Summary of CalWater2015 variables used in COARE30 for Calwater-2015_flux_10_v4_decorr & Calwater-2015_flux_hr_v4_decorr result files. 1) True wind speed: speed and direction comparison to SCS is good. Using PSD wind for bulk model. 2) SST: Using SCS tsg @5m for bulk run because of issues with seasnake on leg 1. Otherwise comparison to tsg is good when snake is working properly. 3) T/RH: PSD RH is 2-3% lower than SCS overall. Using SCS T/RH for bulk run because of time response issues with PSD RH. 4) Radiation: PSD/SCS comparison is good. Using PSD rs and rl for bulk run. 5) Pressure: PSD/SCS comparison is good. Using PSD pressure for bulk run. 6) Rain: Using 6 instrument average rain from post-cruise met analysis. Summary of data filtering criteria for hourly averages and da_red_v4 plots: rdir_lo = -60; % rel wind direction, deg from bow rdir_hi = 60; rain_lim = 5; % rain rate, mm/hr sp2_lim = 0.8; % vplat std dev m/s sigu_lim = 0.6; % ship speed std dev m/s sigh_lim = 5; % ship heading std dev, deg badSon_lim = 300; % # bad sonic points per 10min interval missing_lim = 300; % # missing sonic points per 10min interval ushp_lim = 3.5; % ship speed, m/s tilt_lim = 10; % flow tilt angle, degrees sqrt(wwj)./ugw < 2+.0015*u_best.^2 sqrt(vvj)./ugu < 2