dy; pax2=[x_ax2 y_ax2 width height]; end set(ax2,'position',pax2) function cor = caxcolor(val,cax,cmap) %CAXCOLOR Caxis color for value % Find the color for a given value in a colormap. % % Syntax: % COLOR = CAXCOLOR(VALUE,CAXIS,COLORMAP) % % Inputs: % VALUE % CAXIS Default is current caxis % COLORMAP Default is current colormap % % Output: % COLOR RGB color vector % % Example: % figure % pcolor(peaks) % color=caxcolor(0); % set(gcf,'color',color) % % MMA 28-5-2007, % Department of Physics % University of Aveiro, Portugal if nargin < 3 cmap = get(gcf,'colormap'); end if nargin < 2 cax = caxis; end n=size(cmap,1); i= (val-cax(1))/diff(cax) * (n-1) +1; a=i-floor(i); i=floor(i); i=min(i,n); i=max(i,1); if i==n cor=cmap(n,:); elseif i==1 cor=cmap(1,:); else cor=cmap(i,:)*(1-a) + cmap(i+1,:)*a; end