;Title; acse_wbandplots.pro ;Purpose: plot time-height radar moments for Wband radar. ; ;Input: sarg: date/time string, YYYYMMDDHH ; earg: data/time string, YYYYMMDDHH ;Output: ;Keywords: image: if set then write images as a PNG file in working directory ; ylog: if set then the y axis is logarithmic in height ; ceilometer: if set then add the ceilometer data onto the radar fields ;I/O: ;Author: Matthew Shupe ;Date: 7/15/2008, adapted 7/7/2014 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- pro acse_wbandplot,sarg,earg,image=image,ylog=ylog,ceilometer=ceilometer ;Determine directory structure datadir='c:/data/ACSE/programs' imagedir='c:/data/ACSE/plots' colorfile='c:/data/ACSE/programs/colorscopy.tbl' wbanddir='f:/archive/wband/mom' ceilodir='f:/archive/ceilometer' factor=50 ;Factor to decrease the time resolution for plotting device,decomposed=0 ;Read in all data streams (MMCR) print,'Reading data.' acse_readwband,sarg,earg,rtime,rheight,rdbz,rdopp,rspwd,rstn,directory=wbanddir,factor=factor if keyword_set(ceilometer) then begin acse_readceilo,sarg,earg,ctime,detstat,cbase1,cbase2,cbase3,vertvis,highsig,directory=ceilodir ;Put all necessary data streams on a consistent time, height grid (radar time) cbase=interpol(cbase1,ctime,rtime) endif else cbase=rtime*0-999. ;special filter for lowest ASCOS range gate ;rdbz[*,n_elements(rheight)-1]=-999 ;wh=where(rdbz[*,0] lt -50,nm) ;if nm gt 0 then begin ; rdbz[wh,0]=-999. ; rdopp[wh,0]=-999. ; rspwd[wh,0]=-999. ;endif ;wh=where(rdbz[*,0] gt -60 and rstn[*,0] gt -10,nm) ;if nm gt 0 then begin ; rdbz[wh,0]=rdbz[wh,0]>(-50) ; rdopp[wh,0]=rdopp[wh,0] ; rspwd[wh,0]=rspwd[wh,0] ;endif ;Set up plot axes if keyword_set(ylog) then begin yra=[0.1,6] endif else begin yra=[0,6] ylog=0 endelse ;Make Wband plots datestr=strmid(sarg,0,8)+' '+strmid(sarg,8,2)+':00 - '+strmid(earg,0,8)+' '+strmid(earg,8,2)+':00' wband_momentsplot,rtime,rheight,rdbz,rdopp,rspwd,rstn,datestr,XRA=xra,YRA=yra,SITE='ACSE',ylog=ylog,cbase=cbase ;write a Wband png file if keyword_set(image) then begin cd,imagedir,current=orig_dir ifile='acse.wband.'+sarg+'.'+earg+'.png' tvlct,r,g,b,/get write_png,ifile,tvrd(true=1),r,g,b cd,orig_dir endif end