Instrument Make and Model: Eppley Precision Infrared Radiometer (PIR) S/N: LS#1 Calibration Date: 6 July 2013 Installation: aft center of MET mast 15.5 meters above waterline RAW datafile: dsLog time stamp: MET 2013/01/16 15:17:41.320 LWR MET Meteorological Sensor 2013/01/26 date in gmt 18:15:36.383 time in gmt LWR data collected using Long Radiation Sensor data 290.91 288.44 -33.6 393.9 290.91 288.44 -33.6 393.9 Data Parsed: 290.91 dome temperature (K), 288.44 body temperature (K), -33.6 thermopile voltage (V), 393.9 longwave radiation flux (W/m^2) Notes: ASIMET documentation: The LWR is an Eppley PIR with a LWR ASIMET front end PC card.