The link to the video is and Measurement instructions are listed below. Please let me know if more info is needed. Two major points - please by all means avoid splashes and smoke from ship’s stack, and do not take measurements when solar disk is covered by thin visible cloud. We do cloud screening ourselves but operator should make a determination to the best of his/her judgement that solar disk is free of clouds (even thin clouds). All parameters are pre-installed in the GPS and Microtops, so there is no need to change anything. Basically the operator should do the following: 1. Connect GPS and Microtops 2. Turn the GPS ON 3. Turn Microtops ON and wait till the Main screen shows up. 4. When the GPS locks the position it will update the date and time in Microtops and Microtops will beep twice. 5. Open the lid on Microtops. 6. Aim at the Sun and get a spot on target (in the central circle). 7. Push SCAN 8. When the SCAN is complete Microtops beeps once (please do not confuse GPS beeping for the Microtops one). 9. Do SCAN 6-10 times. 10. Close the lid and turn Microtops and GPS OFF. Each SCAN takes about 8-10 seconds, so 6-10 scans will take about 2 minutes plus some time for a GPS to lock a position. Microtops should be in the shipping case at all times except for the measurements. The internal memory can keep about 600 or 700 scans.