Readme.txt: UH/NOAA PSD, heat/stress flux measurements and COARE model run Version Date: Feb 2016 - physical flux files updated Five result files are supplied: 2014_11_HiWinGS_COARE35_hr_v2.txt: hourly COARE 3.5 output 2016_02_HiWinGS_flux_10_v3_decorr_hdr.txt: 10 min physical fluxes 2016_01_HiWinGS_flux_hr_v3_decorr_hdr.txt: hourly physical fluxes 2014_11_HiWinGS_met_10min_v3.txt: Bulk meteorological variables, 10-minute averages 2014_11_HiWinGS_met_hr_v3.txt: Bulk meteorological variables, hourly averages Decorrelated winds are processed with an additional motion decorrelation step following the usual motion correction scheme. Variable definitions for each file are as follows: 2014_11_HiWinGS_COARE35_hr_v2.txt variable description doy Decimal yearday (UTC) usr friction velocity including gustiness (m/s) tau wind stress (N/m^2) hsb sensible heat flux into ocean (W/m^2) hlb latent heat flux into ocean (W/m^2) hbb buoyany flux into ocean (W/m^2) hsbb "sonic" buoyancy flux measured directly by sonic anemometer hlWebb Webb correction for latent heat flux, add this to directly measured EC latent heat flux from the LICOR 7500. tsr temperature scaling parameter (K) qsr specific humidity scaling parameter (g/Kg) zot thermal roughness length (m) zoq moisture roughness length (m) Cd wind stress transfer (drag) coefficient at height zu=16.29m Ch sensible heat transfer coefficient (Stanton number) at height zt=15m Ce latent heat transfer coefficient (Dalton number) at height zq=15m L Obukhov length scale (m) zet Monin-Obukhov stability parameter zu/L dter cool-skin temperature depression (degC) dqer cool-skin humidity depression (g/g) tkt cool-skin thickness (m) Urf wind speed at reference height, 10m for this run (m/s) Trf temperature at reference height, 10m for this run (C) Qrf specific humidity at reference height, 10m for this run (g/kg) RHrf relative humidity at reference height, 10m for this run (%) UrfN neutral value of wind speed at reference height, 10m for this run (m/s) Rnl net IR radiation: computed upwelling from COARE minus observed downwelling (W/m^2) Le latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) rhoa density of air (kg/m3) UN neutral value of wind speed at zu (m/s) U10 wind speed adjusted to 10 m (m/s) U10N neutral value of wind speed at 10m (m/s) Cdn_10 neutral value of drag coefficient at 10m Chn_10 neutral value of Stanton number at 10m Cen_10 neutral value of Dalton number at 10m RF Sensible heat flux from rain (W/m^2) Qs Specific humidity at surface (g/g) Evap Evaporation rate (mm/hr) T10 Temperature adjusted to 10 m (C) Q10 Specific humidity adjusted to 10 m (g/kg) RH10 Relative humidity adjusted to 10 m (%) ug Gustiness parameter wbar Webb mean vertical wind velocity, m/s zo Surface roughness length, m HiWinGS-2013 10 minute flux output file column identification as follows: 1: fractional (decimal) day of year, 2013 2: SOG, ship GPS, m/s 3: true wind speed, PSD sonic, m/s 4: true wind direction, PSD sonic 5: relative wind speed, PSD sonic, m/s 6: relative wind direction, PSD sonic, deg from bow 7: heading from ship gyro 8: SST from PSD seasnake, deg C 9: air temperature from PSD Vaisala, deg C 10: sea surface saturation specific humidity, from PSD seasnake, g/kg 11: air specific humidity, from PSD RH, g/kg 12: sensible heat flux, covariance, PSD