Please use the netcdf file to see all the variable attributes, units, acknowledgements, and information. netcdf information are copied here for reference: >> ncdisp(ncfilename); Source: /Users/eliz/DATA/DYNAMO/ Format: classic Global Attributes: creation_date = '20-Jul-2020 20:46:49' creator = 'Elizabeth J. Thompson' contact_email = '' please_acknowledge_1: = 'The PIs responsible for collecting ship met, flux, SST, navigation data: Chris Fairall PSL, Simon de Szoeke OSU, James Edson WHOI/UConn... with much help from Ludovic, Sergio, Byron' please_acknowledge_2: = 'The PI responsible for collecting ocean data: James Moum OSU... with much help from OSU Ocean Mixing Group including Aurelie Moulin' please_acknowledge_3: = 'The PI responsible for radar rain datasets: Steven Rutledge CSU' please_acknowledge_4: = 'The PI responsible for ocean stable layer analysis and interpolation of datasets: Elizabeth Thompson PSL, as part of her PhD at CSU (advisors: Steven Rutledge CSU, James Moum OSU). Aurelie Moulin OSU provided much help with data processing.' please_acknowledge_NOAA_PSL: = 'Chris Fairall, Sergio Pezoa, Elizabeth J. Thompson at NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory' please_acknowledge_CIRES_CU_NOAA_PSL: = 'Ludovic Bariteau, Byron Blomquist at CIRES cooperative institute between University of Colorado and NOA Physical Sciences Laboratory' please_acknowledge_OSU: = 'Simon de Szoeke, James Moum, Aurelie Moulin at Oregon State University (Aurelie now at APL-UW)' please_acknowledge_WHOI: = 'James Edson currently at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (at University of Connecticut during experiment)' please_acknowledge_CSU: = 'Steven Rutledge at Colorado State University (E Thompson was also with CSU during experiment)' reference = 'This reference, and those therein, explain this dataset: Thompson, E. J., Moum, J. N., Fairall, C. W., & Rutledge, S. A. (2019). Wind limits on rain layers and diurnal warm layers. J. Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 897? 924.' time_info = 'time provided as matlab datetime t and as separate year, month, day, hour, minute fields' sensor_info_1 = 'zu = 17; % NOAA bow mast sonic anemometer sensor height (m) ... for wind' sensor_info_2 = 'zt = 18; % NOAA bow mast aspirated air T sensor height (m)' sensor_info_3 = 'zq = 18; % NOAA bow mast aspirated air rh sensor height (m)' sensor_info_4 = 'zsnk = 0.05; % NOAA sea snake depth below water (m)' sensor_info_5 = 'ztsg_ship = 5; % ship intake depth below water for thermosalinograph (TSG) T, S (m)' sensor_info_n = 'please read the readme and variable info attributes for more information' sign_conventions_1 = 'wind directions are in meteorological convention: direction from' sign_conventions_2 = 'current directions are in oceanographic convention: direction toward' sign_conventions_3 = 'fluxes are positive if heating the ocean: lw_dn and sw_dn are positive by definition; hs is sometimes positive' sign_conventions_4 = 'net heat flux positive heating the ocean: hnet = sw_dn + sw_up + lw_dn + lw_up + hs + hl + hr' sign_conventions_5 = 'B surace buoyancy flux into ocean is positive when making ocean more buoyant' sign_conventions_6 = 'Fatm surface buoyancy flux into atmosphere is positive when making atmosphere more buoyant' mjo_time_periods_1 = 'supp1 start ... end = 05-Oct-2011 00:00:00 ... 13-Oct-2011 23:59:00' mjo_time_periods_2 = 'supp2 start ... end = 12-Nov-2011 00:00:00 ... 16-Nov-2011 23:59:00' mjo_time_periods_3 = 'dist1 start ... end = 14-Oct-2011 00:00:00 ... 20-Oct-2011 21:59:00' mjo_time_periods_4 = 'dist2 start ... end = 17-Nov-2011 00:00:00 ... 21-Nov-2011 17:59:00' mjo_time_periods_5 = 'acti1 (contains WWB 1) start ... end = 20-Oct-2011 22:00:00 ...28-Oct-2011 00:50:00' mjo_time_periods_6 = 'acti2 (contains WWBs 2+3) start ... end = 21-Nov-2011 18:00:00 ...01-Dec-2011 00:00:00' mjo_time_periods_7 = 'wwb1 start ... end = 27-Oct-2011 10:00:00 ... 28-Oct-2011 00:50:00' mjo_time_periods_8 = 'wwb2 start ... end = 24-Nov-2011 08:00:00 ... 27-Nov-2011 00:00:00' mjo_time_periods_9 = 'wwb3 start ... end = 27-Nov-2011 18:00:00 ... 