pro southern_ocean_sonde,frequency first=0 ; Get the data from the txt file file_prefix='FLEDT' file_path='/Users/u0029340/Documents/data/Capricorn/sondes/201603180600Z/' file_path='/Users/u0029340/Documents/data/Capricorn/sondes/201603190615Z/' openr,lun,file_path+file_prefix+'.tsv',/get_lun line='' while not eof(lun) do begin readf,lun,line print,line indicator='' reads,line,indicator,format='(A1)' print,indicator if indicator eq '*' then begin readf,lun,line ;read blank line while not eof(lun) do begin readf,lun,line print,line reads,line,time1,pscl1,t1,rh1,v1,u1,height1,p1,td1,mr1,dd1,ff1,az1,range1,lon1,lat1,spukey1,usrkey1,radarh1,$ format='(19(F10.2))' if (first eq 0) then begin time=time1 & pscl=pscl1 & temp=t1 & rh=rh1 & vwind=v1 & uwind=u1 & height=height1 pres=p1 & dewpoint=td1 & mxrat=mr1 & dd=dd1 & ff=ff1 & azimuth=az1 & range=range1 lon=lon1 & lat=lat1 & spukey=spukey1 & usrkey=usrkey1 & radarh=radarh1 endif else begin time=[time,time1] & pscl=[pscl,pscl1] & temp=[temp,t1] & rh=[rh,rh1] & vwind=[vwind,v1] uwind=[uwind,u1] & height=[height,height1] & pres=[pres,p1] & dewpoint=[dewpoint,td1] mxrat=[mxrat,mr1] & dd=[dd,dd1] & ff=[ff,ff1] & azimuth=[azimuth,az1] & range=[range,range1] lon=[lon,lon1] & lat=[lat,lat1] & spukey=[spukey,spukey1] & usrkey=[usrkey,usrkey1] radarh=[radarh,radarh1] endelse first=first+1 endwhile endif endwhile free_lun,lun ; old arm sounding gif way result=where(temp eq -32768.0,count) if count gt 0 then temp[result]=0 result=where(dewpoint eq -32768.0,count) if count gt 0 then dewpoint[result]=0 plot_arm_skewt,[-35,25],temp,dewpoint,pres, file_path, file_prefix ;write_gif, '/Users/u0029340/Documents/data/Capricorn/sondes/2016031722_FLEDT.gif', tvrd() ;,t_range,temp_wrpn,dp_wrpn,pres_wrpn stop end