disp('read_son_neaqs_GOMECC.m') fclose('all'); clear st1;clear st2;clear st3;clear jadson; read_parameters_rhb_GOMECC; disp('read_son_day_rhb_07') jd=num2str(ddd); jhold=0; jax=1; jaxx=1; st1=zeros(6,1); st2=zeros(6,75000); jam=hhh; if jam<10, hr=['0',num2str(jam)]; else hr=num2str(jam); end; %e=['/home/jeh/data/P0_' jd hr]; dfl=[way_rawdata ,'\GOMECC\day',jd,'\P0_' jd hr]; disp(dfl) flist=fopen(dfl,'r'); st2=[];st1=[]; if flist>0, %if the file exists, dmp=fgets(flist); %read header lines and skip blanks dmp2=fgets(flist); %read header lines and skip blanks while feof(flist)==0, st2=fscanf(flist,'%g,%g,%g,%g,%g',[5,inf]); st1=[st1 st2]; dmp3=fgets(flist); end; end; tsons=st1(1,:); tsons=0:1/20:(length(tsons)-1)/20; tsons=tsons'; tmotion=0:1/20:71999/20; tmotion=tmotion'; if outputsonic==1; Tson=st1(5,:)/100; %Temperature in degC else speedson=st1(5,:)/50; Tson=(speedson.*speedson+(u.*u + w.*w)/2. + v.*v)/403-273.15; end; time=st1(1,:)/1000; %time in "s" U=st1(2,:)/100; V=st1(3,:)/100; W=st1(4,:)/100; u=despike_son2(U); v=despike_son2(V); w=despike_son2(W); Tsonic=despike_son2(Tson); %Despike 1. Dedtrend, 2. use despike, 3. retrend %[P,S]=polyfit(tsons',u,1); %uu=despike_son2(u-polyval(P,tsons')); %u=uu+polyval(P,tsons'); %[P,S]=polyfit(tsons',v,1); %vv=despike_son2(v-polyval(P,tsons')); %v=vv+polyval(P,tsons'); %[P,S]=polyfit(tsons',w,1); %ww=despike_son2(w-polyval(P,tsons')); %w=ww+polyval(P,tsons'); %Find Nan and replace with the closest neighbour ii=find(isnan(u)); for jj=1:length(ii) if isnan(u(1)); u(ii(jj))=nanmean(U); else u(ii(jj))=u(ii(jj)-1); end; end; ii=find(isnan(v)); for jj=1:length(ii); if isnan(v(1)) v(ii(jj))=nanmean(V); else v(ii(jj))=v(ii(jj)-1); end; end; ii=find(isnan(w)); for jj=1:length(ii) if isnan(w(1)); w(ii(jj))=nanmean(W); else w(ii(jj))=w(ii(jj)-1); end; end; ii=find(isnan(Tsonic)); for jj=1:length(ii) if isnan(Tsonic(1)); Tsonic(ii(jj))=nanmean(Tsonic); else Tsonic(ii(jj))=Tsonic(ii(jj)-1); end; end; W=w; if rotationsonic==1 C=strcmp(sonicmodel,'R3'); if C==1 %means sonicmodel=R3 U=u*cos(30/180*pi)-v*sin(30/180*pi); %to North V=u*sin(30/180*pi)+v*cos(30/180*pi); %to West else U=-u*cos(30/180*pi)-v*sin(30/180*pi); %to North V=-u*sin(30/180*pi)+v*cos(30/180*pi); %to West end; else U=u; V=v; end; mU=mean(U); mV=mean(V); mW=mean(W); for ii=1:length(U); if U(ii)>35, U(ii)=mU; end; if V(ii)>35, V(ii)=mV; end; if W(ii)>35, W(ii)=mW; end; end; clear vul v uul u tzilch tzero sul st3 speedson prtit prt_it plotit nr1 npz np nl1 jl jk jj jhold jazx jaxx jax jam jadson jade j_st j_en j hul hll flist %jd hr clear f e dmp2 dmp backchk ans Tul Tll S Rtul Rtll Rsul Rsll Rlul Rlll st1 st2 u v clear mU mV mW su=(1:72000).*0; sv=(1:72000).*0; sw=(1:72000).*0; st=(1:72000).*0; su(1)=U(1); sv(1)=V(1); sw(1)=W(1); st(1)=Tsonic(1); jj=2; for ii=2:72000; while tsons(jj)