Instrument: Applanix POS/MV Motion Reference Unit. (MRU) S/N: 479 Calibration Date: N/A Installation: ~2002 RAW datafile: MRU 2013/07/23 20:00:02.077 POSMV :090048 0013F-0067 0035 dsLog time stamp: MRU 2013/07/23 20:00:02.077 MRU Motion Reference Unit 2013/07/23 date in gmt 20:00:02.077 time in gmt POSMV data collected with POSMV MRU. data :090048 0013F-0067 0035 Start of packet : Hor acc 09 (.9 cm/sec^2) Vert. acc 0048 (.48 cm/sec^2) space Heave (+)0013 (13 cm) Status Flag F (see below) Roll -0067 (-00.67 degrees) space Pitch (+)0035 (.35 degrees) Notes: Format Format TSS1 consists of five fields and contains 27 ASCII characters. Each record begins with a start character and ends with the two-character carriage-return line-feed sequence. All fields contain measurements in real-world units - POS MV supplies acceleration measurements in ASCII coded hexadecimal values and heave, roll and pitch as ASCII coded decimal values. POS MV supplies information in the following format: XXAAAASMHHHHQMRRRRSMPPPP Table 22: TSS1 Output Format Field, Def, Value, Units (If Applicable) : Start 3A hex ASCII XX Hor. acc. 0 to +9.81 cm/s2 AAAA Vert. acc 0 to +40.96 cm/s2 S Space 20 hex ASCII MHHHH Heave -99 to +99 Meters Q Status See below MRRRR Roll -90 to +90 Degrees MPPPP Pitch -90 to +90 Degrees Cr/Lf hex ASCII Guide to "Q" status: U = Unaided Mode - Settled Condition u = Unaided Mode - Settling G = GPS Aided Mode - Settled Condition g = GPS Aided Mode - Settling H = Heading Aided Mode - Settled Condition h = Heading Aided Mode - Settling F = Full Aided Mode - Settled Condition f = Full Aided Mode - Settling -See acompanying pdf as well.