%This program is made daily sensitive to the data from the Vaissala %ceilometer CT25 %enter path of the raw data: % raw_data_path=way_raw_data_ceilo;%'S:\GOMECC_2007\RHB\Ceilometer\Raw\'; %enter path of where to put the processed data: % processed_data_path='C:\Data\CRUISES\RHB_Setup_Charleston-11-16_March_2007\ceilometer\test\OnRHB\'; % processed_data_path=way_proc_data_ceilo;%'S:\GOMECC_2007\RHB\Ceilometer\Processed\'; %enter path of where to put the processed images: % process_images_path='C:\Data\CRUISES\RHB_Setup_Charleston-11-16_March_2007\ceilometer\test\OnRHB\'; % process_images_path=way_images_ceilo;%'S:\GOMECC_2007\RHB\Ceilometer\Raw_Images\'; %modified 10/15/2009 DEW clear; close('all'); fclose('all'); %try Fluxroot='S:\CALNEX_2010\Atlantis\AUTOFlux_programs_v2\'; % name of the path where the 'flux' folder + read_parameters file are installed. cd([Fluxroot, 'flux']) %Changes current directory to fluxroot addpath(genpath(Fluxroot)) %adds flux folder and all of its subdirectories to the top of the MATLAB search path. %%%%%%%%%%% Read parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read_parameters_CALNEX; %reads the parameters for the cruise. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Modifies current directory and search path%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ceiloroot='S:\CALNEX_2010\Atlantis\AUTOFlux_programs_v2\'; % name of the path where the 'flux' folder + read_parameters file are installed. cd([Ceiloroot, 'ceilo']) %Changes current directory to fluxroot addpath(genpath(Ceiloroot)) %adds flux folder and all of its subdirectories to the top of the MATLAB search path. %%%%%%%%%%% Defines some options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plotit=true; % for making plots. prtit=true; % for printing plots--ineffective unless plotit is also true graphformat='.png'; %select graphics format files graphdevice='-dpng'; %select graphic device saveit=true; % for saving data files clearit=true;% for clearing data sometimes to save memory emailconf=false; %for sending email confirmation to NOAA email recipient list (Send_email_to_PSD3group.m) %set to false as it does not seem to work from DAS computers :( report=[]; data_ftp=false; %to activate ftp to Boulder server data_backup=false; %true; %to activate backup to Lacie hardrive (if present) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cruise_name=[cruise yyyy];%'WGC'; dd = clock; % date vector edn=datenum(dd(1),dd(2),dd(3),dd(4),dd(5),dd(6)); %MATLAB day bdn=edn-1; % this is to get the prevuous days data. ddv = datevec(bdn); year = num2str(ddv(1)); hr = 00; % assumes ceilometer program hasn't restarted fname=sprintf('A%c%02d%02d%02d.dat', year(4), ddv(2), ddv(3), hr) %Aymmddhh.DAT copyfile(['Y:\' fname],[way_raw_data_ceilo]); % copy yesterdays file from ceilometer PC (Y:) to D: ls([way_raw_data_ceilo '*.DAT']) % eval([ 'read_daily_rawceilo_CL31_', cruise, '_', yyyy]) eval([ 'ceilo_daily_plot_program_', cruise, '_', yyyy]) %compress ceilometer files into a zip file so it can be ftp'd mn = sprintf('%02d',ddv(2)); dy = sprintf('%02d',ddv(3)); jds = sprintf('%03d',jd); if exist([way_images_ceilo, cruise, '_', yyyy, '_', ship, '_ceilobackscatter_', mon, dy, '_' jds, '.png'],'file') && exist([way_images_ceilo, cruise, '_', yyyy, '_', ship, '_ceilobase_', mon, dy, '_' jds, '.png'],'file') entrynames=zip([way_proc_data_flux, cruise, '_', yyyy, '_', ship, '_ceilo_', mon, dy, '_' jds, '.zip'],{[way_images_ceilo, cruise, '_', yyyy, '_', ship, '_ceilobackscatter_', mon, dy, '_' jds graphformat],[way_images_ceilo, cruise, '_', yyyy, '_', ship, '_ceilobase_', mon, dy, '_' jdn(1:3) graphformat]}); end exit