29-Nov-2011 23:59:00' note_1 = 'Course over ground, cog, not offered because it was too noisy due to slow speeds. Use heading, hed, instead.' note_2 = 'Current direction, cdir, had nans. Not yet available, but will be included in next version. From experience, current was from west. ' Dimensions: time = 6427 depth = 351 stable_layers = 46 rain_layers = 34 diurnal_warm_layers = 31 combo_rain_warm_layers = 17 Variables: B Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm2/s3' longname = 'buoyancy_flux_positive_into_ocean_total' info = 'buoyancy flux positive into ocean total, m2/s3' B_Heat Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm2/s3' longname = 'buoyancy_flux_positive_into_ocean_due_to_heat' info = 'buoyancy flux positive into ocean due to heat, m2/s3' B_Salt Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm2/s3' longname = 'buoyancy_flux_positive_into_ocean_due_to_P_E_salt' info = 'buoyancy flux positive into ocean due to P-E (salt), m2/s3' B_Train Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm2/s3' longname = 'buoyancy_flux_positive_into_ocean_due_to_T_of_rain' info = 'buoyancy flux positive into ocean due to T of rain, m2/s3' EV Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'kg/m2/s' longname = 'evaporation_mass_flux' info = 'evaporation mass flux, kg/m2/s' Fatm Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'buoyancy_flux_positive_into_atmosphere' info = 'buoyancy flux positive into atmosphere, W/m2' Hsig Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' longname = 'significant_wave_height_Reigel_1D_altimeter' info = 'significant wave height from Reigel 1D radar altimeter, m' P10 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'mb' longname = 'Pair_adjusted_to 10_m' info = 'Pair adjusted to 10 m, mb' PR Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'kg/m2/s' longname = 'precipitation_mass_flux' info = 'precipitation mass flux, kg/m2/s' Pcombo_1min Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'mm/hr' longname = 'maximum_1min_rain_rate_upstream_radar_and_gauge' info = 'maximum 1-min rain rate observed by ship guage or within 8 km upstream or 2 km surrounding the ship with radar (see Thompson et al. 2019), mm/hr' SSQ Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'g/kg' longname = 'sea surface specific humidity' info = 'sea surface specific humidity, g/kg' SSRHO Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'kg/m3' longname = 'sea_surface_density_ocean_using_SST_and_Stsg_s' info = 'sea surface density ocean using SST and Stsg_s, kg/m3' SST Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'SST_equal_to_Tsnk-dT_skin' info = 'COARE calculated SST equal to Tsnk-dT_skin, C' Stsg_s Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'psu' longname = 'ship_thermosalinograph_salinity' info = 'ship thermosalinograph SBE 45 salinity at depth ztsg_ship, psu' T10 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'Ta_adjusted_10m' info = 'Ta adjusted to 10 m, m/s' T2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'Tair_adjusted_to_2_m' info = 'Tair adjusted to 2 m, deg C' Tsnk Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'sea_snake_T' info = 'sea snake T at depth zsnk, C' Ttsg_s Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'ship_thermosalinograph_T' info = 'ship thermosalinograph SBE 38 T at depth ztsg_ship, C' Tw Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'wet_bulb_T_approx_rain_drop_T' info = 'wet bulb temp, approx temp of rain drops degC' U10 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'wind_speed_adjusted_10m' info = 'wind speed adjusted to 10 m, m/s' U10_sfc Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'U10_with_respect_to_moving_surface' info = 'U10 with respect to moving surface, m/s' US Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'U10_wind_limit_for_stable_layers_above_5_m' info = 'U10 wind limit for stable layers above 5 m, i.e. hStable = 5 m, m/s' U_flag Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_for_wind_data_corrected_for_bad_winds' info = 'flag 1 for wind data corrected for bad winds, 1 corrected; 0 not corrected' alpha Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'degC^-1' longname = 'thermal_contraction_coefficient' info = 'thermal contraction coefficient, 1/degC' beta Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'psu^-1' longname = 'haline_expansion_coefficient' info = 'haline expansion coefficient, 1/psu' c_sw Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'J/kg/K' longname = 'specific_heat_of_surface_seawater' info = 'specific heat of surface seawater for given water conditions, J/kg/K' cdir Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_azimuth' longname = 'near_surface_current_dir_ADCP_ship' info = 'near surface current dir ADCP ship, deg' cp Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'phase_speed_dominant_waves_Reigel_1D_altimeter' info = 'phase speed dominant waves from Reigel 1D radar altimeter, m/s' cspd Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'near_surface_current_speed_ADCP_ship' info = 'near surface current speed ADCP ship, m/s' dT Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'SST-T10_air_sea_T_difference' info = 'SST - T10 = air sea T difference, C' dT_rain Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'T_difference_rain_Tw_minus_ocean_SST' info = 'Tw-SST, approx T difference rain to ocean, deg C' day Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'day' longname = 'day' info = 'day' dq Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'g/kg' longname = 'SSQ-q10_air_sea_q_difference' info = 'SSQ - q10 = air sea q difference, g/kg' eaccum Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'accumulted evaporation, mm' longname = 'accumulted_evaporation' info = 'accumulted evaporation, mm' erate Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'mm/hr' longname = '10min_avg_evaporation_rate' info = 'Evaporation rate 10 min average, mm/hr' hB Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' longname = 'observed_barrier_layer_top_depth' info = 'observed barrier layer top depth, m' hStable Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' longname = 'observed_uppermost_stable_layer_top_depth' info = 'observed uppermost stable layer top depth, m' hStable_hat Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' longname = 'estimated_uppermost_stable_layer_top_depth' info = 'estimated uppermost stable layer top depth from Eq 9 Thompson et al. 2019 scaling, m' hTC Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' longname = 'observed_thermocline_pycnocline_top_depth' info = 'observed thermocline/pycnocline top depth, m' hZ Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' longname = 'thickness_of_uppermost_stable_layer' info = 'thickness of uppermost stable layer, m' hed Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_azimuth' longname = 'heading' info = 'heading, deg' hl Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'bulk_latent_heat_flux' info = 'bulk latent heat flux, W/m2' hnet Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'net_heat_flux_positive_warming_ocean' info = 'net heat flux, positive warming ocean, W/m2' hour Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'hour' longname = 'hour' info = 'hour' hr Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'rain_heat_flux' info = 'rain heat flux, W/m2' hs Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'bulk_sensible_heat_flux' info = 'bulk sensible heat flux, W/m2' in_acti Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_active_MJO_including_WWBs' info = 'flag = 1 when active MJO (contains WWBs)' in_acti1 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_first_active_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when first active MJO period' in_acti2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_second_active_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when second active MJO period' in_both Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_both_warm_and_rain_layer_present' info = 'flag = 1 when both warm and rain layer present' in_clear Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_no_stable_layers_present' info = 'flag = 1 when no stable layers present' in_dist Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_disturbed_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when disturbed MJO period' in_dist1 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_first_disturbed_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when first disturbed MJO period' in_dist2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_second_disturbed_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when second disturbed MJO period' in_dwl Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_warm_layer_present' info = 'flag = 1 when warm layer present' in_mjo Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_MJO_phase_classifiable_as_either_supp_dist_acti_wwb' info = 'flag = 1 when MJO phase classifiable as either supp dist acti wwb' in_novtime Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_data_analyzed_from_second_cruise_in_November' info = 'flag = 1 when data analyzed from second cruise in November' in_octtime Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_data_analyzed_from_first_cruise_in_October' info = 'flag = 1 when data analyzed from first cruise in October' in_odwl Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_only_warm_layer_present' info = 'flag = 1 when only warm layer present' in_orl Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_only_rain_layer_present' info = 'flag = 1 when only rain layer present' in_rl Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_rain_layer_present' info = 'flag = 1 when rain layer present' in_stable Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_any_stable_layer_present' info = 'flag = 1 when any stable layer present' in_supp Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_suppressed_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when suppressed MJO period' in_supp1 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_first_suppressed_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when first suppressed MJO period' in_supp2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_second_suppressed_MJO_period' info = 'flag = 1 when second suppressed MJO period' in_wwb Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_WWB_westerly_wind_burst' info = 'flag = 1 when WWB westerly wind burst' in_wwb1 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_first_WWB' info = 'flag = 1 when first WWB' in_wwb2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_second_WWB' info = 'flag = 1 when second WWB' in_wwb3 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'flag' longname = 'flag_1_when_third_WWB' info = 'flag = 1 when third WWB' jd Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'decimal_date' longname = 'decimal_julian_date' info = 'decimal julian date' lw_dn Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'downwelling_longwave_radiation_best' info = 'downwelling longwave radiation (best unit), W/m2' lw_up Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'upwelling_long_wave_flux' info = 'upwelling long wave flux, W/m2' minute Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'min' longname = 'minute' info = 'minute' mjo_amp Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'amplitude' longname = 'MJO_amplitude' info = 'amplitude of MJO according to the 2 RMM components of the EOF analysis' mjo_phase Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'phase' longname = 'MJO_phase' info = 'MJO phase according to the 2 RMM components of the EOF analysis' month Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'month' longname = 'month' info = 'month' paccum Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'mm' longname = 'precipitation_accumulation' info = 'precipitation accumulation from optical rain gauge, mm' prate Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'mm/hour' longname = '10min_avg_precipitation_rate' info = '10-min avg precipitation rate from optical rain gauge, mm/hour' q10 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'g/kg' longname = 'qa_adjusted_10m' info = 'qa adjusted to 10 m, g/kg' q2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'g/kg' longname = 'q_adjusted_to_2_m' info = 'q adjusted to 2 m, g/kg' qsnk Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'g/kg' longname = 'saturation_specific_humidity_calculated_with_sea_snake_value_Tsnk' info = 'saturation specific humidity calculated with sea snake value Tsnk, g/kg' rh10 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = '%' longname = 'rh_adjusted_10m' info = 'rh adjusted to 10 m, %' rh2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = '%' longname = 'rh_adjusted_to_2_m' info = 'rh adjusted to 2 m, %' rmm1 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'amplitude' longname = 'RMM_component_1_amplitude' info = '1st RMM component' rmm2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'amplitude' longname = 'RMM_component_2_amplitude' info = '2nd RMM component' slp Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'mb' longname = 'barometric_pressure_for_sea_level_altitude' info = 'barometric pressure for sea level altitude, mb' sog Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'speed_over_ground' info = 'speed over ground, m/s' sw_dn Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'downwelling_shortwave_radiation_best' info = 'downwelling shortwave radiation best, W/m2' sw_dn_clr Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'calculated_clear_sky_downwelling_shortwave_radiation' info = 'calculated clear-sky downwelling shortwave radiation, W/m2' sw_dn_diffuse Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'measured_diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_radiation' info = 'measured diffuse downwelling shortwave radiation, W/m2' sw_dn_no_atm Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'downwelling_solar_radiation_calculated_if_no_atmosphere_existed' info = 'downwelling solar radiation calculated if no atmosphere existed, W/m2' sw_up Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'W/m2' longname = 'upwelling_short_wave_flux' info = 'upwelling short wave flux, W/m2' t Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'matlab' longname = 'matlab_datetime' info = 'matlab