sonic, W/m2 13: sensible heat flux, inertial dissipation, PSD sonic, W/m2 14: sensible heat flux, COARE 3.5 bulk model, W/m2 15: latent heat flux, covariance, Licor, W/m2 16: latent heat flux, inertial dissipation, Licor, W/m2 17: latent heat flux, COARE 3.5 bulk model, W/m2 18: streamwise wind stress, covariance, PSD sonic, N/m2 19: cross-stream wind stress, covariance, PSD sonic, N/m2 20: wind stress, inertial dissipation, PSD sonic, N/m2 21: wind stress, COARE 3.5 bulk model, N/m2 22: solar downwelling radiative flux, PSD Epply PSP, W/m2 23: IR downwelling radiative flux, PSD Epply PIR, W/m2 24: rain rate, OSI/ORG, mm/hr 25: ship plume contamination index (1=bad, 0=good) 26: mean airflow tilt angle at PSD sonic 27: maneuver index (<3 is good) 28: ct^2 structure function parameter, PSD sonic 29: cq^2 structure function parameter, Licor 30: cu^2 structure function parameter, PSD sonic 31: cw^2 structure function parameter, PSD sonic 32: rain heat flux from COARE 3.5, W/m2 33: latent heat 'Webb correction' flux (add to columns 15,16) 34: latitude from ship GPS 35: longitude from ship GPS 36: wind speed measurement height, PSD, m 37: air temperature measurement height, PSD, m 38: humidity measurement height, PSD, m 39: SOG, ship GPS, m/s 40: true wind speed, ship anemometer, m/s 41: true wind direction, ship anemometer 42: COG, ship GPS 43: SST, ship intake, deg C 44: air temperature, ship sensor, deg C 45: sea surface saturation specific humidity, from ship SST, g/kg 46: air specific humidity, from ship RH, g/kg 47: solar downwelling radiative flux, ship Epply PSP, W/m2 48: IR downwelling radiative flux, ship Epply PIR, W/m2 49: CO2 covariance flux, Licor - NOT COMPUTED 50: air specific humidity, from PSD Licor, g/kg 51: std dev air specific humidity, from PSD Licor, g/kg 52: CO2 concentration, PSD Licor, umol/mol 53: std dev of CO2 concentration, PSD Licor, umol/mol 54: atmospheric pressure @ 10m, PSD Vaisala, mbar 55: true wind speed, PSD sonic, m/s 56: true wind direction, PSD sonic 57: IR downwelling radiative flux, clear sky model, W/m2 58: solar downwelling radiative flux, clear sky model, W/m2 59: sensible heat flux, covariance, UH R2 sonic, W/m2 60: sensible heat flux, inertial dissipation, UH R2 sonic, W/m2 61: streamwise wind stress, covariance, UH R2 sonic, N/m2 62: cross-stream wind stress, covariance, UH R2 sonic, N/m2 63: wind stress, inertial dissipation, UH R2 sonic, N/m2 64: mean airflow tilt angle at UH R2 sonic 65: ct^2 structure function parameter, UH R2 sonic 66: cu^2 structure function parameter, UH R2 sonic 67: cw^2 structure function parameter, UH R2 sonic 68: u10n 10m neutral wind speed from COARE 3.5, m/s HiWinGS-2013 hour flux output file column identification as follows: 1: fractional (decimal) day of year, 2013 2: SOG, ship GPS, m/s 3: true wind speed, PSD sonic, m/s 4: true wind direction, PSD sonic 5: relative wind speed, PSD sonic, m/s 6: relative wind direction, PSD sonic, deg from bow 7: heading from ship gyro 8: SST from PSD seasnake, deg C 9: air temperature from PSD Vaisala, deg C 10: sea surface saturation specific humidity, from PSD seasnake, g/kg 11: air specific humidity, from PSD RH, g/kg 12: sensible heat flux, covariance, PSD sonic, W/m2 13: sensible heat flux, inertial dissipation, PSD sonic, W/m2 14: sensible heat flux, COARE 3.5 bulk