We began our installations at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, TX on 7/7/2011 and finished-up with Cleburne on 7/12. The site details are as follows: · Sweetwater, 7/7 -- N32.469302°, W100.467024°, 717m · Jayton, 7/8 -- N33.017371°, W 100.977578°, 712m · Colorado City, 7/9 -- N32.476104°, W100.922817°, 672m · Ozona, 7/10 -- N30.735791°, W101.203388°, 721m · Coleman, 7/11 -- N31.841449°, W99.405848°, 514m · Cleburne, 7/12 -- N32.353115°, W97.435209°, 259m 1) Due to the surrounding mesquite forest, our anemometer at Jayton is mounted on the NOAA 10m tower, as opposed to being at 3m for all other installations. Sensors for Temperature, Rh, and Barometric Pressure are all measured at 2m. 2) Non-quantified bias to the Cleburne/PNNL anemometer data will occur in southerly winds until the temporary, ~40-foot tall, sound abatement fence to the SSW of the PNNL met station is removed later this month ... see photo. This fence was installed by a gas drilling contractor in response to a city ordinance governing such activities. I think Kurt Elsholz can provide additional details re: this temporary fence. 3) All PNNL surface met station tripods are installed such that the leg below the solar panel is aligned with and pointed toward true south.