% CASPER-2013 hour flux output file % % column identification as follows: % % 1: fractional (decimal) day of year, 2015 % 2: SOG, ship GPS, m/s % 3: true wind speed, 13m R3 sonic, m/s % 4: true wind direction, 13m R3 sonic % 5: relative wind speed, 13m R3 sonic, m/s % 6: relative wind direction, 13m R3 sonic, deg from bow % 7: heading from PSD Hemisphere system % 8: SST from ship SBE3S, deg C % 9: air temperature from tower 13 m, deg C % 10: sea surface saturation specific humidity, g/kg % 11: air specific humidity, from tower 13m, g/kg % 12: sensible heat flux, covariance, R3 sonic, W/m2 % 13: sensible heat flux, inertial dissipation, R3 sonic, W/m2 % 14: sensible heat flux, COARE 3.5 bulk model, W/m2 % 15: latent heat flux, covariance, Licor, W/m2 % 16: latent heat flux, inertial dissipation, Licor, W/m2 % 17: latent heat flux, COARE 3.5 bulk model, W/m2 % 18: streamwise wind stress, covariance, R3 sonic, N/m2 % 19: cross-stream wind stress, covariance, R3 sonic, N/m2 % 20: wind stress, inertial dissipation, R3 sonic, N/m2 % 21: wind stress, COARE 3.5 bulk model, N/m2 % 22: solar downwelling radiative flux, ND K&Z PSP, W/m2 % 23: IR downwelling radiative flux, ND K&Z PIR, W/m2 % 24: rain rate, Vaisala WXT, mm/hr % 25: ship plume contamination index (1=bad, 0=good) % 26: mean airflow tilt angle at R3 sonic % 27: maneuver index (<3 is good) % 28: ct^2 structure function parameter, R3 sonic % 29: cq^2 structure function parameter, Licor % 30: cu^2 structure function parameter, R3 sonic % 31: cw^2 structure function parameter, R3 sonic % 32: rain heat flux from COARE 3.5, W/m2 % 33: latent heat 'Webb correction' flux (add to columns 15,16) % 34: latitude from ship GPS % 35: longitude from ship GPS % 36: wind speed measurement height, R3 sonic, m % 37: air temperature measurement height, 13m tower, m % 38: humidity measurement height, 13m tower, m % 39: SOG, ship GPS, m/s % 40: true wind speed, ship anemometers, m/s % 41: true wind direction, ship anemometers % 42: COG, ship GPS % 43: SST, SBE3S, deg C % 44: air temperature, ship sensor, deg C % 45: sea surface saturation specific humidity, from ship SST, g/kg % 46: air specific humidity, from ship RH, g/kg % 47: solar downwelling radiative flux, ND K&Z PSP, W/m2 % 48: IR downwelling radiative flux, ND K&Z PIR, W/m2 % 49: CO2 covariance flux, Licor - NOT COMPUTED % 50: air specific humidity, from PSD Licor, g/kg % 51: std dev air specific humidity, from PSD Licor, g/kg % 52: CO2 concentration, PSD Licor, umol/mol % 53: std dev of CO2 concentration, PSD Licor, umol/mol % 54: sea level atmospheric pressure, ND bow, mbar % 55: net IR radiative flux, W/m2 % 56: net heat flux, bulk model, W/m2 % 57: net heat flux, using turbulent hs & hl, W/m2 % jd sog wspd_psd wdir_psd rwspd_psd rwdir_psd hed sst_psd ta_psd qs_psd qa_psd hsc_psd hsib_psd hsb hlc_psd hlib_psd hlb tauc_psd taux_psd tauib_psd taub rs_psd rl_psd rain_psd jplume tilt_psd manuv ct_psd cq_psd cu_psd cw_psd hrain hl_webb lat lon zu zt zq sog2 wspd_scs wdir_scs cog sst_scs ta_scs qs_scs qa_scs rs_scs rl_scs nd qa_lic std_qa_lic co2_lic std_co2_lic pa_psd rl_net hnet_bulk hnet_turb