DEW 4/25/2007 New PC on site with Loggernet and PC208 installed. Connected to dataloggers on tower. Seeing all CR10x on tower 10, 50, 100, 200, 300m. Only 10 and 50 have some data. 10m also has pressure and precip. Lots of rain yesterday. Setup LoggerNet to automatically collect 10 and 50m data. Reset times on PC and data loggers ~10:15 MST. 10m every 10 min at 5,10, 15..... 50m every 10 min at 2, 7, 12..... 300m level now has GMD CR1000 datalogger ID is 102. Met sensors Still need to be installed. ************ 9182007 100m still not sampling correctlly Crane and Rack & Pinion out to re-install carriage. Great weather!! PC 1 min 43 sec fast reset 10m 1 min 20 sec fast reset 100m 53 sec fast reset 300m 1min 40sec fast reset Changing out pressure and rain gauges with new units this morning. ~858 Local Below is the data during the change. Sfc pressure before ~840 mb and after 860 mb!! See some precip hits indicating this sensor is working. Moving data to archive 9182007 ~1624 UTC GMD running sampling tubes to 300(2), 100(1), 22m(1) on tower. PSD will replace prop-vanes and T/RH at 22 and 100m 100m needs new RAD, optical interface etc and tested again. 200m is using twisted pair, no fiber!! *************** 4/26/2007 DEW Tubing completed on tower and into building. Met sensors installed at 300m New T/RH and prop at 10m Temp not in aspirator. Needs work Dicsomnnected 50m to get 100m logger communicating. Have new T/RH and prop on ground for 100m Might have to install new program to handle HMP45 after taking HMP35 out. No sensors working at 100m 10m Prop 17394 HMP V0120023 100m Prop 20103 HMP45 U303001 6/8/2007DEW All systems running Changing PC and datalogger clocks to UTC Local time was off 10m 1 min 20 sec fast 300m sets time automatically **** 6142007 DEW Reset PC time 41 sec fast UTC 10m 8 sec fast reset 300m 25 sec fast reset Moved 10, 100, and 300m data files to c:/data/Archive_6142007 New files showing up Change CR1000 to have 2 files writing to C:/data/bao_loggers bao300m.dat and CR1000_wkt300m.dat +38 deg offset in 300m direction according to GMD. *********** 06202007 DEW SP PC clock is ~10 sec fast Put new Wind and HMP45 at 100m. Can connect, but not seeing data. Wired same as 10m Need to check program. Pulled off 2 sets of wind and temp sensors Dropped camera and a wrench from 200m. System still collecting 10 and 300m data Sill no aspirators. *********** Jul 17, 2007 DEWData logger PC off. Files show last data collected on the PC time ~5 sec slow reset 10m time 15 sec fast reset looks like good data 100m time 43 sec fast reset data not good 300m time 53 sec fast reset looks like good data Last data in 300m 30 sec data file is 7/12/2007 was automatic scheduling was off. Turned on and it is now collecting data Copying data to thumb drive directory 7172007 (not all of 300m as it was taking a long time) Still no T/RH aspirators at 10m or 100m U Mass put sonics at 50, 100, and 150m both sides of tower just before Jul 4th I believe. Data logger at 100m ******************* Jul 27, 2007 CSD out with all their equipment running on the carriage. Also lots of trailers. PC running Copied 10 and 300m data files PC 47 sec fast reset 10m 11 sec fast reset 300m 7 sec fast reset ************************* DEW 28 Jul 2007 Tower break in last night. Cut through fence N side of tower compound. Call Weld Cty SHeriff Broke into main building and one of CSD trailer. Took laptop and tools. Didn't break into Bill's RV or any of the trailers. Probably came in through back way. Fence is up, but gate not locked!!!! Visitor building okay. After proccessing 10m data collected yesterday, found gap in data. Tried to recover all from data logger, but not there memory in CR10 must be small. Need UPS for PC. Haven't checked 300m data yet. CR1000 10min file missing data from 3-17 July. Need to find out how to collect data if it is still on logger. Quick check of 300m 30 sec data file looks like not missing data while PC was down. ****************** Aug 3,2007 D Wolfe Reset PC time 10m logger time okay 300m logger 57 sec fast reset U Mass out to set up additional sonic HOBO units on 10m tower to SW CSD running carriage experiment. Added radiation shield and aspirator to 10m T/TH Moved Prop vane to south side boom at 10m Sergio and Mario putting up 200, 250, 300m sonic, datalogger and UPS. **************** Aug 8, 2007 D Wolfe CSD still running night time carriage experiments. CIRES finally has tether balloon system running. U Mass FMCW radar arrived yesterday. Sergio and Mario finished setting up the rest U Mass sonics sensors on tower Mon and Tue. 10m Sonic N Prop S T/RH in aspirator (Fri Aug 3) 22m Sonic N and S Data from these 2 levels going to data loger at base of tower 50m Sonic N 100m Sonic N T/RH in aspirator (Tue Aug 7) data