Instrument Make and Model: Biospherical Surface PAR QSR2200 S/N: 20313 Calibration Date: 20 February 2013 Installation: 02 Deck Port side, near frame () RAW datafile: dsLog time stamp: MET 2013/04/01 13:05:10.267 PAR *+00157.92 MET Meteorological Sensor 2013/04/01 date in gmt 13:05:10.267 time in gmt PAR data collected using Surface PAR sensor data *+00157.92 (this data in millivolts) Notes: In the shipboard UDP broadcasts, datascreen.db and the csv files, SPAR is being converted to units in microEinsteins per the calibration coefficients provided by biospherical following the most recent calibration. Only in the .PAR files are the raw millivolt values coming out of the instrument provided.