NOAA PSD CAPRICORN matlab codes README Analysis codes are grouped into several categories as separate directories. Each directory should be self-sufficient in terms of the subroutines required to run the main scripts. A current version of Matlab including the Signal Processing Toolbox is the base requirement. NOTE: OUTPUT FILES DO NOT HAVE HEADERS. CONSULT THE MATLAB CODE FOR OUTPUT FORMATS. check_ship_data: a variety of scripts written during the cruise to read ship data files and examine specific variables. flux: scripts normally used for QA/QC of NOAA and ship met data on a daily basis during the cruise. Products: plots of raw met and navigation parameters (Raw_Images) and 1-minute averages of raw data in ascii format (Processed_Raw files). 1-min average data files are produced as a convenient format for preliminary analysis but are 'as is' and not screened in any way for bad values. Bulk fluxes and averages are also computed at 5 and 30 min timescales. These are also considered 'preliminary'. Turbulent fluxes are not computed in these scripts. motcorr_flux: scripts to compute motion-corrected winds, turbulent fluxes, spectra and cospectra on 10-min intervals. All met and nav data are also averaged to 10-min. Products: 1) 'da' file of 10-min met, nav and flux results. 2) 'cr' file of 10-min results from the LICOR sensor. 3) 'sp' file of 10-min spectra and cospectra. 4) 'motion_decorr' files of 10Hz ship motion. 5) 'uvwStream_decorr' files of motion corrected 10Hz 3D wind data rotated into the streamline (mean V & W are zero). Data are 'as is' and not screened in any way for bad values or missing segments. Plots produced: 1) WindPlots_decorr: plots of raw and motion corrected 10Hz wind variables. 2) SpectraPlots_decorr: plots of variance spectra and cospectra for winds, sonic temperature and specific humidity. 3) Daily_decorr: summary plots of various variables for each day. da_red_analysis: scripts that read the 10-min result files produced by the motcorr_flux run and process filtered final results for the entire cruise. Adjustments and corrections are applied to bulk met data as needed, filters are applied to screen bad turbulent flux values, and final bulk fluxes are computed from the best available raw bulk parameters. A variety of summary and diagnostic plots are produced (da_red_plots). Final results are saved in 10-min and 1-hr format as ascii text files (whole cruise): CAPRICORN_2016_flux_10_v4_decorr.txt CAPRICORN_2016_flux_hr_v4_decorr.txt Riegl_Hs_fixed: scripts to compute motion corrected wave height and wave spectra from the raw Riegl fixed point LIDAR data files. Wave processing is slow due to the interpolation and gap-filling. 10Hz ship motion files (motion_decorr) from the motcorr_flux run are required. Saves 10-min summary wave statistics and spectra for the entire cruise as ascii text files: CAPRICORN_2016_WaveSpectra.txt CAPRICORN_2016_WaveStats.txt Plots of significant wave height (Hs), variance spectra, peroid (Tp), raw wave height time series and missing data are saved in the directory 'riegl_wave_plots'.