Preliminary in-field dataset for raw near-surface meteorology and seawater data ATOMIC 2020, NW Tropical Atlantic 1-min resolution NOAA Earth System Research Lab Physical Sciences Division (NOAA/ESRL/PSD) Please acknowledge: NOAA/ESRL/PSD: Elizabeth Thompson, Chris Fairall, Sergio Pezoa Dataset is subject to change as updates, corrections, and more data become available Please contact Elizabeth Thompson if errors are found or if changes/additional variables are requested. Contact: Sign Conventions: - fluxes: meteorological convention positive = out of ocean, cooling the ocean, warming the atmosphere negative = into the ocean, warming the ocean, cooling the atmosphere - wind: meteorological convention direction = the direction wind came from Sensors: - all NOAA ESRL PSD sensors are located on foremast except sea snake, radiometers, pressure, heading, and GPS. The radiometers are mounted on top of the forward starboard O2 deck van The sea snake was in the water dangling from forward portside main deck rail The pressure, heading, and GPS are from sensors on forward portside O2 deck rail - ship sensors are either on foremast (rotating propellor for wind), on top of pilot house (all others), or on forward portside O2 deck rail (radiometers) % NOAA ESRL PSD sensor heights above water or depth below water (m) zu = 18.0; % wind speed measurement height zt = 17.0; % air T measurement height zq = 17.0; % air q measurement height zp = 14.40; % pressure measurement height zsnk = 0.05; % sea snake measurement depth % ship sensor heights above sea level (m) zu_ship = 18.5928; % wind speed measurement height zt_ship = 17.0942; % air T measurement height zq_ship = 17.0942; % air q measurement height zp_ship = 15.6337; % air P measurement height ztsg_ship = 5.334; % depth of TSG intake zrad_ship = 10.1981; % radiometer measurement height Data Quality Notes: - use psd data (no suffix) over ship data (_s suffix) because data quality of former is better, except... (see next line) - NOAA ESRL PSD T and RH shouldn't be used before Jan 10, 18:20 UTC. The cap was accidentally left on sensor until then. - Some ship data wasn't reported until a few days into the cruise, so are NaN at first - Some reported ship data fields are not correct and should not be used. These include: - foremast wind measurements, relative and true - reported sea level pressure (use corrected ship slp instead, slp_s) - humidity Header for text file found in companion file: header_ATOMIC_2020_1min_met_sea_data.txt (same spacing as data fields - length/spacing = 20 per field) number of variables in txt file: 80 number of variables in mat file: 91 Explanation or non data-type fields in matlab structure (not in text file): readme = explains creation of file cruise_str = 'ATOMIC' ... used for plotting org_adj: -0.0105 org_bkgd: 0.0753 PosLims = [Lonmin, Lonmax, Latmin, Latmax]... Lonmin = -63; Lonmax = -45; Latmin = 8; Latmax = 20; ztsg_ship = depth of ship TSG ... AND all other heights of sensors listed above in readme Fields in Matlab structure f, and columns in .txt file, alphabetical order with capital letters first month, day, year, minute, second, and jd are the date/time variables for .txt file t, jd are the date/time varibales for .mat file (t = matlab datetime) Ctsg_s: [1440×1 double] ship thermosalinograph SBE 45 conductivity, S/m Fl_s: [1440×1 double] ship fluorometer dry value, micrograms/L Stsg_s: [1440×1 double] ship thermosalinograph SBE 45 salinity, psu Ta: [1440×1 double] ESRL air T at height zt, C Ta_s: [1440×1 double] ship air T at height zt_ship, C Td_s: [1440×1 double] ship air dewpoint T at height zt_ship, C Tskin: [1440×1 double] skin T of seawater from ROSR infrared radiometer, C (true SST felt by atmosphere) Tsnk: [1440×1 double] ESRL sea snake T at depth zsnk, C Tsonic: [1440×1 double] ESRL air Tv virtual temp of 3D sonic anemometer at height zu, C Ttsg_int_s: [1440×1 double] ship thermosalinograph SBE 45 internal T, C (use for instrument calibration only) Ttsg_s: [1440×1 double] ship thermosalinograph SBE 38 T at depth ztsg_ship, C aspir_TRH: [1440×1 double] ESRL fan speed of aspirator on T/RH Vaisala sensor, rpm cog: [1440×1 double] ESRL course over ground, deg cog_s: [1440×1 double] ship course over ground, deg day: [1440×1 double] day heave_s: [1440×1 double] ship heave, m (POSMV system) hed: [1440×1 double] ESRL heading, deg hed_s: [1440×1 double] ship heading, deg hour: [1440×1 double] hour jd: [1440×1 double] decimal julian date lat: [1440×1 double] ESRL lat, deg lat_s: [1440×1 double] ship lat, deg (ship's primary GPS system) licor_AGC: [1440×1 double] Licor box T aka AGC value used for quality control. Good data have AGC < 60. lon: [1440×1 double] ESRL lon, deg lon_s: [1440×1 double] ship lon, deg (ship's primary GPS system) lw1: [1440×1 double] ESRL downwelling long wave radiation unit #1, W/m2 lw1_T_case: [1440×1 double] ESRL T of lw1 unit #1 case, C lw1_T_dome: [1440×1 double] ESRL T of lw1 unit #1 dome, C lw2: [1440×1 double] ESRL downwelling long wave radiation unit #2, W/m2 lw2_T_case: [1440×1 double] ESRL T of lw1 unit #2 case, C lw2_T_dome: [1440×1 double] ESRL T of lw1 unit #2 dome, C lw_T_case_s: [1440×1 double] ship T of lw_s unit #2 case, C lw_T_dome_s: [1440×1 double] ship T of lw_s unit #2 dome, C lw_clr: [1440×1 double] calculated clear-sky downwelling longwave radiation, W/m2 lw_s: [1440×1 double] ship downwelling long wave radiation, W/m2 minute: [1440×1 double] minute month: [1440×1 double] month pitch_s: [1440×1 double] ship pitch, deg (ship's POSMV system) prate: [1440×1 double] ESRL instantaneous precipitation rate from optical rain gauge, mm/hour press: [1440×1 double] ESRL barometric pressure at height zp, mb press_s: [1440×1 double] ship barometric pressure at height zp_ship, mb qa: [1440×1 double] ESRL air specific humidity at height zt, zq, zp, g/kg qa_s: [1440×1 double] ship air specific humidity at height zt, zq, zp, g/kg qsnk: [1440×1 double] saturation specific humidity at surface calculated with Ttsg, g/kg raw_p: [1440×1 double] ESRL optical rain gauge raw uncorrected measurement raw_p_despike: [1440×1 double] ESRL optical rain gauge raw uncorrected measurement despiked rdir: [1440×1 double] ESRL relative wind direction, deg, 3D sonic anemometer rdir_f_s: [1440×1 double] ship relative wind direction, deg, foremast rotating propellor rdir_p_s: [1440×1 double] ship relative wind direction, deg, port 2D sonic anemometer rdir_s_s: [1440×1 double] ship relative wind direction, deg, starboard 2D sonic anemometer rh: [1440×1 double] ESRL relative humidity at height zq, % rh_s: [1440×1 double] ship relative humidity at height zq_ship, % roll_s: [1440×1 double] ship roll, deg (ship's POSMV system) rspd: [1440×1 double] ESRL relative wind speed, m/s 3D sonic anemometer rspd_f_s: [1440×1 double] ship relative wind speed, m/s, foremast rotating propellor rspd_p_s: [1440×1 double] ship relative wind speed, m/s, port 2D sonic anemometer rspd_s_s: [1440×1 double] ship relative wind speed, m/s, starboard 2D sonic anemometer slp: [1440×1 double] ESRL barometric pressure for sea level altitude, mb slp_s_reported: [1440×1 double] ship reported barometric pressure for sea level altitude, mb slp_s: [1440×1 double] ship corrected barometric pressure for sea level altitude, mb sog: [1440×1 double] ESRL speed over ground, m/s sogE: [1440×1 double] ESRL eastward component of speed over ground, m/s sogE_s: [1440×1 double] ship eastward component of speed over ground, m/s sogN: [1440×1 double] ESRL northward component of speed over ground, m/s sogN_s: [1440×1 double] ship northward component of speed over ground, m/s sog_s: [1440×1 double] ship speed over ground, m/s sw1: [1440×1 double] ESRL downwelling shortwave radiation from unit #1, W/m2 sw2: [1440×1 double] ESRL downwelling shortwave radiation from unit #2, W/m2 sw_clr: [1440×1 double] calculated clear-sky downwelling shortwave radiation, W/m2 sw_s: [1440×1 double] ship downwelling shortwave radiation, W/m2 t: [1440×1 double] matlab datetime wdir: [1440×1 double] ESRL true wind direction, deg, 3D sonic anemometer wdir_f_s: [1440×1 double] ship true wind direction, deg, foremast rotating propellor wdir_p_s: [1440×1 double] ship true wind direction, deg, port 2D sonic anemometer wdir_s_s: [1440×1 double] ship true wind direction, deg, starboard 2D sonic anemometer wspd: [1440×1 double] ESRL wind speed, m/s, 3D sonic anemometer wspd_f_s: [1440×1 double] ship true wind speed, m/s, foremast rotating propellor wspd_p_s: [1440×1 double] ship true wind speed, m/s, port 2D sonic anemometer wspd_s_s: [1440×1 double] ship true wind speed, m/s, starboard 2D sonic anemometer year: [1440×1 double] year