Yday Decimal yearday (UTC) To convert to matlab time format use: yd0=datenum(datestr('01-Jan-2011 00:00:00'))-1; tmatlab=yday+yd0; Lat Latitude (deg) Lon Longitude (deg) SOG Speed over ground (m/s) COG Course over ground (deg) Heading Ship's heading (deg) Cspd Current speed (m/s) Cdir Current direction (deg) from U10 Wind speed (m/s) relative to earth adjusted to 10 m Wdir Wind direction (deg) from relative to earth Ur10 Wind speed (m/s) relative to water adjusted to 10 m WdirR Wind direction (deg) from relative to water Pair10 Pressure (mb) adjusted to 10 m RH10 Relative humidity(%) adjusted to 10 m T10 Temperature (C) adjusted to 10 m Tsea Near surface sea temperature (C) from Sea snake SST Sea surface temperature (C) from Tsea minus cool skin Q10 Specific humidity (g/Kg) adjusted to 10 m Qsea Specific humidity (g/Kg) 'near' ocean surface from sea snake SSQ Sea surface specific humidity (g/Kg) from Qsea minus cool skin stress Surface stress (N/m2) measured relative to water shf Sensible heat flux (W/m2) lhf Latent heat flux (W/m2) rhf Sensible heat flux from rain (W/m2) Solarup Reflected solar (W/m2) estimated from Payne (1972) Solardn Measured downwelling solar (W/m2) IRup Upwelling IR (W/m2) computed from SST IRdn Measured downwelling IR (W/m2) E Evaporation rate (mm/hr) P Precipitation rate (mm/hr) Evap Accumulated evaporation for Leg (mm) Precip Accumulated precipitation for Leg (mm) Interped 1=data interpolated due to poor relative winds 0=no interpolation 12/10/11 Notes: Fluxes are defined as negative downward and positive upwards. For example, the net heat flux is defined as: Qnet = Solarup+Solardn+IRup+IRdn+lhf+shf+rhf Qnet<0 is heating ocean The wind and current directions are in meteorological convention (i.e., direction from). Tair is taken from the calibrated PSD and UConn aspirated air temperature sensors on the bow mast. These were least affected by solar heating. Qair and Pair are computed the calibrated UConn RH/T/P sensors on the on the bow mast. Q is less sensitive to solar heating as long as the temperature and RH are measured simultaneously. RH is reconstructed from the Q, aspirated Tair and P measurements to remove the effects of solar heating. The sonic anemometers on the bow mast are used to measure the wind speed and direction. Relative wind speed is taken into consideration to minimize flow distortion. Tsea is primarily measured by the sea snake with a few values provide by the IR radiometer deployed by LDEO. SST is estimated after correction for cool skin and this accounts for the difference between Tsea and SST. Similar corrections are applied to SSQ from Qsea. Solardn is provided by the ship's pyranometer on the top of the forward mast. IRdn represents an average of the gyrostabilized PSD purgeometer on top of its van and the ship's purgeometer on the top of the forward mast. The ship's purgeometer was first corrected for the effects of solar heating. Solarup is taken from a commonly used parameterization for surface albedo of the ocean (Payne, 1972). IRup was derived from the SST measurements using the COARE 3.0 algorithm. The bulk fluxes of stress (momentum), sensible heat, latent heat and sensible heat due to rain were provided by the COARE 3.0 algorithm. The COARE 3.0 algorithm was also used to compute the 10-m values of wind speed, temperature and humidity. SOG, COG and Gyro were taken from the PSD GPS compass. These were used to compute the wind speed relative to earth. Surface currents are measured by the ship's ADCP and have been QCed by OSU Ocean Mixing group. These were used to compute the wind speed relative to water. The wind speed relative to water are used to compute the fluxes.