logger and wireless 150m Sonic N 200m Sonic N and S 250m Sonic N and S data logger and wireless 300m Sonic N (UM) S (GMD) T/RH (GMD) 9 News shot background pictures yesterday Sergio took them on the tower. Nick Carter supposed to do a live shoot this morning. I arrived a 4:45, but they didn't arrive until 6:15. Left ~7:50 No live shots. Miss understanding of what was going on. will be made into a story later. Data logger clocks and PC clock all okay. Moved data to 882007 directory and saved to thumb drive ~13:55 UTC ************************** DEW 13 Aug 2007 PC time is 34 sec fast reset 10 m logger is 48 sec fast reset 100m logger is 9 sec fast rest 300m logger is 54 sec fast reset Moved data files to thumb drive and PC archive **************** DEW Aug 15, 2007 CSD out taking off all instruments from carriage Rack and Pinon out checking out carriage for major over haul DOC security out (Keith) with electrical and window security contractors to measure for estimates Moved 10, 100, and 300 m data files to thumb drive and archive Dave White and I did a test balloon launch, 2 laptop systems, one balloon/sonde Dave had some problems initially with error light staying on. Then he lost sonde ~250mb, but PSD3 system worked fine. We did turn off VIRUS SCAN on PSD3 system ************** DEW 23 Aug 2007 Carriage taken off and sent into shop yesterday. U Mass sonics still in. PC clock reset ~ 34 sec fast Moved data to 8232007 10m logger time is right on 100m logger right on 300m logger 5sec fast reset New black boxes in bldg by GMD rack. *********** 8282007 DEW SP Collecting data and saving to ARCHIVE on PC PC clock ~15 sec fast reset 10m 13 sec fast reset 300m 10 sec fast reset Mario w/Umass on site Packing infra sound systems. Carriage still in shop ************ 8302008 DEW Went on tower w/Mario CHecked 10m prop-vane orientation. Held in place 1450-1500 LST 2050-2100 UTC Can see data in data file. Checked program and wiring for 100m T/RH Turns out RH was in 1L (2) SE and program was looking for 2H (3) SE LOGGERNET connect, but program wasn't running. reloaded program and everything look fine except date time on station is back to 1/1/2000 Reset station clock at 2152 UTC Reset logger ID to 100 from 200. Looking at 100m data it has a strange time stamp. Not 1 min data 200,2007,242,1954,25.476,-28.082,0,0,13.224,0,0 200,2007,242,1955,25.537,-28.08,0,0,13.222,0,0 200,2007,242,2004,25.682,-28.08,0,0,13.21,0,0 200,2007,242,2005,25.748,-28.09,0,0,13.209,0,0 100,2007,242,2153,27.044,31.686,0,0,13.153,0,0 100,2007,242,2154,27.136,31.66,0,0,13.153,0,0 Change a couple of lines in BAO100a.dld and reloaded at 2214 UTC Another change and reloaded at 2227 UTC Collecting data off logger and moving to thumb drive and and Archive ******************** DEW Sep 6 2007 Moving data to 9062007 PC clock 14 sec fast reset 10 m clock 2 sec fast 100m clock 3 sec fast 300m clock 6 sec slow reset Mowed grass around main compound Started 100 U Mass logger. Wireless at 250m not responding sfc logger working NASA CO2 Lidar folks due out this afternoon. Very windy with a front coming through. 10m both booms pushed in 30-40 degs. Pushed both back out and tightened bolt with pipe wrench. ***********9112007 dew 1706 UTC moved data to 9112007 thumb dirve and archive PC time is 31 sec fast reset U Mass systems till running on tower. 100m datalogger program still not collecting 1 min data **************** 9172007 DEW Moving data to thumb drive and PC Archive 9172007 directory Changed 100m program instruction 13 from 2 1 to 1 1 at Sergio's suggestion. 1556 UTC Did not reset any times on PC or logger Rainy and overcast New Campbell sensors came in, need to switch out rain gauge and pressure sensor **************** 9212007 DEW It looks like the new pressure sensor has different coeff than the old one. Old program 1:P4 1:1 2:5 3:4 In channel 2L 4:1 5:100 6:2500 7:6 8:.184 9:600 New program from Campbell book is a P1 with mulitplier of .240 and offset of 600. Will change BAO10A.DLD and then check with Sergio. Pressure looks way off 938.63 mb after change Installing new 100m program Sergio wrote. collecting data before this change 1417 UTC Data look bad. Re-installing program with P13 change back so that RH comes through. It is again now. Security lights installed Carriage on Ty doing road work already Dual ballons with PSD systems ********************* DEW Oct 1, 2007 ~1650 UTC Sergio Modified programs last week Doesn't look like the data are coming into the 10m file correctly since JD 270 LOGGERNET connect with numeric output look okay. 100m output looks okay except it has Pressure and precip (which we will not have) and not data between JD 270 and 244 ~1700 UTC LOGGERNET was not running with automatic data collection on. PC time is 1 min fast reset 