model, W/m2 15: latent heat flux, covariance, Licor, W/m2 16: latent heat flux, inertial dissipation, Licor, W/m2 17: latent heat flux, COARE 3.5 bulk model, W/m2 18: streamwise wind stress, covariance, PSD sonic, N/m2 19: cross-stream wind stress, covariance, PSD sonic, N/m2 20: wind stress, inertial dissipation, PSD sonic, N/m2 21: wind stress, COARE 3.5 bulk model, N/m2 22: solar downwelling radiative flux, PSD Epply PSP, W/m2 23: IR downwelling radiative flux, PSD Epply PIR, W/m2 24: rain rate, OSI/ORG, mm/hr 25: ship plume contamination index (1=bad, 0=good) 26: mean airflow tilt angle at PSD sonic 27: maneuver index (<3 is good) 28: ct^2 structure function parameter, PSD sonic 29: cq^2 structure function parameter, Licor 30: cu^2 structure function parameter, PSD sonic 31: cw^2 structure function parameter, PSD sonic 32: rain heat flux from COARE 3.5, W/m2 33: latent heat 'Webb correction' flux (add to columns 15,16) 34: latitude from ship GPS 35: longitude from ship GPS 36: wind speed measurement height, PSD, m 37: air temperature measurement height, PSD, m 38: humidity measurement height, PSD, m 39: SOG, ship GPS, m/s 40: true wind speed, ship anemometer, m/s 41: true wind direction, ship anemometer 42: COG, ship GPS 43: SST, ship intake, deg C 44: air temperature, ship sensor, deg C 45: sea surface saturation specific humidity, from ship SST, g/kg 46: air specific humidity, from ship RH, g/kg 47: solar downwelling radiative flux, ship Epply PSP, W/m2 48: IR downwelling radiative flux, ship Epply PIR, W/m2 49: CO2 covariance flux, Licor - NOT COMPUTED 50: air specific humidity, from PSD Licor, g/kg 51: std dev air specific humidity, from PSD Licor, g/kg 52: CO2 concentration, PSD Licor, umol/mol 53: std dev of CO2 concentration, PSD Licor, umol/mol 54: atmospheric pressure @ 10m, PSD Vaisala, mbar 55: true wind speed, PSD sonic, m/s 56: true wind direction, PSD sonic 57: net IR radiative flux, W/m2 58: net heat flux, bulk model, W/m2 59: net heat flux, turbulent hs & hl, W/m2 60: sensible heat flux, covariance, UH R2 sonic, W/m2 61: sensible heat flux, inertial dissipation, UH R2 sonic, W/m2 62: streamwise wind stress, covariance, UH R2 sonic, N/m2 63: cross-stream wind stress, covariance, UH R2 sonic, N/m2 64: wind stress, inertial dissipation, UH R2 sonic, N/m2 65: ct^2 structure function parameter, UH R2 sonic 66: cu^2 structure function parameter, UH R2 sonic 67: cw^2 structure function parameter, UH R2 sonic 2014_11_HiWinGS_met_hr_v3.txt 2014_11_HiWinGS_met_10min_v3.txt variable description doy Decimal yearday (UTC) lat Latitude lon Longitude sog GPS speed over ground, m/s cog GPS course over ground, deg heading Ship heading, deg cspd Ocean current velocity @ 14m depth, m/s cdir Ocean current direction @ 14m depth, deg wspd True wind speed @ 10m relative to earth, m/s wdir True wind direction relative to earth, deg wspdr Wind speed @ 10m relative to sea surface, m/s wdirr Wind direction relative to sea surface, deg rdir Relative wind direction, +/- 180 deg pair Barometric pressure @ 10m, mb rh Relative humidity @ 10m tair Air temperature @ 10m, C qair Air specific humidity @ 10m, g/kg tsea Ship ocean temperature @ 5m depth, C sst Sea surface temperature from tsea minus cool skin, C solar Downwelling solar radiation, W/m2 ir Downwelling IR flux, W/m2 pcp Rain rate, mm/hr