datetime' tau Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'N/m2' longname = 'bulk_wind_stress' info = 'bulk wind stress, N/m2' thetav2 Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'K' longname = 'virtual_potential_temperature_adjusted_to_2_m' info = 'virtual potential temperature adjusted to 2 m height, K' wdir Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_azimuth' longname = 'true_wind_direction_3D_sonic_anemometer' info = 'true wind direction, deg, 3D sonic anemometer' wdir_sfc Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_azimuth' longname = 'wind_direction_with_respect_to_moving_surface' info = 'wind direction with respect to moving surface, deg' wspd Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'wind_speed_3D_sonic_anemometer' info = 'wind speed, m/s, 3D sonic anemometer' wspd_sfc Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm/s' longname = 'wind_speed_with_respect_to_moving_surface' info = 'wind speed with respect to moving surface, m/s' year Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'year' longname = 'year' info = 'year' zenith Size: 6427x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_from_vertical' longname = 'solar_zenith_angle' info = 'solar zenith angle, deg' d_cham Size: 351x1 Dimensions: depth Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' longname = 'depths_of_ocean_Chameleon_data' info = 'depths of ocean Chameleon data 0 to 350 m' N2 Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 's^-2' longname = 'buoyancy_freqency_due_to_T_and_S_ocean' info = 'buoyancy freqency due to T and S ocean, s^-2' N2S Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 's^-2' longname = 'buoyancy_freqency_due_to_S_ocean' info = 'buoyancy freqency due to S ocean, s^-2' N2S_smooth Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 's^-2' longname = 'buoyancy_freqency_due_to_S_ocean_smoothed' info = 'buoyancy freqency due to S ocean with 3 m vertical running mean smoothing, s^-2' N2T Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 's^-2' longname = 'buoyancy_freqency_due_to_T_ocean' info = 'buoyancy freqency due to T ocean, s^-2' N2T_smooth Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 's^-2' longname = 'buoyancy_freqency_due_to_T_ocean_smoothed' info = 'buoyancy freqency due to T ocean with 3 m vertical running mean smoothing, s^-2' N2_smooth Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 's^-2' longname = 'buoyancy_freqency_due_to_T_and_S_ocean_smoothed' info = 'buoyancy freqency due to T and S ocean with 3 m vertical running mean smoothing, s^-2' S Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'psu' longname = 'S_ocean_Chameleon' info = 'S ocean Chameleon, psu' SIG Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'kg/m3' longname = 'potential_density_ocean_Chameleon_and_Tchain_near_surface' info = 'potential density ocean Chameleon and T-chain near surface, kg/m3' T Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C' longname = 'T_ocean_Chameleon_and_Tchain_near_surface' info = 'T ocean Chameleon and T-chain near surface, deg C' dSIGdz Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'kg/m4' longname = 'vertical_potential_density_gradient_ocean_Chameleon_and_Tchain_near_surface' info = 'vertical potential density gradient ocean Chameleon and T-chain near surface, kg/m4' dSdz Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'psu/m' longname = 'vertical_S_gradient_ocean_Chameleon' info = 'vertical S gradient ocean Chameleon, psu/m' dTdz Size: 351x6427 Dimensions: depth,time Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'deg_C/m' longname = 'vertical_T_gradient_ocean_Chameleon_and_Tchain_near_surface' info = 'vertical T gradient ocean Chameleon and T-chain near surface, deg C/m' stable_both Size: 46x1 Dimensions: stable_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'stable_ID' longname = 'ID_of_stable_layers_that_are_combo_warm_rain_layers' info = 'ID of stable layers that are combo warm rain layers' stable_dur Size: 46x1 Dimensions: stable_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'hours' longname = 'duration_all_stable_layers' info = 'duration all stable layers, hours' stable_dwl Size: 46x1 Dimensions: stable_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'stable_ID' longname = 'ID_of_stable_layers_that_are_warm_layers' info = 'ID of stable layers that are warm layers' stable_end Size: 46x1 Dimensions: stable_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_any_stable_layer_ending' info = 'time index any stable layer ending' stable_rl Size: 46x1 Dimensions: stable_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'stable_ID' longname = 'ID_of_stable_layers_that_are_rain_layers' info = 'ID of stable layers that are rain layers' stable_start Size: 46x1 Dimensions: stable_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_any_stable_layer_starting' info = 'time index any stable layer starting' rl_dur Size: 34x1 Dimensions: rain_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'hours' longname = 'duration_rain_layer' info = 'duration rain layer, hours' rl_end Size: 34x1 Dimensions: rain_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_rain_layer_ending' info = 'time index rain layer ending' rl_start Size: 34x1 Dimensions: rain_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_rain_layer_starting' info = 'time index rain layer starting' rl_start_acti Size: 34x1 Dimensions: rain_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'rl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_rain_layers_starting_in_acti_period' info = 'ID of rain layers starting in acti period' rl_start_dist Size: 34x1 Dimensions: rain_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'rl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_rain_layers_starting_in_dist_period' info = 'ID of rain layers starting in dist period' rl_start_supp Size: 34x1 Dimensions: rain_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'rl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_rain_layers_starting_in_supp_period' info = 'ID of rain layers starting in supp period' rl_start_wwb Size: 34x1 Dimensions: rain_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'rl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_rain_layers_starting_in_wwb_period' info = 'ID of rain layers starting in wwb period' dwl_dur Size: 31x1 Dimensions: diurnal_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'hours' longname = 'duration_warm_layer' info = 'duration warm layer, hours' dwl_end Size: 31x1 Dimensions: diurnal_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_warm_layer_ending' info = 'time index warm layer ending' dwl_start Size: 31x1 Dimensions: diurnal_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_warm_layer_starting' info = 'time index warm layer starting' dwl_start_acti Size: 31x1 Dimensions: diurnal_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'dwl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_warm_layers_starting_in_active_period' info = 'ID of warm layers starting in active period' dwl_start_dist Size: 31x1 Dimensions: diurnal_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'dwl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_warm_layers_starting_in_dist_period' info = 'ID of warm layers starting in dist period' dwl_start_supp Size: 31x1 Dimensions: diurnal_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'dwl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_warm_layers_starting_in_supp_period' info = 'ID of warm layers starting in supp period' dwl_start_wwb Size: 31x1 Dimensions: diurnal_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'dwl_ID' longname = 'ID_of_warm_layers_starting_in_wwb_period' info = 'ID of warm layers starting in wwb period' both_dur Size: 17x1 Dimensions: combo_rain_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'hours' longname = 'duration_combo_warm_and_rain_layer' info = 'duration combo warm and rain layer, hours' both_end Size: 17x1 Dimensions: combo_rain_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_combo_warm_and_rain_layer_ending' info = 'time index combo warm and rain layer ending' both_start Size: 17x1 Dimensions: combo_rain_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'time_ID' longname = 'time_index_combo_warm_and_rain_layer_starting' info = 'time index combo warm and rain layer starting' both_start_acti Size: 17x1 Dimensions: combo_rain_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'both_ID' longname = 'ID_of_combo_warm_rain_layers_starting_in_acti_period' info = 'ID of combo warm rain layers starting in acti period' both_start_dist Size: 17x1 Dimensions: combo_rain_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'both_ID' longname = 'ID_of_combo_warm_rain_layers_starting_in_dist_period' info = 'ID of combo warm rain layers starting in dist period' both_start_supp Size: 17x1 Dimensions: combo_rain_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'both_ID' longname = 'ID_of_combo_warm_rain_layers_starting_in_supp_period' info = 'ID of combo warm rain layers starting in supp period' both_start_wwb Size: 17x1 Dimensions: combo_rain_warm_layers Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'both_ID' longname = 'ID_of_combo_warm_rain_layers_starting_in_wwb_period' info = 'ID of combo warm rain layers starting in wwb period'