10m time is 31 sec fast reset 100m time is 31 sec fast reset 300m time is 2 sec fast not reset ************** DEW SP Oct 2 2007 1445 UTC Dan and Sergio updating 10m and 100m programs T, RH, U, S, Dir, Dirsd, Bat, Press, Rain at 10m T, RH, U, S, Dir, Dirsd, Bat at 100m 300m data 30 sec file now going to data directory and named CR1000_300m.dat New road base going in *************** Oct 10, 2007 DEW Moved data to 10102007 PC time is 17 sec fast reset 1519 UTC 10 time is 53 sec fast reset 100 m time is right on 300m time is 60 sec fast reset All data looks good ************ DEW 16 Oct 2007 Heavy fog this morning Weed control on site Security company checking out soon to be installed key pads etc Key=Rite LOGGERNET not running didn't have to reboot system, so not sure what happened. Testing reboot to see if loggernet (in startup starts automatically. UPS working when unplugged from wall. LOGERNET starts up when you logon to Dan WOlfe. PC shouldn't automatically come up if UPS dies. Manually collecting data 300m 10min data missing period between when PC went down and now 300m 30sec data look okay. PC 50 sec fast reset 1750 UTC 10 m 5 sec fast reset 100m 2 sec slow reset 300m 42 sec fast reset ***************** DCW,DEW 2007-10-24 1657 UTC Manually collected data Manually changed the time--moved back 26 seconds 10 m 44 sec fast reset 100m 3 sec slow reset 300m 49 sec fast reset Editted the registry with regedit Added AutoAdminLogon 1 to have computer autologon when rebooted Didn't work ************ DEW 26 Oct 2007 1503 UTC Fixed auto logon process and it does start LOGGERNET up too. Password is spyderman for dwolfe when screen saver comes on. ********* DEW Oct 29 2007 Manually collected data 10292007 PC 9 sec fast reset 10 m 46 sec fast reset 100m 1 sec fast Security company put to start putting bars om windows. 300m 62 sec fast reset ********* DEW Nov 7 2007 1419 UTC Manually collected data 10292007 PC 59 sec fast reset 10 m 1 min 19 sec fast reset 100m 1 sec fast 300m 43 sec fast reset Can still connect to 200m with twisted pair, no sensors Collected data 11072007 Fiber cable estimate guy on site Using WINSCP to collect 100m UMASS data through wireless. Taking a long time. Still can't connect to sfc and 250m loggers. No word from Mario on whether I can power on/off to reset wireless. 100m logger still running after restarting last week with Dave. Ran carriage up to top and down. No problems *************** DEW Nov 9, 2007 1500 UTC Downlaoding more UMASS data @ 100m As of Nov 7 there are now 6 sonics in raw_data file. Cycled power on 10m box. Wireless light not on, can't connect through putty. Don't get any response through Putty. NASA Lidar group due on site to install reflector. NCAR wants to come out and test drop-sondes. Hal Cole *********** Nov 12, 2007 DEW Break=In over weekend Cut through wire fence off road 7 cut locks on Paul's and old radiometer containers Broke hasp on brush cutter container, because lock was too tough. Things have been rifled through, but nothing taken that is obvious. Called Weld County Sherrif. Can hear something singing on tower, maybe reflector for NASA which is at 300m Winds 10 m/s. Could be buss bar rubber protection. *************** Nov 13, 2007 DEW 1720 UTC On site to collect data and install CSD CO2 samplers on carriage. Also putting additional padlocks on sea containers. PC time 38 sec fast reset 10m time 34 sec fast reset 100m time 2 sec slow reset 300m time 51 sec fast reset 15 m/s winds at 300m Moved data to 11132007 ********* DEW Nov 16, 2007 Carriage stuck ~ 250m Jeff GMD bringing down when it stopped last night. Unable to bring it down from 250m landing. Rack and Pinion out. Howie climbed over to carriage and brought it down. Able to send up and down from ground, although it failed to respond one time. Cycling stop button seemed to correct it. Greased lowest 10mm of carriage rack. Said it is very dry. One roller holding gear in place squeaking and needs replacing. Jeff doing several profiles. NASA leaving today from High School Moved data to 11162007 1540 UTC ************* DEW SP Nov 21 2007 1553 UTC PC time is 50 sec fast 10m 50 sec fast reset 100m right on 300m 13 sec fast reset Checking 100m sampling Found that the button to collect since last time was not set. Logger is sampling at 1 min. ************ DCW Nov 27 2007 1549 UTC PC time is 11 sec fast, reset 10m 10sec fast, reset 100m 3 sec fast, reset 300m right on ******** DEW Dec 6, 2007 1518 UTC Loggernet and STATUS not running when I go here. PC time was 45 sec fast reset 10m 3 sec slow reset 100m 3 sec slow reset 300m right on All data files up to date Moved all data to 12062007 directory with no problems Testing reboot and system automatically login and starts LOGERNET left LOGGERNET running and status up.